On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
According to sources like diablo fan sites, reddit, and kotaku most people who were there at the press conference and testing said they would be very surprised if it was released in 2011. Right now it's definitely incomplete, we will have to see at launch.
If they are intent on this RMT thing, I don't know why they are bothering with two item auction houses (1 for with gold currency one with RL money currency). Why not just have one item auction house where everything is sold for gold, and then have a separate currency exchange deal with a floating player-to-player rate of gold for real money.
In this way a player can still use either gold (buy right from AH) or real money (buy gold, then buy from AH) to get their item. Items will all be sold in the same market, reducing price fluctuations and arbitrage, and helping to increase item availability to a player using only a particular medium of exchange. And since they are already planning on letting players buy and sell gold amongst themselves, its not like it would be much of a hassle.
On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
They want it out ASAP and add content later. Fans are waiting for 4 years and they cant wait much longer...
On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
According to sources like diablo fan sites, reddit, and kotaku most people who were there at the press conference and testing said they would be very surprised if it was released in 2011. Right now it's definitely incomplete, we will have to see at launch.
I don't understand how it can still be incomplete though. They announced last Blizzcon that the 'world system' was complete. The way they said it made it sound as though basically everything minus balancing had been completed.
Anyway... on a topic besides the AH. The graphics in the game even in the newest video really seem rough around the edges. Characters alot of times arent even standing on the ground, shadows are blurry or non existent, and the character models themselves seem really substandard.
Look at the dude in this screenshot. The model is simplistic and the textures are horrible. I hope alot of this stuff is just a work in progress, or lack the final shaders that will be involved.
On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
They want it out ASAP and add content later. Fans are waiting for 4 years and they cant wait much longer...
On August 01 2011 17:28 opiemonster wrote: THEY REMOVED SKILL POINTS
ID RATHER JUST HAVE NO RESPEC +++ THIS IS BULL!@#$ 8===================D
Dear god, what special school kicked you out.
Clearly this is a good thing, it's optional, and it keeps the already VERY profitable but scam riddled illegal item sales community from Diablo 2 under wraps (not saying all communities are scam riddled, but some are)
On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
They want it out ASAP and add content later. Fans are waiting for 4 years and they cant wait much longer...
You really think it's for the fans? This is for money and staying on schedule for the rest of their release dates, the optimum time to release games is the holiday season and they aren't going to miss out on that. The old blizzard would have never released an incomplete game that required additions as the game progressed, this isn't an MMO and will most likely cost $60. Blizzards become extremely greedy. As much as I defended them when people said Activision will make them into a greedy company, I have to agree, someone has totally changed the philosophy of their company.
I'll be playing hardcore so I don't have to worry about it (11)
It's better than BoP items (2)
73 total votes
Your vote: Real Life Currency Auctionhouse?
(Vote): I won't buy Diablo 3 (Vote): I don't like it, but I'll buy anyway (Vote): I'll be playing hardcore so I don't have to worry about it (Vote): It's better than BoP items (Vote): I love the idea
What do you all think about it? I'll be playing hardcore, so as long as that quote about it not being available in hardcore more is true I could care less honestly. Maybe I'll make some money in my spare time in softcore even ^_^
On August 01 2011 17:23 RhinosDontGame wrote: They keep mentioning things not being added at launch. Does anyone else feel like they're trying to sell an incomplete game?
They want it out ASAP and add content later. Fans are waiting for 4 years and they cant wait much longer...
You really think it's for the fans? This is for money and staying on schedule for the rest of their release dates, the optimum time to release games is the holiday season and they aren't going to miss out on that. The old blizzard would have never released an incomplete game that required additions as the game progressed, this isn't an MMO and will most likely cost $60. Blizzards become extremely greedy. As much as I defended them when people said Activision will make them into a greedy company, I have to agree, someone has totally changed the philosophy of their company.
The company has changed. Blizzard was legendary for missing repeated declared release dates but then the final product was always amazing. Now it seems to be "get it out, patch it later and call the content we should have put in the original an expansion pack."
And yeah charging for items real $ really breaks the game. Makes it so someone with $200 to drop can be a pro character - that's possible in d2, but you'd have to know that you can buy stuff on sites, which 99% of casual players do not know. Good profit move for Blizzard though, stealing that entire industry, though I get the feeling taxes and legalities are going to be a huge problem for them on this.
People have been buying in-game items with real currency since Diablo 2 was released, and Blizzard has no reliable to way to stop it. A real-life AH doesn't bother me at all.
I'll play Diablo 3 just liked I played Diablo 2, and then when I stop playing for a while I can get a little extra cash on the side if I want. Seems like a plus.
Diablo has never been a competitive game, so the idea that someone can progress faster by spending doesn't bother me.
On August 01 2011 17:50 cz wrote: And yeah charging for items real $ really breaks the game. Makes it so someone with $200 to drop can be a pro character - that's possible in d2, but you'd have to know that you can buy stuff on sites, which 99% of casual players do not know. Good profit move for Blizzard though, stealing that entire industry, though I get the feeling taxes and legalities are going to be a huge problem for them on this.
Those "99%" casual characters aren't going to be the ones forking over real money for items. If someone is hardcore enough to spend real money in game, then they're probably hardcore enough to find d2jsp as well.
Also finally this skill system is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Just makes characters extremely generic: it went from being a huge possible amount of character skill builds to just being a handful: you have 2-3 skills to choose from, thats it - there will likely just become 2-3 viable possible builds per character and that's it. In d2 there were a million orb sorcesses, jabazons and so on but they were all slightly different, and there was satisfaction in putting in a new point into a skill. Now it's just "meh". That's a bad move by blizzard - it breaks part of the psychological addiction that RPGs use to keep players playing - the reward you get on leveling up and placing the skill point down, it just feels great to see the number rise.
Anyone have a clue roughly how "big" diablo 3 will be compared to diablo 2? I mean in terms of game length, essentially how long the game takes before it gets boring. WoW for example is a much larger game than Diablo 2, which can be "played out" in a month or so. Anyone got a clue on how big/long diablo 3 is going to be? Like how many Diablo II acts Diablo III will be?
I'm afraid with all this "it's an RPG, not an MMO" that Diablo 3 will be a quick playthrough and then you're done, like diablo 2 was.
I don't see the problem. There will be level restrictions on items. You cannot use RMAH in hardcore mode, only the gold currency ah. So if you're really serious then give hardcore mode a try. It's not like Diablo is a competitive game where guilds are competing for world first boss kills and they've said multiple times that the arenas will not be a focus or balanced. It's a co op dungeon crawler and nothing more.
After reading about the depth of the RMAH it's actually quite cool. You never even have to invest any real life money into it and still use it if you want. You can cash out for real money or use all you've made as battlenet currency and buy anything in the blizzard store or pay for a WoW subscription.
On August 01 2011 17:52 Tsagacity wrote: People have been buying in-game items with real currency since Diablo 2 was released, and Blizzard has no reliable to way to stop it. A real-life AH doesn't bother me at all.
I'll play Diablo 3 just liked I played Diablo 2, and then when I stop playing for a while I can get a little extra cash on the side if I want. Seems like a plus.
Diablo has never been a competitive game, so the idea that someone can progress faster by spending doesn't bother me.
On August 01 2011 17:50 cz wrote: And yeah charging for items real $ really breaks the game. Makes it so someone with $200 to drop can be a pro character - that's possible in d2, but you'd have to know that you can buy stuff on sites, which 99% of casual players do not know. Good profit move for Blizzard though, stealing that entire industry, though I get the feeling taxes and legalities are going to be a huge problem for them on this.
Those "99%" casual characters aren't going to be the ones forking over real money for items. If someone is hardcore enough to spend real money in game, then they're probably hardcore enough to find d2jsp as well.
Really disagree with that. Every kid is going to be buying items, from the 13 year old who begs his mommy for credit card money or for a new helm as an xmas gift to the 20 year old guy who wants to be the best. In fact the "dumb" players are probably going to spend the most - they are the ones who'll gladly spend their $20 allowance on a new sword.