On June 18 2015 21:24 Kenpark wrote: Do we know if Melisandre performed some kind of "magic" with the help of the sac of Stannis' daughter ? Like clearing the weather or sth, so they can walk on winterfell ?
I think that was explicitly left open. It is implied that she causes the snow to melt, and you can see her smiling that the icicles are melting. However, as with burning the leeches, there is no reason to ascribe the events to her magic. It might have been coincidence (or for the case of leeches, she might have seen the deaths in the flames already and simply called it). The only magic that can really be ascribed to Melissandre is Renly's shadow assassin: the rest could be equally well done by any good and somewhat lucky charlatan.
On the other hand, there are other clues that magic is possible, including R'hllor's brand of fire magic: Thoros of Myr resurrected Beric Dondarrion using what he claims is fire magic. So maybe everything Melissandre did was real.
If I where in D&D's shoes and assuming John Snow is coming back from the dead, I'd (1) minimise the number of scenes Kit is in for next season, (2) shoot all of his scenes during the shooting for this season and then (3) get him to accept a big role in a movie to really sell the idea that he is gone for good.
Not sure how effective that last point would be though, considering the actor for Dany is also playing a big role in the new terminator movie.
Big part of the Northern plot, only person with his knowledge of the walkers is Sam who's useless. He's also the only one who's developed any sort of relationship with the wildlings.
Mystery of his parentage is central to the show.
Melisandre saw Stannis was doomed and fled immediately for her next best option to stop the Walkers (it's definitely not Davos though he'd be a perfect right hand for Jon). Wouldn't be surprised if Jon's eyes open next season to see Melisandre giving him a reserection.
The watch limits what he can do and where he can go but he's too honourable to break his vows (except for hot redheads). Now that technically 'his watch has ended' he's free to take on Littlefinger/Bolton without compromising his honour and will be a rallying cry for stark-loyal families as well as the wildlings (who will see the watch's betrayal as a sign of Jon's worthiness).
On June 19 2015 17:19 Scarecrow wrote: He has to come back:
There's no winter without Snow.
Big part of the Northern plot, only person with his knowledge of the walkers is Sam who's useless. He's also the only one who's developed any sort of relationship with the wildlings.
Mystery of his parentage is central to the show.
Melisandre saw Stannis was doomed and fled immediately for her next best option to stop the Walkers (it's definitely not Davos though he'd be a perfect right hand for Jon). Wouldn't be surprised if Jon's eyes open next season to see Melisandre giving him a reserection.
The watch limits what he can do and where he can go but he's too honourable to break his vows (except for hot redheads). Now that technically 'his watch has ended' he's free to take on Littlefinger/Bolton without compromising his honour and will be a rallying cry for stark-loyal families as well as the wildlings (who will see the watch's betrayal as a sign of Jon's worthiness).
I never thought of that "loophole". This would be indeed very funny. However, if you apply the same logic to other rules and laws you would probably get some strange results.
Syrio Forel was supposedly killed by Meryn Trant but I always assumed he was still alive. Since he was from Bravos I thought he might be a faceless man and killed Meryn Trant and took over his personage all this time. When he almost got killed I thought he would reveal himself to Arya. I was a bit dissapointed that didn't happen.
On June 20 2015 00:16 Jandos wrote: Are we allowed to discuss Jon's parents here ? Because there are videos about it all over the internet (not mentioning books at all, just the show.)
On June 20 2015 00:16 Jandos wrote: Are we allowed to discuss Jon's parents here ? Because there are videos about it all over the internet (not mentioning books at all, just the show.)
Please don't. If people want to find out they are free to google what's out there, but keep it from this thread please.
Any speculation on what is going to happen to Davos? I don't really see anything he can do at the Wall, so I assume he'll leave it and go somewhere else, but where? With Stannis presumed dead (to him at least) and Shireen burnt to a crisp, does he have anyone left? I'm thinking he'll pull a Tyrion and just leave Westeros behind forever, and go help out Dany.
I'm reading now he has a wife, so I guess he could go back to her? Don't really see how that would do anything meaningful with his character though.
On June 20 2015 04:41 Cloud9157 wrote: Any speculation on what is going to happen to Davos? I don't really see anything he can do at the Wall, so I assume he'll leave it and go somewhere else, but where? With Stannis presumed dead (to him at least) and Shireen burnt to a crisp, does he have anyone left? I'm thinking he'll pull a Tyrion and just leave Westeros behind forever, and go help out Dany.
I'm reading now he has a wife, so I guess he could go back to her? Don't really see how that would do anything meaningful with his character though.
I recommend everyone to stay away from the book thread.
There are cast news, and it seems that the side plots that were left out are gonna come into season 6, so if you don't wanna be spoiled stay away.
I just don't understand why they were left out... I think that DnD killed so many characters now so they don't have to spend so many money on actors, there are some new ones to come, and the Hardhorne battle and big dragons must be crazy expensive.