SPOILER WARNING If you only watch the show, this thread will spoil you of future events in HBO's Game of Thrones. Thread contains discussion of all books of the series A Song of Ice and Fire Click Here for the spoiler-free thread.
As Queen-Mother Cersei undertook her walk of shame through the streets of the capital at the end of the last season of “Game of Thrones”, she was surely plotting vengeance on those responsible for her humiliation. But she was probably also wondering exactly how she found herself in such an unfortunate situation. One reason unlikely to occur to the embattled queen is her financial naivety – namely, her failure to grasp the catastrophic nature of her fiscal policy for the Seven Kingdoms.
In a 2014 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, George R. R. Martin, the author of “A Song of Ice and Fire” (the series on which the HBO show is based), complained that fantasy authors often fail to engage with economics. “As much as I admire Tolkien, I do quibble with him… What was Aragorn’s tax policy?” Martin – unlike Cersei – has thought deeply about the economic systems underpinning his imagined world, so it’s worth taking a closer look at how they function. For Cersei’s predicament, it turns out, largely derives from her failure to understand the nature of international credit.
Across the sea from the capital King’s Landing, in the Free City of Braavos, is the Iron Bank of Braavos, the dominant financial institution on the continents of Essos and Westeros. Martin modelled the Iron Bank on medieval banks controlled by powerful families from the cities of northern Italy. They provided credit, deposit, loan and foreign exchange services all across western Europe. Bankers from Florence and Lucca worked with the English crown under Kings Edward I, II and III, financing the kingdom’s wars on various fronts (especially France) and offering both current account and overdraft facilities. Edwards II and III even agreed to turn over all their revenue to two particular banking houses; they paid the kings’ budgets and, in return, were allowed to exercise a monopoly over the country’s most important export, high-quality English wool.
The saying, “The Iron Bank of Braavos always gets its due”, is on the lips of every politician in Westeros and Essos – except Cersei. She decided to default on the crown’s enormous debt to the bank in order to concentrate on rebuilding her navy, which had been destroyed in battle. Hoping to secure the resumption of repayments, the Iron Bank now supports a rival to the throne, Stannis Baratheon; whoever rules the Seven Kingdoms is responsible for the Iron Throne’s debts. Meanwhile, the other Free City banks, taking their cue from the Iron Bank, are refusing Westerosi merchants credit. International trade has ground to a standstill.
From these clips and the trailers I think this is how it will go down: Sansa and Theon run away and are surrounded by Bolton men. Brienne comes out of the wilderness and kills them all (from the trailer). Then Sansa meets up with Stark loyalists (again from the trailer) and builds an army. Maybe Brienne will be her battle commander? Maybe they'll team up with Stannis and the remnants of their army? It looks like they're going to have a big fucking battle with the Boltons (from the trailer, again) so I am HYPED for that. Literally it's Werewolves vs. Vampires.
I get the feeling Brienne doesnt meet up with Sansa. Yes she kills boltons in the trailet but it doesnt look like she meets up with theon and sansa. Furthermore she and pod can clearly be seen in the riverlands with jaime and bronn. Looks as though the blackfish will meet brienne, probably out of recognition from her allegience to Cat?
Or because she takes Sansa there. Brynden is Sansa's greatuncle, after all, and one of the few relatives she knows is still alive.
Fuck i cant say shit in this thread. But I feel confident she stays north.
Why? In the books she's still firmly lodged in the Vale, and there doesn't seem much reason for her to go north at all. Jeyne Poole has her "role" in the north, but unlike the series, both Theon and Jon (assuming he even gets involved with that plotline upon his resurrection) know that Jeyne is not Arya. So there doesn't seem much reason at all for book-Sansa to suddenly appear in the north given that it is still crawling with Boltons. Sansa marching on the Riverlands with an army from the Vale to liberate the Blackfish before marching north just makes far more sense. She can take revenge on the remaining Freys and sack the Twins on her way, which is always nice.
And therefore some kind of convergence (presumably because Sansa has to meet Jaime for some reason we do not yet know about) between the TV and book plotlines for Sansa seems more likely to happen in the Riverlands
It seems clear bastardbowl is going to happen and Sansa will play a massive role in that. It seems very unlikely she leaves the north as she is THE stark in the north. Furthermore I am very confident she dies in bastardbowl.
On April 24 2016 11:38 Hexe wrote: Jesus those leaks. They probably are just reacting to the emmy win, "I mean damn we did a good job with Dorne, lets make it even better!"
Jesus they are literally burying this show with DORNE. How the fuck do you take some of thr richest culture and characters (fucking Doran the genius and Areo the badass) along with the best theory in ASOIAF (Master Plan) and use it to throw this show into the dirt. What fucking assholes...
On April 24 2016 17:50 Cricketer12 wrote: Jesus they are literally burying this show with DORNE. How the fuck do you take some of thr richest culture and characters (fucking Doran the genius and Areo the badass) along with the best theory in ASOIAF (Master Plan) and use it to throw this show into the dirt. What fucking assholes...
The Dornish Master Plan is complete tinfoil in my eyes, like most of what Preston does. Still, Dorne is awesome because of its culture, thematic depth and also characters. D&D completely ignoring it and purposefully destroying it makes me kinda angry haha.
A question for anyone who saw the leaked pictures and synopsis:
In the episode synopsis i have read it says that two of the sandsnakes do it. So yeah i don't think this would be possible without an error atm. Which would annoy me quite a bit because it would be an incredibly dumb error
In the episode synopsis i have read it says that two of the sandsnakes do it. So yeah i don't think this would be possible without an error atm. Which would aninoy me quite a bit because it would be an incredibly dumb error
you think dorne wil magically make sense now? Or even the show in its entirety? After season 4 aka book 3 ended d&d gave up. Thank god they went off base because this trash doesnt deserve to spoil ASOIAF
In the episode synopsis i have read it says that two of the sandsnakes do it. So yeah i don't think this would be possible without an error atm. Which would aninoy me quite a bit because it would be an incredibly dumb error
you think dorne wil magically make sense now? Or even the show in its entirety? After season 4 aka book 3 ended d&d gave up. Thank god they went off base because this trash doesnt deserve to spoil ASOIAF
See i still enjoy the show for what it is, even though i am annoyed by them streamlining everything so much and losing a lot of depth that way. Dorne was awfull last season, no denying that and the leaks make it look like they do even worse this season, BUT i am probably even more annoyed by this error if it is actually like that in the episode. It looks to me that they don't care about anything they did, Doran sent Trystane to Kingslanding to sit in the councel in the place of Oberyn. It's kinda weird to give away his heir so that alone makes little sense, but they decided to go that route. If now Trystane is simply in Dorne and gets killed there without any explanation it is incredibly lazy writing i wouldn't even expect to see on standard tv series like "theflash" or similar stuff. This error alone would tell me how bad these writers really are. I hope the synopsis is wrong/left out some stuff, otherwise i am not sure if i can enjoy the show anymore if they actually decide to not give a single fuck about logic and continuity
In the episode synopsis i have read it says that two of the sandsnakes do it. So yeah i don't think this would be possible without an error atm. Which would aninoy me quite a bit because it would be an incredibly dumb error
you think dorne wil magically make sense now? Or even the show in its entirety? After season 4 aka book 3 ended d&d gave up. Thank god they went off base because this trash doesnt deserve to spoil ASOIAF
See i still enjoy the show for what it is, even though i am annoyed by them streamlining everything so much and losing a lot of depth that way. Dorne was awfull last season, no denying that and the leaks make it look like they do even worse this season, BUT i am probably even more annoyed by this error if it is actually like that in the episode. It looks to me that they don't care about anything they did, Doran sent Trystane to Kingslanding to sit in the councel in the place of Oberyn. It's kinda weird to give away his heir so that alone makes little sense, but they decided to go that route. If now Trystane is simply in Dorne and gets killed there without any explanation it is incredibly lazy writing i wouldn't even expect to see on standard tv series like "theflash" or similar stuff. This error alone would tell me how bad these writers really are. I hope the synopsis is wrong/left out some stuff, otherwise i am not sure if i can enjoy the show anymore if they actually decide to not give a single fuck about logic and continuity
The worst part is that I was super hyped for this season. We get ToJ flashback and maybe even a kingslaying flashback which is very cool. But dorne is dragging the rest of the show down to such a stupid degree.I'll still watch because I trust Davos and Tormund to carry this shit + the flashback(s). This could still be a good season but for God's sake they better clean up their act fast. To be fair they did start fucking logic last season (Baelish journey from the North to KL in like an episode)
Yeah what a disappointing first episode, it was hard to find actual good writting in there tbh. Actors and production value great, writting pretty bad. Mediocre episode at best