Stimy's Eulogy [TL Moderation] - Page 7
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Norway28558 Posts
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United States7173 Posts
I do agree that people who start shit in EVERY FUCKING THREAD they are in should be banned. There are a few people here who seem to like to flame/argue all the time in every thread and never even attempt to see the other persons point of view at all. THen you have people who dont understand sarcasm at all, or who are apparently too stupid in interpert(sp) (ironY) a post properly and then attempt to flame a person afterwards. | ||
Germany / USA16648 Posts
On February 17 2006 11:24 Liquid`Drone wrote: Nowadays there are only very few threads I actually click on to read them in the general forum and the posts of Steve I read anywhere else certainly don't raise my will to click on threads started by Steve...carnac you really can't have read his paint threads if that's how you feel.. Almost anyone can make funny paint pictures though... | ||
Canada9720 Posts
i can understand why he was frustrated. anyway, hope he comes back | ||
3664 Posts
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Andorra2690 Posts
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United States700 Posts
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United States909 Posts
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61 Posts
He banned me (Syst[eM]) after a discussion of politics. He didn't say a word or tell anyone that I was banned for what I said, because he knew that he would be flamed for his ridiculous abuse of power. He was the person calling the names, saying that I was an idiot, moron, etc. And he banned me when I accused him of putting words in my mouth (which he did) and of ignoring my questions by just asking more of his own (which he also did). I PM'd Liquid'Meat on LiquidPoker, where I have also been a contributive poster and asked him to reconsider my ban and gave him several valid reasons why uhjoo was abusing his power. I still await a response. In closing, uhjoo abuses and Liquid'Meat doesn't care. | ||
United States4471 Posts
On February 16 2006 23:50 ManaBlue wrote: However, since I articulate my arguements in a sound and intelligent way mods like Drone, Twisted, Rekrul, and even Cyric have put up with my shit. This either makes me out to be one of the more intelligent or one of the less tolerant mods.. which is it? ![]() As to Stimey, I eventually began to ignore him. It's the same ol thing over and over, and I don't think he'll ever rub me the right way with his antagonistic approach to expressing his views. I'm not going to pretend that I won't vehemently defend or promote an opinion I hold in a debate, but I think Stimey takes it further than most with the way he is always on the attack. He can say all he wants about how he only argues so much against the way things are because he sees so much unrealized potential in regards to the forums, but it's really just him trying to impose his own view of how the forums should be on everyone else. It's just the nature of this site that it will be run according to the views of an assorted, numerous group of admins/mods, and I actually think that's what makes it what it is. There are ways in which the site could be improved, but again I will say that Stimey messed up in how he went about making his suggestions. His suggestions frequently reached the point of demands, and that rarely if ever works with anyone. This is particularly true when the people upon who the demands are being made are a group of people putting in work for little or no return or reward, as the staff is. With Stimey it's always been about how he said/did things, not necessarily what he said/did. Ever since his first ban, he has seemed to develop a self-destruct tendency where he would get whatever persona he had created after some time had passed. Guess it was time for "mitsy". As to FakeSteve, I believe it's only a temp ban? | ||
United States4991 Posts
You acted like an angry moron in and started lashing out at everyone. | ||
61 Posts
Don't turn this into a discussion about how specific bans in the past were unfair, Syst[em]atic... You acted like an angry moron in and started lashing out at everyone. I don't know what you were reading. I was arguing with only Rpf and uhjoo, which last I checked, isn't everyone . My posts were at least as well thought out as theirs, especially since RPF says this gem, I personally don't know how it works, but all I know is that it's complete bullshit. The fact is that he attacked something without knowing what it was, and I defended it. He decided that I should give him a definition and I told him it was retarded for him to argue without answering any questions (he later said the above quote, which explains why he didn't answer anything). I wish you'd pay attention a little more. | ||
United States14892 Posts
I'll quote what I said before On January 25 2006 16:07 KOFgokuon wrote: Half of your initial post was a complete flame of rpf, the other half was you saying that the electoral system works fine, but then you state that Then later you state that you think there should be a change in the electoral college system. What are they supposed to respond to when all you're doing is flaming them, then flip flopping? The only things you keep saying are "you're stupid" and "that's completely wrong." How are they supposed to respond with anything other than flaming? If I remember the thread right (It's been a month and I don't feel like re-reading the thread) you never backed up your "superior knowledge of the electoral college system," or however you said it. All you would repeat is that you knew more than them over and over again, which isn't really helping at all, now is it? | ||
United States364 Posts
Nobody should feel like they are above anyone on this site with the exception of maybe the admin/moderators.(they must keep order after all). And when you disagree with someone's point of view, opinion, attack the idea not the person. Back up your ideas with facts if possible.. Makes you more credible.... there should be a special thread where people can be debased for people's amusement... We always talk about how quality threads have good debate and many different perspectives that are explored. Flame is just garbage... Ohh and about the special treatment to those who contribute greatly to the forums: I agree to a certain point. I believe they should have more lienancy when posting, however I do not believe that being a great contributor to the forums gives you license to flame people. And again I say, attack people's opinions, bring in counter arguments etc... and leave the flaming for some other newb forum. Attacking a person accomplishes nothing, you have not proved your point other than the fact that you are too dull witted to come up with something better. | ||
Canada1041 Posts
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10513 Posts
About Stimy omfg fish i dont think i need to elaborate in here... His "genius" apparently was only percieved by Eri, but he sucks, he has always sucked and he will always suck. I think the only reason for him to stay longer is that rea wanted a mini-me in the forum ![]() For fucks sake... im HERE!, a living proof that moderators are not trigger happy at all. | ||
United States37500 Posts
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10513 Posts
On February 17 2006 16:54 NeoIllusions wrote: Hahaha, baal, have you ever been banned? Once, Eri banned me (he doesnt love me back), but i totally deserved it, i was trolling every thread and insulting everyone even more than today heh. I wrote an apology and mensrea said it was the best "mea culpa" he has read, flattering coming from him i guess, and i was back ![]() | ||
Korea (South)1740 Posts
On February 17 2006 14:41 Syst[eM]atic wrote: uhjoo is a horrible moderator. He banned me (Syst[eM]) after a discussion of politics. He didn't say a word or tell anyone that I was banned for what I said, because he knew that he would be flamed for his ridiculous abuse of power. He was the person calling the names, saying that I was an idiot, moron, etc. And he banned me when I accused him of putting words in my mouth (which he did) and of ignoring my questions by just asking more of his own (which he also did). I PM'd Liquid'Meat on LiquidPoker, where I have also been a contributive poster and asked him to reconsider my ban and gave him several valid reasons why uhjoo was abusing his power. I still await a response. In closing, uhjoo abuses and Liquid'Meat doesn't care. the reason i banned you was not that politics thread your dumbass posts there just indicated to me you might be a candidate to get banned, and once i looked at all your posts, i made the apparently right decision to ban you, since it's obvious you still haven't learned a damn thing i should ban you again, but one more chance for you, make it count | ||
United States2042 Posts
Even (especially) Corbalt. I saw just how bad he was when he was countered on a subject and just how much I totally disagreed with everything he thought about damn near everything...and then I met him on And found out that I actually really like the guy. I still strongly disagree with him on everything just about but that just means I avoid all that stuff. I owe him a debt of gratitude, really, as watching reps with him of him v tsu was really helpful to me when I was learning the game. Say what you want about him (and I know you guys probably will) he is, or at least was, a good BW player. Point of that was to say that I don't know stimy. At all, the only thing I have to go by is his posts in the strategy section (which is basically the only place I go here), and I didn't see anything remotely useful in any of them that I remember. What I did see was him getting flamed and flaming back every 2 seconds, which is almost exactly the same as corb. So, maybe he really is a good guy at heart and just became insanely cynical (again, like corb) because of the way he was treated in the past (I have no clue whether this was caused by him [like corb] or not [as eri seems to believe]). But either way I think I need to jump back off the bandwagon. Still think he's stupid for doing what he did this time. But it's certainly conceivable that earlier events could have been handled differently to avoid the situation altogether. But I don't know whether that means a moderation problem or a community at large problem. And to those making public statements about being wrongly banned. It's hard to believe if you're handling it in that way. Doing something like that publicly shows a severe lack of maturity and hardly makes your case believable. If you're wrongly banned and allowed back or come back just act right and try to handly your problems through PM's, never ever into the public eye. That's just common sense. :| | ||
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