SPOILER WARNING If you only watch the show, this thread will spoil you of future events in HBO's Game of Thrones. Thread contains discussion of all books of the series A Song of Ice and FireClick Here for the spoiler-free thread. |
+ Show Spoiler +Wow, lmfao it was 2/3rd of the show's sandsnakes who somehow made it onto Trystane's ship and kill him. Jesus christ, ignoring how bad that is (storyline-wise), but these girls got some Goku instant transmission shit.
Eh opening episode. I do believe this season will pick up quite nicely though.
The sand snakes have zero claim on the throne. How in the fuck will the other houses fall in line with them. If all the Martells are dead then there will be mutiny. Some Prince's whore is not going to become the supreme leader by murdering the previous one. Why in the god damn fuck did the guards not side with their fucking lord? Did she individually convince each one that it's a good idea to go to war right now? And that big black guy didn't put up any god damn fight. Just go to show: in GoT it's better to kill your enemies than forgive them. Ellaria sand should have been dead a long time ago.
Only complaint I have is the same as you guys, the Dorne plot seems odd. I wish they just never did it at this rate, I didn't find it that interesting in the books either, but now it's like a shitfest haha.
Otherwise I liked the episode, god damn next episode looks like we might see what happens to Snow! Hurry up next sunday...
On April 25 2016 11:12 Hyperbola wrote: Just go to show: in GoT it's better to kill your enemies than forgive them. Ellaria sand should have been dead a long time ago. + Show Spoiler + It's weird because, I don't ever remember Ellaria being this bloodthirsty before. Iirc, she didn't want any revenge whatsoever.
On April 25 2016 11:19 sung_moon wrote:Show nested quote +On April 25 2016 11:12 Hyperbola wrote: Just go to show: in GoT it's better to kill your enemies than forgive them. Ellaria sand should have been dead a long time ago. + Show Spoiler + It's weird because, I don't ever remember Ellaria being this bloodthirsty before. Iirc, she didn't want any revenge whatsoever.
Well maybe not so much in the books. In the show she insults Doran to his face and even attempts to kill the Marcella (the first time.) Doran just lets them all go. No punishment. What a shitty prince. Ask yourself "What would Tywin do?" and do that.
On April 25 2016 11:19 sung_moon wrote:Show nested quote +On April 25 2016 11:12 Hyperbola wrote: Just go to show: in GoT it's better to kill your enemies than forgive them. Ellaria sand should have been dead a long time ago. + Show Spoiler + It's weird because, I don't ever remember Ellaria being this bloodthirsty before. Iirc, she didn't want any revenge whatsoever.
+ Show Spoiler +In season 5 she wanted war and shit. In the books she isnt really like that. Season 4 she was horrifyed by skull crush but no revenge want.
+ Show Spoiler +I'm not sure why we're using spoilers but anyway, that's probably because Arianne doesn't exist in the show so Ellaria is getting some of her part and characteristics. Arianne is also of the bloodline so this might make more sense.
I don't even see what the point of Dorne is with a story line that butchered. Might as well just cut it all together.
On April 25 2016 11:12 Hyperbola wrote: The sand snakes have zero claim on the throne. How in the fuck will the other houses fall in line with them. If all the Martells are dead then there will be mutiny. Some Prince's whore is not going to become the supreme leader by murdering the previous one. Why in the god damn fuck did the guards not side with their fucking lord? Did she individually convince each one that it's a good idea to go to war right now? And that big black guy didn't put up any god damn fight. Just go to show: in GoT it's better to kill your enemies than forgive them. Ellaria sand should have been dead a long time ago. Completely agree with everything you wrote. As you pointed out in the other thread the sandsnakes apparently can teleport as well. I mean sure, i get that these writers aren't as skilled as GRRM, but cmon if that is the best you can come up with you simply are too bad to work for HBO/GoT
Holy shit @ the Dorne scene...
this series has gone off the rails and into some bizarre dimension. Really fucking lame how Doran and Hotah went out. Thought there'd be a bit more to them this season.
Also where's that Kingsmoot? How is Euron going to make it in time if he's with Jorah + Show Spoiler +
Book reader or not, this was a shit premiere. Totally boring ep and even the dialogue felt below the usual standard.
I award it a 3/10
Trystane getting a spear through the head was awesome though
On April 25 2016 15:48 FrostedMiniWheats wrote:Holy shit @ the Dorne scene... this series has gone off the rails and into some bizarre dimension. Really fucking lame how Doran and Hotah went out. Thought there'd be a bit more to them this season. Also where's that Kingsmoot? How is Euron going to make it in time if he's with Jorah + Show Spoiler +== Book reader or not, this was a shit premiere. Totally boring ep and even the dialogue felt below the usual standard. I award it a 3/10 Trystane getting a spear through the head was awesome though Feels like they're just throwing in as much blood and betrayal they can squeeze in one episode now. I know it's where the series got its draw, but it's lazy writing that's making watching GoT a drag. The books know how to balance these things out far better and has a lot more sense behind them at least. Every character is turning into this awful caricature or one-dimensional person with no nuance, which is missing the whole point of the series.
Overall, the episode was passable. Tepid.
I literally raised my hands in the air and did the Jackie Chan face when Ellaria and the Sand Snakes killed Doran and Aero Hotah. Areo freaking Hotah, the super badass warrior, 250lbs 6'6, dies from a tiny dagger in the shoulder blade. Instantly. I laughed out loud when that happened. She stabs him below the shoulder with a 5 cm knife, and he drops to the floor one second after. Hilarious.
I have to say, I hope they don't focus on Dorne whatsoever. I don't know what they're going to do with it, but I think it's safe to say there is no redeeming the story. It's been horrible and it ended horribly.
It's those kinds of scenes that make me lose faith in the quality of GoT over time. They have proven that when it comes to adapting GRRM's written material, they know exactly what to do and how to do it, but as soon as they are required to make up their own storylines, the show becomes abysmal. Qarth in S2, Dreadfort in S4, Dorne in S5, etc. All really bad scenes and/or stories.
Anyway, we'll see. I don't feel bad about watching the show over waiting for the books anymore; I'm confident that GRRM will tell the story as it was meant to be, with infinitely better writing.
Admittedly I did enjoy the scenes in the North, particularly the opening scene
But holy shit that Dorne scene...Overall this episode left much to be desired (ToJ, Euron etc).
Still think Davos and Tormund can carry this season :D
I'm not sure if we're supposed to spoiler show talk here now.
+ Show Spoiler +Dorne was incredibly stupid. Doran turns out to be just some retard with no real plan to avenge his family. The sand snakes are poorly executed. Rest of the episode was just underwhelming and had little story progress, but the Dorne scene was really pretty bad. I'm looking forward to more exciting stuff in the future episodes, like ToJ flashback and Jon's resurrection.
Still don't understand how/why Obara and Nym are in KL
I didn't want to believe it but it's true. When D&D have to write their own material it's absolute horseshit. The first seasons were absolute bliss because everything had been written down by martin already, they literally copied dialogue line for line and it was the best TV I had ever seen.
What an excuse for an episode.
I absolutely detest what they've done to jaime lannister. He's supposed to undergo this massive change in his character, he finally realizes how childish, careless and vengeful Cersei is. I loved reading about the siege of riverrun and the way he finally learns that he's more than his just his sword hand.
+ Show Spoiler + Today we learn that Jaime's still infatuated by Cersei. "Fuck prophecy, fuck fate, fuck everyone who isn't us." I can't imagine the real Jaime to be so conceited and blind anymore.
People overemphasize showcasing the current writer's incompetence by mentioning the Dorne storyline. I would definitely say that Stannis' storyline after he leaves the Wall sinks equally as low. Why not just fall on your own sword if you want to commit suicide?
His entire plans foiled by the House of 20 good men.
Brienne's storyline is becoming laughable as well. She's become this invincible warrior who could put spider man to shame on his spider sense.
+ Show Spoiler + Killing Stannis and rescuing Sansa, all in a day's work lmao. She elected to kill stannis, which is already beggars believe considering they show him marching disorganized into an army of cavalry without any pikemen.
How would she know Sansa lit a candle in the broken tower, she wasn't there to see it. How would she know Sansa has escaped winterfell? How would she be able to find Sansa and Theon when the Bolton's need hounds to track them down? Did she inconspicuously tag along with the Bolton's party? Or just stayed far enough out of range?
Then the fight happens, where did the hounds go? Admittedly I'm not an expert on hounds, but I would wager that tracking hounds are also used as hunting hounds, so they can kill animals. Theon even talks about having seen what hounds do to a human body. I guess they just fled.
Dorne's storyline continues to be the literary equivalent of "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy".
+ Show Spoiler +You're telling me that jamie lannister wouldn't turn around, back to dorne after myrcella drops on the floor in his cabin of a ship that's only 100 m from the shore. Doran martell clearly showed his allegiance to the throne and his despise of and disagreements with ellaria sand. Not to mention trystane is on the boat, don't you think he'd urge them to turn around?
Then we're supposed to swallow that doran martell would receive this message possibly a month later (considering the distance between sunspear and king's landing) by means of a raven scroll?
Why isn't Ellaria sand locked up? Why aren't the sand snakes locked up after they attempted to kidnap the princess and put trystane in danger?
All they had to do was keep true to the source material when it comes to Dorne, there it does make sense and contains just as much excitement.
I agree with pretty much everything you said. D&D and the team on GoT are simply leagues and leagues below GRRM when it comes to writing. I could live with that fact alone, it isn't all that surprising. But they aren't just below GRRM, they are below the standard i expect for a show on HBO. This kind of writing i expect in lesser shows with less budget and less prestige.
If i had a real choice i probably would stop watching the show now, but all things considered (i would be spoiled anyway, the acting and production value is still great, etc) i don't see this as a real option tbh. I just hope the writing was only off and lazy in this episode, but hearing that D&D only wanna do 13 episodes after this season it seems to me that they just wanna rush to the end and they don't care all that much for a cohesive storyline/character development anymore. They just wanna be done with it with as little effort as humanly possible at this point. MEH
Germany25649 Posts
I predict this thread will be salty the entire season and will be uncomfortable to read
I'm treating it as a parody at this point. Tempted to not watch at all, but if I'm going to get spoiled on things, might as well see the whole context. I guess the good news is that they change so much it will be significantly more difficult to tell what is a real future book spoiler and not just something they made up.
9070 Posts
I bet the Dorne storyline was rewritten based on feedback from the previous season + maybe some reassurance from GRRM that Dorne goes nowhere and is insignificant for the characters in the endgame