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On October 09 2011 15:13 Owned Noob wrote: After rewatching End of Evangelion,I noticed something I noticed something that i hadn't noticed on my first watch; at the very end of the movie, Shinji chokes Asuka, but stop. After that, Asuka gives Shinji an extremely cold stare and says disgusting. Honestly, this has been bugging me for some reason, so what do you guys think about that scene? What is she trying to say to shinji?
The anime you just watched included this:
What exactly is bugging you?
well just what she was referring to by disgusting because the scene before kind of implied affection
The scene before? The last time Shinji and Asuka actually met was when he was jerking off on her while she was in a coma, right?
oh shoot thats true, it just seemed like they met because the movie was that long thanks for the clarification
On October 09 2011 15:13 Owned Noob wrote: After rewatching End of Evangelion,I noticed something I noticed something that i hadn't noticed on my first watch; at the very end of the movie, Shinji chokes Asuka, but stop. After that, Asuka gives Shinji an extremely cold stare and says disgusting. Honestly, this has been bugging me for some reason, so what do you guys think about that scene? What is she trying to say to shinji?
On October 09 2011 15:13 Owned Noob wrote: After rewatching End of Evangelion,I noticed something I noticed something that i hadn't noticed on my first watch; at the very end of the movie, Shinji chokes Asuka, but stop. After that, Asuka gives Shinji an extremely cold stare and says disgusting. Honestly, this has been bugging me for some reason, so what do you guys think about that scene? What is she trying to say to shinji?
So apparently Gundam.info forgot to simulcast Gundam AGE when it aired in Japan. Lawl, I stayed up late for nothing. However, people on /m/ watched it airing in Japan. Thoughts included things such as "That wasn't that bad", "Better than I expected it to be", "Solid first episode", and "FORGIVE ME SUNRISE! GUDNAM AGE IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE"
I'm sleepy, hopefully it will be online when I wake up.
On October 09 2011 11:09 cyberspace wrote: I haven't watched Shana 1/2 but I just watched the first episode of the new season. Is there anything super important I'm missing out on that I need to watch the previous seasons for? Based on earlier replies a lot of you didn't really enjoy the 1/2nd seasons. So don't really want to subject myself to that hehe.
Season 1 was ok, most of Season 2 was bad, but you jumping into Shana right in Season 3 without watching the first 2 is really crazy. You don't know who any of the characters are, what stuff has happened up to this point, and don't know what anything is. You can get by without watching Season 2 for the most part, but not watching Season 1? Crazy. You are essentially jumping into a show that is more than half way over, and asking if you missed anything lol
Not to mention even missing Season 2 would completely bypass critical plot details.
Go watch the first two seasons, then come back to the third. Seriously >.<
I didnt really find to much wrong with S2 either. You had the Pheles arc and then Sabrac, Ending was a bit lame maybe. There was the odd episode that dragged the plot at times, but its not like it was a waste of time as far as chara development was concerned.
As for all the supposed hate it gets, if people really disliked it that much no form of closure would make people watch season 3 and everyone who saw the first 2 seasons will watch probably watch it. Some will find room to complain as always. Its an ok show has been pretty much throughout its run.
Didn't find much wrong with season 2? Did you not watch the first 19 episodes of it? The "Pheles arc" and the Sabrac part you mentioned are like a total of 5 episodes or something. 5 decent parts of a 25 episode season is pretty bad.
I dont know. They do some schooly stuff for a bit then they teach that kid whatswith the egg to do shit, then pheles showed up, theres some Margery history thrown in some where, and then sabrac came along. Decent is a pretty relative term but objective opinions are objective I guess
so yeah Shana is the best anime ever clearly we were watching different shows.,end of discussion.
Comrade - Chirico Cuvie (VOTOMs) Comrade - Hangetsu Shinonome (Hoshi no Samidare) Comrade - Batou (Ghost in the Shell) Comrade - Satsujinki (Tsukihime) Comrade - Kurosawa (Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa) Comrade - Gun God (Notes) Comrade - Kiefer Knolles (DenYuuDen) Comrade - John Doe (Yumekui Merry) Backstabber - Rin Tohsaka (F/SN) lololol Job John - Seo Akira (Kara no Kyoukai / Tsukihime)
On October 09 2011 15:13 Owned Noob wrote: After rewatching End of Evangelion,I noticed something I noticed something that i hadn't noticed on my first watch; at the very end of the movie, Shinji chokes Asuka, but stop. After that, Asuka gives Shinji an extremely cold stare and says disgusting. Honestly, this has been bugging me for some reason, so what do you guys think about that scene? What is she trying to say to shinji?
She actually says "kimochii warui" which is an idiom that has a bunch of different nuances other than just disgusting. The first google search results explains it--particularly in relation to Eva.
If you have time and want more Eva, I recommend you read the Evangelion Re-Take doujin (all ages version). It's sorta like what Muv-luv Alternative is to Muv-luv. I guess YMMV though.
I see a lot of Dies Irae in that list. Have you tried KKK yet? Someone described it as "the chuu2 sequel to the most chuu2 eroge that's even more chuu2".
WTF happen?! Shit just got serious. It like the pilot episode just got reverse. This anime is starting to get pretty dark. Considering that they already started by showing blood and the action isnt bad either although it still kinda confusing it not that bad. How the hell did a so seemly slice of life comedy turn into this? Anyways, ill continue to hope that the story continues to progress in this direction.
On October 10 2011 00:57 SheaR619 wrote: C^3 episode 2 + Show Spoiler +
WTF happen?! Shit just got serious. It like the pilot episode just got reverse. This anime is starting to get pretty dark. Considering that they already started by showing blood and the action isnt bad either although it still kinda confusing it not that bad. How the hell did a so seemly slice of life comedy turn into this? Anyways, ill continue to hope that the story continues to progress in this direction.
I thought it was kinda obvious that it would be dark. That OP didn't seem like something from some lighthearted SoL. Not to mention, the lead female is voiced by Yukarin. She doesn't do anime like that...btw Char #1 principal.
I have HIGH hopes for this anime now, and I'm really glad I stuck with it.