People would have cheered louder if the team they were rooting for won? A most heinous crime to be sure!
I probably expressed myself a bit unfortunate there. Just look for yourself:
Now tell me how this isn't shitty, not to say disrespectful, behaviour towards iG. Each Na´Vi player was being nice, shaking hands & congratulating, while the crowd is full of immate fanboys, not aknowledging iG's performance at all. Now refer back to the WDC video of Na´Vi vs DK, which obviously was held in China. Remember: iG won the freaking TI2. Na´Vi just took a single game of DK in the quarterfinals and the crowd wasn't even the same size.
What? I saw nothing shitty or disrespectful here. Seriously. People cheering the end of the game. People cheering for the team when Gabe announcement made. People chanting IG. People chanting China (probably mostly the Chinese in the audience I guess). People cheering again at holding up the shield.
On September 04 2012 00:46 hacklebeast wrote: Again, you are complaining that the crowd favorite got more cheering than the other team. People have favorite teams. People cheer louder for those favorite teams. People don't cheer as loud when their favorite team is beaten. That's not some grave miscarriage of the competitive spirit, that's just the way sports (and esports) work.
Okay let me say it like this: Even if Na´Vi are crowd favorite. If they would have lost to CLG in the grand finals for example, they would have been going wild. Thath's at least how I see it.
On September 03 2012 20:38 Oktyabr wrote: I just felt really bad for the chinese that whenever the shoutcasters asked who were cheering for whichever chinese team, virtually no one responded. That's just so queer. Were there really absolutely no supporters of Chinese DOTA teams or were they all cowed by the Na'vi fanbase? It's unfortunate, really. It's almost like everyone is against the Chinese.
Imagine the games where held in china.
The same thing would happen... if not MORE
The chinese are crazy rabbit fanbois.
Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it is in China...
Chinese e-sports audience seems much more cultured and actually cheers for the away team when they do well like when Na`Vi traveled to China for WDC 2011. Check out the ending moments of when Na`Vi took a playoff match against DK with Dendi Pudge.
I've never watched Dota before, tell me this, do asian teams act like they do in SC2? I.E. don't bother to learn english? In that case, they are themselves at fault for alienating the audience. Dendi doesn't speak english. Stephano doesn't speak english. Most foreigners don't speak English. And yet they do because they are part of the community. People like MC try to string a couple of words together, and the crowd goes wild. Because he didn't just come to take their money, he came to be part of the community and entertain.
I was bolding the bad parts of your post to respond to but I ended up bolding the whole thing.
U can say whatever u want but if they were to even speak a word of english they would have gotten a lot more fans with this tournament like he says MC has been since the beginning of his career scratching english in interviews, tournaments after tournaments he would speak in english and at the end of day he's the most popular korean among the foreign community.
You can't ask for cheers when there is no kills for minutes and that the players seems so out of place, u can be shy but its like being disrespectful to the crowd. In in the offline event of the Iron Squid it was only koreans and it went rly well even in TvT and ZvZ. In the olympics every champion does multiple interviews and even if they dont know english ( and a large majority bothered to learn it) they always put scratch of it at the end.
Perhaps the organisation was at fault too, they should have done the interviews at stage and not in a robot like fashion but u can't blame for audience for not responding to good plays if they seem to be executed by aliens who cannot communicate with you on any manner and dont even give a sign that they want to.
I think you have to realize that the English proficency of many Chinese and Koreans are quite limited. Although English might not be a native language for a lot of foreigners pros, they are much better than the Chinese and Koreans.
By your reasoning, if TI3 were to be held in China next year, I expect all the foreigners teams to try to speak Chinese in their interviews? Honestly, the most you will get is maybe a hello and thanks which most Korean and Chinese pros do say when they are on stage.
On September 04 2012 00:46 hacklebeast wrote: Again, you are complaining that the crowd favorite got more cheering than the other team. People have favorite teams. People cheer louder for those favorite teams. People don't cheer as loud when their favorite team is beaten. That's not some grave miscarriage of the competitive spirit, that's just the way sports (and esports) work.
Okay let me say it like this: Even if Na´Vi are crowd favorite. If they would have lost to CLG in the grand finals for example, they would have been going wild. Thath's at least how I see it.
so ? if they dont want to go wild because iG won, so what ?
Watching Navi play Naga Siren was hilarious. When Chinese teams used her and her Ult it was met with unrelenting BOO's, but when Navi used her ult you could tell the crowd was going "wait, are we supposed to boo or cheer?" rofl
One of the reasons to like dendi is that he is humble (he himself thinks he's the most overrated player), he has been in a top team since earlier than 2010. 2010 he was in DTS and knocked out EHOME from groupstages at a chinese tournament.
And about the crowd, to me it sounds like they are chanting iG and they cheer a lot as well, so the crowd wasnt disrespectfull at all.
also, I guess they didn't interview him on stage but from the video interviews which they showed at the event ChuaN's english is far better than MC's for example.
On September 04 2012 02:02 AREUHAPPYNOW wrote: One of the reasons to like dendi is that he is humble (he himself thinks he's the most overrated player), he has been in a top team since earlier than 2010. 2010 he was in DTS and knocked out EHOME from groupstages at a chinese tournament.
And about the crowd, to me it sounds like they are chanting iG and they cheer a lot as well, so the crowd wasnt disrespectfull at all.
Im not from the dota scene, nor have i ever played alot of it, but all i hear about dendi makes me think he is a cocky twat, like, everything i see about him portrays this lol. I browse Dota forums and news etc and see this.
For instance, in this thread there is him dancing across stage before he even plays his games, If you were on the other team, what would you think?
Like i said, not from the dota scene but it really comes across this way for me / outsiders. Maybe ive seen and heard the wrong information!
On September 04 2012 02:02 AREUHAPPYNOW wrote: One of the reasons to like dendi is that he is humble (he himself thinks he's the most overrated player), he has been in a top team since earlier than 2010. 2010 he was in DTS and knocked out EHOME from groupstages at a chinese tournament.
And about the crowd, to me it sounds like they are chanting iG and they cheer a lot as well, so the crowd wasnt disrespectfull at all.
Im not from the dota scene, nor have i ever played alot of it, but all i hear about dendi makes me think he is a cocky twat, like, everything i see about him portrays this lol. I browse Dota forums and news etc and see this.
For instance, in this thread there is him dancing across stage before he even plays his games, If you were on the other team, what would you think?
Like i said, not from the dota scene but it really comes across this way for me / outsiders. Maybe ive seen and heard the wrong information!
From everything I've seen, he just seems kinda goofy :/
its because dota2 need a poster child and he fits it, i do think many other chinese/hk players are much better just don't dance on stage so they don't get the coverage.
On September 04 2012 01:54 snarl wrote: Watching Navi play Naga Siren was hilarious. When Chinese teams used her and her Ult it was met with unrelenting BOO's, but when Navi used her ult you could tell the crowd was going "wait, are we supposed to boo or cheer?" rofl
They did boo Navi's naga ult at least once that I recall, when it was used to sleep and just get the hell out. There was also another instance, the big sleep, vacuum, ravage that got turned around by Navi vs iG in that game before the grand finals where the sleep wasn't booed.
When there's a big teamfight going on, and a siren song is used defensively, it's just massively anticlimatic. The fight just suddenly stops, and everyone walks away.
Gogokodo: Exactly, when the naga ult is used offensively, it's very different. In that Navi vs iG game in semifinals, you could hear the gasps as it looked like Navi were completely caught out, which turned into cheers when they turn it around.
On September 04 2012 00:46 hacklebeast wrote: Again, you are complaining that the crowd favorite got more cheering than the other team. People have favorite teams. People cheer louder for those favorite teams. People don't cheer as loud when their favorite team is beaten. That's not some grave miscarriage of the competitive spirit, that's just the way sports (and esports) work.
Okay let me say it like this: Even if Na´Vi are crowd favorite. If they would have lost to CLG in the grand finals for example, they would have been going wild. Thath's at least how I see it.
An american team would have gotten more applause than a chinese team from a crowd in seattle? NO WAY!
The point is (western) people cant identify themselves with the chinese teams because they show no personality or any signs of willingness to communicate with the crowd. Just take MC for example. His english is bad but he doesnt care and still tries to communicate with the western fans while even showing his personality. I have no doubt that if chinese dota players would act the same they would get to hear louder cheering at live events. As long as that doesnt happen you cant really expect the crowd to go wild just because iG won. Most people dont cheer for the best team they want the team they can identify with to win.
I really can't see with people thinking 'Dendi' or Na'Vi when dota is mentioned, don't we need super popular players and teams to promote esports? Its like if someone just blindly said MVP is the best player in the world even if they only played starcraft casually and didn't really watch. Are you offended by that? do you always feel the need to argue with that person? If you do then you've got some serious issues. You can't come with your 'hipster' attitude saying there are way better chinese players/teams that people don't know nearly as well as they know Dendi or Na'Vi
Just let people love who they love and just face the fact that Dendi IS the most popular Dota 2 player, and on top of that is EXCELLENT at the game, and streams almost every single day. I see no problem with a player who loves dota, and practices his ass off in it as a 'celebrity' in the dota community
Idk if this has been said yet, but dendi is a very out of the box player, he makes plays. He isn't overrated at all, people like the carry role, and he is AMAZING at pulling thigs out of the box. 3 man pudge hooks, differences in play styles, he, for all intents and purposes, sets a lot of the western meta. Na'Vi also isn't unknown, their CS:1.6 team was amazing, their DotA2 team is now also the most dominant western team by a wide margin. It makes sense that a lot of people, including myself, would be a Na'Vi fanboy. On the other hand I also really like LGD and IG, so people can enjoy multiple teams. Back to Dendi though, another big part of the fanboyism for him is that he forces weird bans, he forces teams to ban pudge, he forces teams to ban relatively non-standard characters. Dendi also creates different builds that should not work, but do work because he IS the meta for us westerners. I don't have a TON of experience in DotA, but from the International, and from watching streams, this is what seems to be the case.
On September 04 2012 00:46 hacklebeast wrote: Again, you are complaining that the crowd favorite got more cheering than the other team. People have favorite teams. People cheer louder for those favorite teams. People don't cheer as loud when their favorite team is beaten. That's not some grave miscarriage of the competitive spirit, that's just the way sports (and esports) work.
Okay let me say it like this: Even if Na´Vi are crowd favorite. If they would have lost to CLG in the grand finals for example, they would have been going wild. Thath's at least how I see it.
so ? if they dont want to go wild because iG won, so what ?
Na'vi gets applause for taking any tower or kill, while iG gets nothing (or even boos sometimes). How would you feel if you were iG?
Both the crowd and the commentators were remarkably very anti-China. To the point where it was becoming abit rude. This was clearly evident in not just the Na'vi games, but in the games of Orange and Zenith vs China as well.
And the argument of Na'vi being more entertaining is hilarious, especially considering Navi ran Anti-Mage at least something like 8 times this entire tournament (and a vast majority of his usage was in the WB finals against other Chinese teams).
And it's not just the fact that there's not enough coverage; there's coverage. It was being displayed during the tournament. Except everyone pretty much stopped watching (look at the numbers, when IG vs LGD came up, the ingame client numbers and the stream numbers dropped off tremendously). It's that people are holding a certain bias against them for really no reason at all.
even though i think dendi is overrated he was their best player this international. his rubik was absolutely insane in the winner bracket games.
dota is a game where being pumped up elevates your game alot. imagine if your teammates does some insane move in a teamfight it makes your whole team go insane over it. that gives you alot of confidence and you play better. just imagine being one of na'vi knowing that whatever happens during pick stages dendi is there mid as an anchor in case anything goes wrong.
On September 03 2012 20:38 Oktyabr wrote: I just felt really bad for the chinese that whenever the shoutcasters asked who were cheering for whichever chinese team, virtually no one responded. That's just so queer. Were there really absolutely no supporters of Chinese DOTA teams or were they all cowed by the Na'vi fanbase? It's unfortunate, really. It's almost like everyone is against the Chinese.
Imagine the games where held in china.
The same thing would happen... if not MORE
The chinese are crazy rabbit fanbois.
Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it is in China...
Chinese e-sports audience seems much more cultured and actually cheers for the away team when they do well like when Na`Vi traveled to China for WDC 2011. Check out the ending moments of when Na`Vi took a playoff match against DK with Dendi Pudge.
I've never watched Dota before, tell me this, do asian teams act like they do in SC2? I.E. don't bother to learn english? In that case, they are themselves at fault for alienating the audience. Dendi doesn't speak english. Stephano doesn't speak english. Most foreigners don't speak English. And yet they do because they are part of the community. People like MC try to string a couple of words together, and the crowd goes wild. Because he didn't just come to take their money, he came to be part of the community and entertain.
I was bolding the bad parts of your post to respond to but I ended up bolding the whole thing.
U can say whatever u want but if they were to even speak a word of english they would have gotten a lot more fans with this tournament like he says MC has been since the beginning of his career scratching english in interviews, tournaments after tournaments he would speak in english and at the end of day he's the most popular korean among the foreign community.
You can't ask for cheers when there is no kills for minutes and that the players seems so out of place, u can be shy but its like being disrespectful to the crowd. In in the offline event of the Iron Squid it was only koreans and it went rly well even in TvT and ZvZ. In the olympics every champion does multiple interviews and even if they dont know english ( and a large majority bothered to learn it) they always put scratch of it at the end.
Perhaps the organisation was at fault too, they should have done the interviews at stage and not in a robot like fashion but u can't blame for audience for not responding to good plays if they seem to be executed by aliens who cannot communicate with you on any manner and dont even give a sign that they want to.
I think you have to realize that the English proficency of many Chinese and Koreans are quite limited. Although English might not be a native language for a lot of foreigners pros, they are much better than the Chinese and Koreans.
By your reasoning, if TI3 were to be held in China next year, I expect all the foreigners teams to try to speak Chinese in their interviews? Honestly, the most you will get is maybe a hello and thanks which most Korean and Chinese pros do say when they are on stage.
Well, i think u miss the point that english is the internationnal language, i can speak with you when we are miles apart and i think its amazing, we can understand eachother regardless of the country we live in. Its one of the good things about being a gamer u get way better in english and u get to be friends with people from other countries. If u dont share 1 similar language with someone its rly hard to get to know them / to like them (and always distant because its translation, without the human feeling).
So in my opinion if at least 1 person in each of the chinese team could speak english not even fluently it would be amazing and would up their popularity a lot. Imagine all the jokes / misunderstandings / strange and funny accents, thats what builds up charisma. U can also add the attitude, a huge smile and a funny ceremony is always better than nothing.
The chinese teams did nothing of that and if TI3 were to be in China, i don't exept foreigners to speak chinese. But i exept them to niha and not to be expresionless, smile when they cross the fans and put on a rly good image ! They won't look like antisocial expressionless nerds like half of the world want gamers to be but be cheerful, funny and cool.