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On June 19 2012 04:17 Requizen wrote: I think the issue here is that people have different ideas about what the word "choreography" means. On one hand, it can be used to talk about the individual moves and how they flow together, in which case KMY's is really great choreography. On the other, when talking about a group, it can also mean how the group works together to use different moves separately to make something greater than the sum of it's parts, which is something I think SNSD's videos generally do well, and the KMY one that was linked lacks because they're essentially just all doing the same dance.
Semantics and opinions, of course, but that's my $0.02
and it only took 2 page for someone to finally nail it.
Pretty much
Only 2 pages is pretty good for this thread lol. Usually it takes at least 10.
Only when it involves polls, new songs or fandom wars.
To be honest, you both are sounding pretty ridiculous. If it weren't for the body-hugging clothes, that Paparazzi video that Nesserev linked would be just average, and 'a mix of a lot of smart patterns with great transitions, big movements that have a smooth flow with subtle yet necessary details, plays on the song and impressive moments' is pretty damn exaggerated/fanboyish coming from an outsider who just watched the video. Sounds almost like a PR release.
On the contrary, Kan Miyoun's Paparazzi is boring choreography. That video you linked sucks. There's no variety and every single person is doing the exact same thing the entire time. Might as well be 1 person dancing.
That's why I find Jaewon and Rino's choreo so good. During the verses the members are split in parts doing separate moves, there's a lot of variety in pairings, and a ton of symmetry during solo parts. All of the separate moves come together in the chorus for a cohesive look, but it's not all nine doing the same thing for the entire song. The dance itself is also vastly more technically challenging than that horribly basic video you linked.
In the end, nobody's mind is getting changed so whatever. Either you like it or you don't, but seriously lol at you calling choreo by 2 of the best choreographers in the business bad.
You probably don't like synchronized swimming either.
If you think that there can only be variety in 'not everyone does the same thing' and you think it's boring that people can sync up their dancing then well, you're wrong and if you think that video I linked sucks, I'm sorry that the streaming quality of the video isn't that good cause it's impossible for a sane person to think that their dancing sucks. Oh, wait...
Wether or not Kan Mi Youn's choreography is basic or not... Choreography is not all about the fancy stuff like the stuff that SNSD tries to pull off. A lot of things happen at the same time, like for example the pairings and pairings tend to work well sometimes, but it's hard to pull them off without getting a messy dance as a result and to put it frankly they weren't able to pull it off. The choreography looks really messy at times, but I don't know wether that's because the choreography isn't optimal or because SNSD just doesn't perform it like it should be done.
Ridiculous analogy coming up: Basically, you're saying that in a restaurant, you'd pick the most exquisite dish that tastes average over the good old made-by-momma spaghetti, because it's way more fancy and more complicated to make, while the good old made-by-momma spaghetti tastes way better in the end, which is (relatively) simpler too make (still hard to refine it to that level of perfection).
You can't go around the fact that some of the transitionings are clunky and that there are a lot of dead, stale moments. I've found one play on the song and that's during Jessica's part during the bridge, with the ripple effect, but they kinda botched that one cause the ripple effect sounds so out of place.
Everyone his own taste, but I don't know if my spaghetti comes is from seventh or eigth heaven.
See, this is the sort of argument worth reading (and posting in the first place) - not exaggerating what someone else said and kicking up a fuss about it. Thank you
Significantly uninformed comments (e.g. some of my own) shouldn't be taken so seriously; or, simply taken for what they are
On June 19 2012 03:38 VirtuallyJesse wrote: Why isn't this here? Time for some real music + Show Spoiler +
Hehe, I pressed the song and ended up looking at something else. Glad I recognized the voice, indeed Kang Mi Jin Yes very good music indeed. I get so happy if I recognize voices, what an achievement! :p Also within groups I like to try doing that.
as a casual dancer of kpop, KMY's dance doesn't look ... interesting at all. it looks *good* because of the heels + hips, but it's a combination of all the basic hip moves you can do sexily plus a few arm motions.
not that kpop dance is supposed to be interesting. KMY paparazzi is cookie cutter girl kpop dancing and it's great. but anything rino does is infused with awesomeness and unexpected movements. can't go wrong with rino.