On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
LotR looked amazing and even had geography porn at times. But it was like a video game world. Every country has one king, the kings family, maybe a leader of the army. But no court. And no court politics. Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle however make the proceedings in King's Landing real to me.
Also Edoras, the capital of Rohan, looked tiny. Minas Tirith was a real city, Edoras was like a fortified village.
On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
LotR looked amazing and even had geography porn at times. But it was like a video game world. Every country has one king, the kings family, maybe a leader of the army. But no court. And no court politics. Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle however make the proceedings in King's Landing real to me.
Also Edoras, the capital of Rohan, looked tiny. Minas Tirith was a real city, Edoras was like a fortified village.
The scenery shots of LotR were outstanding, no question. The set and CGI scenes though look horribly outdated by now. Everything is so .. empty and desolate everywhere CGI is used. In the end I feel the wide angle shots of Minas Tirith achieved less than the incredibly detailed sets of GoT with a CGI Red Keep in the background.
On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
LotR looked amazing and even had geography porn at times. But it was like a video game world. Every country has one king, the kings family, maybe a leader of the army. But no court. And no court politics. Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle however make the proceedings in King's Landing real to me.
Also Edoras, the capital of Rohan, looked tiny. Minas Tirith was a real city, Edoras was like a fortified village.
I'd guess you could reason that Edoras is small because the rohirrim are more or less nomads, following their herds around the country. It is more of a fortified village, and that's because the people of the country don't live in cities as much as their southern counterparts.
Another thing to consider is LotR is 9 hours of footage with a 300 million budget, and GoT which according to wiki had a 90 million budget for the first season (also about 9 hours of footage).
Rohan dont want to fight in a fortified position if they can help it, their entire military is based around fast moving cavalry. Gondor follow a more traditional medieval men at arms and knights style of combat and as such cities suit them better to defend.
Don't forget its hard to go into intricate detail of politics in a 3 part movie series when you have everything else to get done. This is the advantage of the show style for something like GoT.
On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
LotR looked amazing and even had geography porn at times. But it was like a video game world. Every country has one king, the kings family, maybe a leader of the army. But no court. And no court politics. Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle however make the proceedings in King's Landing real to me.
Also Edoras, the capital of Rohan, looked tiny. Minas Tirith was a real city, Edoras was like a fortified village.
The scenery shots of LotR were outstanding, no question. The set and CGI scenes though look horribly outdated by now. Everything is so .. empty and desolate everywhere CGI is used. In the end I feel the wide angle shots of Minas Tirith achieved less than the incredibly detailed sets of GoT with a CGI Red Keep in the background.
I cant even remember those incredibly detailed sets of the Red Keep. I do remember Minas Tirith very vividly though. Game of Thrones is a decent show but you shouldnt try to compare it to a blockbuster movie thats just out of their league in so many ways not just budgetwise.
On June 15 2014 13:23 lilopuppy wrote: Sorry man, but I agree with the "trolls". I mainly watch the show for the acting, nothing else.
The f*ck is wrong with you? Has there ever been a better lookin fantasy series or movies than GoT? The cinematography alone could keep me watching, and you add in acting AND the possibilty of dragons vs zombies? Really only acting? If tha were the case just watch The Wire where there is no cinematography, no directing, no art stuff, just writing and im kidding the wire is pretty good. But its no xena warrior princess, which is no buffy the vampire slayer which is no x files which is no dr who which is no seinfeld. God im exstatical for this finale. Omg i want to like start up a new futures perfect campaign Cause they gonna use anoher magic trick and reverse time to save oberyne and ygritte right
I'll agree with you on series, but the LotR films have amazing cinematography and is arguably better looking (but the budget onthat was immense). I say arguably because you might prefer the gritty GoT style over the more clean LotR.
LotR looked amazing and even had geography porn at times. But it was like a video game world. Every country has one king, the kings family, maybe a leader of the army. But no court. And no court politics. Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle however make the proceedings in King's Landing real to me.
Also Edoras, the capital of Rohan, looked tiny. Minas Tirith was a real city, Edoras was like a fortified village.
The scenery shots of LotR were outstanding, no question. The set and CGI scenes though look horribly outdated by now. Everything is so .. empty and desolate everywhere CGI is used. In the end I feel the wide angle shots of Minas Tirith achieved less than the incredibly detailed sets of GoT with a CGI Red Keep in the background.
Part of it really is just that fantasy film-making and CGI tech has improved in the decade or so since, but also TV vs Film medium. The former just has far more room for world-building and secondary/tertiary characters, while films have no choice but to condense as much as possible.
The lords and realms of men are far more fleshed out in the LotR books as well (..and yes, the ASOIAF books has loads more characters than the TV show; a characteristic of the medium), but are necessarily are ignored in the movies. For instance, the muster of Gondor and of the lords of the Southern fiefs was extremely well-fleshed out in the book for instance, but was left out of the movies entirely due to time constraints. No Swan Knights, no Prince Imrahil, no Forlong the Fat or Hirluin the Fair, etc., and similar such details were left out or drastically simplified for the Rohirrim in the movies as well (Eomer taking the role of Erkenbrand during Helms Deep, and leading the relief instead of defending the keep, etc.).
And of course, LotR was the progenitor of the high fantasy genre and a trilogy of books, with the majority of the world-building done in the appendix or posthumous publications such as the Silmarilion. ASOIAF/Game of Thrones benefits from decades of fantasy genre development; and with at least twice as many books to its name, can afford to pack in more detail and world-building.
My username demands that I at least attempt a defense of the LotR franchise.
On June 15 2014 22:40 Dunmer wrote: Rohan dont want to fight in a fortified position if they can help it, their entire military is based around fast moving cavalry. Gondor follow a more traditional medieval men at arms and knights style of combat and as such cities suit them better to defend.
Don't forget its hard to go into intricate detail of politics in a 3 part movie series when you have everything else to get done. This is the advantage of the show style for something like GoT.
Also, Gondor is supposed to have had a great ancient golden day, but Rohan never really did. In the present day of LOTR, there has been a massive drop in human population from what it used to be; Aragorn laments that Gondor used to have a vanguard 10 times the size of the entire army we see in the battle at the Black Gate (but doesn't mention the armies of Balrogs used by the bad guys back then). I think we're supposed to think that Minas Tirith was built to house an enormous population, and is now used mostly as a shelter for people fleeing from Osgiliath etc.
GOT Talk:
HYYPE! Okay: so here's what happens: Bran gets to the tree, finds out that it lets him shoot fireballs out of his hands, because the Old Gods are tight with the Red God / Ahura Mazda, and as everything looks hopeless for Jon Snow, Danny shows up and says "I know you were all getting tired of the Essos plotline, so here I am!" They defeat the white walkers, Jon turns out to be the child of a secret marriage between Lyanna Stark and Rob Baratheon, and he marries Danny, and her crazy balances out with his boring and they become likable.
5,000 years later, the people of Westeros develop nuclear weapons and bomb one another out of existence, to the amusement of the fire god who always just wanted to watch the world burn.