On June 08 2012 12:20 BlueBird. wrote: Can someone on here get me the act 4 ishtakul waypoint on NA servers, I'm stuck on act 3? I could use it to farm on my barb, pm me for my blizz id.
Iskatu? That's the worst spelling error I've seen in a while...
Also, what difficulty?
lol ive never actually looked at his name carefully idk why i thought that was his name, the first boss in act 4, stuck on act 3 cant get to him right now.
don't trade with anyone unless you want risk getting scammed. happy that D3 has AH and mostly removes having to deal with idiots.
Or they can show you the item, wait until you accept the money and change it with the same looking item but worse stats. So you get another item but pay overprice for it
On June 08 2012 13:26 Amui wrote: I honestly have no idea why blizzard did not put gear check mobs for ranged hero's. All they had to do was make a mob with a ranged, instantaneous attack, that fired fairly quickly and did 20k-50k base damage, that was fairly common. With 80% DR(not hard to get), it'd be 4-10k, which will be fairly easily tanked. My DH with 500k of blues(300k weapon), 15k hp, 100 resist all(from my monk gear) and 33k damage before sharpshooter shouldn't die less than my monk did in Act II (Act 1 was basically dodge the environmental hazards).
That doesn't sound fun at all.
Well I'm just thinking up ways to put in gear checks for ranged characters, because right now I'd have no more difficulty doing act 2 in 0vit/0resist gear as a demon hunter. My micro I'd rate as above average, but nowhere near perfect, and even then I can outmicro every single mob in act 2 up until maghda, (including the thralls, you can SS it with good latency and reflexes). Will report later as I encounter more invis snakes, although those can be dodged with proper SS timing.
Don't worry, it gets harder.
Not really, not compared to how much harder it gets for melee (and witch doctors). Apart from Rakanoth where you need a tank, I don't see any real hurdles. I rerolled a DH and he is just easier to be play, more effective, and cheaper to gear up than anything else.
But the next patch will be a straight up buff to melee. Source and a good read for everyone:
It does get harder though, which is what I was saying. Nothing to do with melee classes. For example, Belial is much more challenging than the start of Act 2.
You definitely don't need a tank for Rakanoth. What does a tank do on that fight? I died a few times, and then added Rain of Vengeance with the stun rune to my build and beat him on the second try. The key on this fight is to stay very far away and listen to the sounds to predict when he teleports. He usually won't spawn adds if you're far enough.
If you have a counterspell to the teleport hit (like diamond skin with high resists) it's not impossible to avoid the one shot. He only does it when he has adds out so you can see it coming.
On June 08 2012 13:26 Amui wrote: I honestly have no idea why blizzard did not put gear check mobs for ranged hero's. All they had to do was make a mob with a ranged, instantaneous attack, that fired fairly quickly and did 20k-50k base damage, that was fairly common. With 80% DR(not hard to get), it'd be 4-10k, which will be fairly easily tanked. My DH with 500k of blues(300k weapon), 15k hp, 100 resist all(from my monk gear) and 33k damage before sharpshooter shouldn't die less than my monk did in Act II (Act 1 was basically dodge the environmental hazards).
That doesn't sound fun at all.
Well I'm just thinking up ways to put in gear checks for ranged characters, because right now I'd have no more difficulty doing act 2 in 0vit/0resist gear as a demon hunter. My micro I'd rate as above average, but nowhere near perfect, and even then I can outmicro every single mob in act 2 up until maghda, (including the thralls, you can SS it with good latency and reflexes). Will report later as I encounter more invis snakes, although those can be dodged with proper SS timing.
Don't worry, it gets harder.
Not really, not compared to how much harder it gets for melee (and witch doctors). Apart from Rakanoth where you need a tank, I don't see any real hurdles. I rerolled a DH and he is just easier to be play, more effective, and cheaper to gear up than anything else.
But the next patch will be a straight up buff to melee. Source and a good read for everyone:
It does get harder though, which is what I was saying. Nothing to do with melee classes. For example, Belial is much more challenging than the start of Act 2.
You definitely don't need a tank for Rakanoth. What does a tank do on that fight? I died a few times, and then added Rain of Vengeance with the stun rune to my build and beat him on the second try. The key on this fight is to stay very far away and listen to the sounds to predict when he teleports. He usually won't spawn adds if you're far enough.
Proper tanking makes him trivially easy, on my kill I just straight up shot at him and never even moved until he was dead. I agree about Belial being harder than clearing act 2, but it doesn't keep scaling like that. The bosses in act 3 are a joke, in act 4 they aren't hard either, only Rakanoth gave me problems so I did him in coop. And while mobs do much more damage each act, I found act 4 actually easier to get through than act 2 or 3 because it has such wide open spaces that you can max range everything, and impossible champion packs can be parked somewhere and bypassed.
On June 08 2012 15:42 UniversalSnip wrote: If you have a counterspell to the teleport hit (like diamond skin with high resists) it's not impossible to avoid the one shot. He only does it when he has adds out so you can see it coming.
Not true one game he teleported on me at the start of the game, no adds.
On June 08 2012 13:26 Amui wrote: I honestly have no idea why blizzard did not put gear check mobs for ranged hero's. All they had to do was make a mob with a ranged, instantaneous attack, that fired fairly quickly and did 20k-50k base damage, that was fairly common. With 80% DR(not hard to get), it'd be 4-10k, which will be fairly easily tanked. My DH with 500k of blues(300k weapon), 15k hp, 100 resist all(from my monk gear) and 33k damage before sharpshooter shouldn't die less than my monk did in Act II (Act 1 was basically dodge the environmental hazards).
That doesn't sound fun at all.
Well I'm just thinking up ways to put in gear checks for ranged characters, because right now I'd have no more difficulty doing act 2 in 0vit/0resist gear as a demon hunter. My micro I'd rate as above average, but nowhere near perfect, and even then I can outmicro every single mob in act 2 up until maghda, (including the thralls, you can SS it with good latency and reflexes). Will report later as I encounter more invis snakes, although those can be dodged with proper SS timing.
Don't worry, it gets harder.
Not really, not compared to how much harder it gets for melee (and witch doctors). Apart from Rakanoth where you need a tank, I don't see any real hurdles. I rerolled a DH and he is just easier to be play, more effective, and cheaper to gear up than anything else.
But the next patch will be a straight up buff to melee. Source and a good read for everyone:
It does get harder though, which is what I was saying. Nothing to do with melee classes. For example, Belial is much more challenging than the start of Act 2.
You definitely don't need a tank for Rakanoth. What does a tank do on that fight? I died a few times, and then added Rain of Vengeance with the stun rune to my build and beat him on the second try. The key on this fight is to stay very far away and listen to the sounds to predict when he teleports. He usually won't spawn adds if you're far enough.
Proper tanking makes him trivially easy, on my kill I just straight up shot at him and never even moved until he was dead. I agree about Belial being harder than clearing act 2, but it doesn't keep scaling like that. The bosses in act 3 are a joke, in act 4 they aren't hard either, only Rakanoth gave me problems so I did him in coop. And while mobs do much more damage each act, I found act 4 actually easier to get through than act 2 or 3 because it has such wide open spaces that you can max range everything, and impossible champion packs can be parked somewhere and bypassed.
I dunno, the progression feels fine to me and I definitely notice that later areas can be tough with bad gear but they get easier after I upgrade, which is to me is much better than a hard gear check. I really hate the idea of unavoidable damage and I still think that would be a terrible solution.
Anyone else having huge problems with the AH today? I've got two items that can't sell because of error 31073 (selling and rebuying to NPC doesn't seem to work anymore) and some gold that I can't send to my stash.
On June 08 2012 19:45 ZerG~LegenD wrote: Anyone else having huge problems with the AH today? I've got two items that can't sell because of error 31073 (selling and rebuying to NPC doesn't seem to work anymore) and some gold that I can't send to my stash.
AH wont let me buy anything from it god damnit i need my upgrades!
On June 08 2012 19:45 ZerG~LegenD wrote: Anyone else having huge problems with the AH today? I've got two items that can't sell because of error 31073 (selling and rebuying to NPC doesn't seem to work anymore) and some gold that I can't send to my stash.
Yeah I have a bunch of money sitting in my completed tab, but I can't do anything with it =(. Haven't posted anything in the last 4 or 5 hours though so idk. Best way to fix economy though, leave all the money in limbo!
On June 08 2012 12:20 BlueBird. wrote: Can someone on here get me the act 4 ishtakul waypoint on NA servers, I'm stuck on act 3? I could use it to farm on my barb, pm me for my blizz id.
Iskatu? That's the worst spelling error I've seen in a while...
Also, what difficulty?
lol ive never actually looked at his name carefully idk why i thought that was his name, the first boss in act 4, stuck on act 3 cant get to him right now.
Im on inferno
Ah, I can't help you with that difficulty; not at that stage yet ^^ good luck though!
On June 08 2012 19:45 ZerG~LegenD wrote: Anyone else having huge problems with the AH today? I've got two items that can't sell because of error 31073 (selling and rebuying to NPC doesn't seem to work anymore) and some gold that I can't send to my stash.
AH wont let me buy anything from it god damnit i need my upgrades!
I just signed in to D3 and there was a D3 update saying they were currently working on the AH. It's actually down for me.
On June 08 2012 13:26 Amui wrote: I honestly have no idea why blizzard did not put gear check mobs for ranged hero's. All they had to do was make a mob with a ranged, instantaneous attack, that fired fairly quickly and did 20k-50k base damage, that was fairly common. With 80% DR(not hard to get), it'd be 4-10k, which will be fairly easily tanked. My DH with 500k of blues(300k weapon), 15k hp, 100 resist all(from my monk gear) and 33k damage before sharpshooter shouldn't die less than my monk did in Act II (Act 1 was basically dodge the environmental hazards).
Just imagine a pack of those at the entrance of an area: enter area --> oneshot --> start new game.
On June 08 2012 15:42 UniversalSnip wrote: If you have a counterspell to the teleport hit (like diamond skin with high resists) it's not impossible to avoid the one shot. He only does it when he has adds out so you can see it coming.
By high resists you mean colossal resists, for the most part his damage is beyond anything 20k reduction can do.
You can, however, just freeze him with Frost Nova mid-cast of teleport.