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On October 03 2010 13:50 Half wrote: why does anime suck now ~_~.
Anything you guys could recommend for a "fan" of Animes and films like Lupin, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, FLCL.
Basically stuff thats good that happens to be anime, as opposed to "good anime".
Hated stuff like Death Note. Ugh. Guess I'm not a huge fan of modern anime tropes.
Any of you ever watch Claymore and Trinity Blood? Guess I kind of like them despite being relatively campy, though i hated berserk which looked similar to Claymore.
school days is pretty good, you should definitely watch that
I feel like I'm missing something here.
School Days is horrible and I've never seen it earnestly recommended by anyone to anyone. Though if I recall it culminates in a gratifying stabbing.
I don't know much of your tastes, so just to throw some names out there: Kara no Kyoukai, Gankutsuou, Mushishi, Mnemosyne.
EDIT: Also I'm a bit mystified as to why a work being character-centric is grounds for criticism or dismissal. A brief examination of all the best remembered and studied literature and art often reveals intense and sometimes personal exploration of the human condition, often via the lenses of characters. Some anime may handle trite issues in banal ways using puerile, unreasoning, and/or flat characters, but that's no reason to assume a study of characters is fruitless.
Tell us what you enjoyed about the anime you liked. Then we may produce better recommendations than School Days.
On October 03 2010 13:50 Half wrote: why does anime suck now ~_~.
Anything you guys could recommend for a "fan" of Animes and films like Lupin, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, FLCL.
Basically stuff thats good that happens to be anime, as opposed to "good anime".
Hated stuff like Death Note. Ugh. Guess I'm not a huge fan of modern anime tropes.
Any of you ever watch Claymore and Trinity Blood? Guess I kind of like them despite being relatively campy, though i hated berserk which looked similar to Claymore.
When people recommend school days in this thread they're generally trolling.
What do you dislike about "modern" anime? Throwing out one show you dislike and then declaring you dislike a decade worth of anime is silly. What have you actually watched?
Also I'm a bit mystified as to why a work being character-centric is grounds for criticism or dismissal.
I could not agree more. Some people are totally dismissive of character-centric shows and it mystifies me.
On October 03 2010 15:16 triangle wrote: When people recommend school days in this thread they're generally being awesome.
There, fixed it for you.
If you don't like anime trope/cliches, I don't think you'll find much to your liking for the past 3 years. The anime demography has definitely changed, so you'll probably be better off revisiting stuff from the late 90's and early 2000. The lastest shows that I feel would suit a western palate would probably be darker than black (season 1 only) and Full metal alchemist brotherhood, outside of the already suggested stuff like Hellsing.
Well guys the new season is here so what are you watching?? I started with Panty & Stocking and Iron Man and gonna watch Bakuman today.
Panty & Stocking is so hilarious and really unique. Never seen anything like this in anime till now with the crude humor and wacky western style cartoonish animation and i love it. Iron Man is kinda disapointing after i saw first trailer and watching ep1 but i will still watch it because there is nothing else to watch lol. Heard Bakuman is decent at least and the manga is ongoing so gonna pick up the manga if its worth it.
I watched the first ep of Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls yesterday, its been subbed for a while but the anime only officialy starts on the 11th i think. Looks promising. It's ecchi a little bit though.
On October 04 2010 01:26 SkelA wrote: Well guys the new season is here so what are you watching?? I started with Panty & Stocking and Iron Man and gonna watch Bakuman today.
Panty & Stocking is so hilarious and really unique. Never seen anything like this in anime till now with the crude humor and wacky western style cartoonish animation and i love it. Iron Man is kinda disapointing after i saw first trailer and watching ep1 but i will still watch it because there is nothing else to watch lol. Heard Bakuman is decent at least and the manga is ongoing so gonna pick up the manga if its worth it.
Bakuman is awesome. It's an anime based on a manga about mangaka creating manga trying to get an anime.