On February 19 2006 00:06 HowitZer wrote:
Stimey won by having that Mani attack topic closed and getting banned again. He acted as a martyr to bring to light his qualms with Mani and the moderating of this site in general. If Mani would have addressed the points Stimey brought up instead of banning first and asking questions later (i.e. this topic) Stimey would have been humbled for once in his life.
Manifesto did not address a bunch of the things Stimey brought up about him. There were some very personal things, but that's life. Stimey had the guts to come straight at Mani with his opinion so Mani should have the guts to respond to everything instead of taking the easy route and banning him. Instead of addressing Stimey we are talking about him behind his back and it feels wrong.
Stimey won by having that Mani attack topic closed and getting banned again. He acted as a martyr to bring to light his qualms with Mani and the moderating of this site in general. If Mani would have addressed the points Stimey brought up instead of banning first and asking questions later (i.e. this topic) Stimey would have been humbled for once in his life.
Manifesto did not address a bunch of the things Stimey brought up about him. There were some very personal things, but that's life. Stimey had the guts to come straight at Mani with his opinion so Mani should have the guts to respond to everything instead of taking the easy route and banning him. Instead of addressing Stimey we are talking about him behind his back and it feels wrong.
I didn't ban him.
Read my response in about his personal attacks in his thread.
This thread is simply about a moderation issue. The rest of his garbage I dealt with in my response at the end of his rant thread. Go read it and get back to me