On April 12 2010 14:59 krndandaman wrote: Damn... byebye Luxury, Upmagic, Hyvaa, Savior, etc.
the comments are brutally hilarious.
"To think we called him bonjwa..." "Dirty fucking kids who already only know money. Enjoy the bean rice. (Rice you get in jail)" "Have a good trip hahahahah"
I am just happy that Savior does not suck as much as we thought him to be.
On April 12 2010 14:59 krndandaman wrote: Damn... byebye Luxury, Upmagic, Hyvaa, Savior, etc.
the comments are brutally hilarious.
"To think we called him bonjwa..." "Dirty fucking kids who already only know money. Enjoy the bean rice. (Rice you get in jail)" "Have a good trip hahahahah"
I am just happy that Savior does not suck as much as we thought him to be.
he probably does now. After all, if you're planning to lose the game anyways, why even practice for it? Just go clubbing and hope you don't get demoted to b-team
I have lost all respect for a player who has been my favorite since I started watching starcraft. I feel abandoned.
In a way, this kinda means savior was even better than anyone thought. Because not only was he dominating, he was dominating despite deliberately losing some times. His true win rate should have been even higher than it was.
I like to get drunk and tell stories which don't connect to each other at all and then abruptly black out. So, I completely understand why you kept stammering on and on and on and on.
On April 12 2010 14:59 krndandaman wrote: Damn... byebye Luxury, Upmagic, Hyvaa, Savior, etc.
the comments are brutally hilarious.
"To think we called him bonjwa..." "Dirty fucking kids who already only know money. Enjoy the bean rice. (Rice you get in jail)" "Have a good trip hahahahah"
mentioned hyvaa in article? If so who are the etc you speak of that were also mentioned?
On April 12 2010 15:11 Luddite wrote: In a way, this kinda means savior was even better than anyone thought. Because not only was he dominating, he was dominating despite deliberately losing some times. His true win rate should have been even higher than it was.
I doubt that he was throwing games while he was still rising--dunno if these betting places would have the foresight to approach him before he reached bonjwa-level dominance.
On April 12 2010 14:59 krndandaman wrote: Damn... byebye Luxury, Upmagic, Hyvaa, Savior, etc.
the comments are brutally hilarious.
"To think we called him bonjwa..." "Dirty fucking kids who already only know money. Enjoy the bean rice. (Rice you get in jail)" "Have a good trip hahahahah"
mentioned hyvaa in article? If so who are the etc you speak of that were also mentioned?
Not in the article, but in the comments. Some guy was like "Savior, Luxury, Sangho, Yellow[arnc], Hyvaa, Upmagic, who else?"
Yellow[arnc] is not a real suspect yet.
Also, some of the retired players are suspected to be involved in this scandal. (Working as brokers, setting up the larger rings, etc.)
A news even more surprising: Amateur clan members who wanted to get into the teams were involved in destroying/relocating the replays of the matches that were fixed.
On April 12 2010 14:59 krndandaman wrote: Damn... byebye Luxury, Upmagic, Hyvaa, Savior, etc.
the comments are brutally hilarious.
"To think we called him bonjwa..." "Dirty fucking kids who already only know money. Enjoy the bean rice. (Rice you get in jail)" "Have a good trip hahahahah"
I am just happy that Savior does not suck as much as we thought him to be.
he probably does now. After all, if you're planning to lose the game anyways, why even practice for it? Just go clubbing and hope you don't get demoted to b-team
I have lost all respect for a player who has been my favorite since I started watching starcraft. I feel abandoned.
Agreed, Savior was the reason I got into proscene starcraft. I really don't know what to think.
On April 12 2010 15:30 zgl wrote: Since he already sold out, Savior might as well sell his story to VH1 - behind the gamer.
oh god...
this would actually be so funny. Does korea have the same (lame) obsession with fallen idols as america? If they do i demand translations of that program of savior goes on it!
OK it looks like the articles have been removed, so I will post the ones I still have open here. + Show Spoiler [Article 1] +
불법 베팅 사이트와 관련해 유명 프로게이머 일부가 연루된 것으로 확인됐다. 프로게임단이 불법 베팅 사이트에 대해 내사를 펼치던 중에 주전급 선수들이 관련된 것으로 파악됐다.
불법 베팅 사이트가 프로게임단이나 선수들과 접촉 시도를 보인 것으로 알려지면서 프로게임단은 자체 조사에 들어갔다. 베팅 사이트로부터 돈을 받고 승부 조작에 가담했더나 리플레이 파일을 빼돌린 선수들을 조사하는 과정에서 주전으로 활동하던 몇몇 선수들이 대가를 받고 고의 패배를 하거나 주전들의 리플레이 파일을 건낸 것으로 발각되면서 게임단은 해당 선수들을 정리하는 수순을 밟고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.
이 선수들은 당초 혐의를 부인했지만 게임단에서 거래 통장을 조사하는 등 압박을 가하자 혐의를 인정하고 자백한 것으로 알려졌다. 관련 게임단은 가담자를 은퇴하거나 방출하는 등 정리작업에 들어갔다. 주전 뿐만 아니라 2군 선수들도 불법 베팅 사이트에 가담한 사실이 드러나 옷을 벗은 것으로 알려졌다.
불법 베팅 사이트가 성행하면서 프로게이머들이 연루됐다는 정황이 발견되자 한국e스포츠협회과 프로게임단들은 뒤늦게 대책마련에 고심하고 있다. 일각에서는 일찌감치 발본색원하지 못한 협회와 선수 관리에 느슨했던 게임단이 책임져야 한다는 지적이 나오고 있다.
협회는 불법 베팅 사이트가 성행하고 있다는 사실을 인지하고도 적극적으로 나서지 않았다는 비난을 면하기 어렵다. 지난 2월 데일리e스포츠가 불법 베팅 사이트와 관련해 보도하자 협회는 해당 사이트 색출과 관련자 수사를 검찰에 요청했다.
협회는 불법 베팅 사이트에 대해 인지한 지 꽤 되었음에도 불구하고 직접적인 수사를 진행할 수 없다는 한계를 강조하면서 차일피일 미뤄왔다. 그 결과 일부 프로게이머가 연루되어 있는 정황이 드러나면서 협회가 적극적으로 대응하고 사전에 발본색원했더라면 사태가 확산되지 않았을 것이라는 비판이 일고 있다.
게임단도 선수 관리를 제대로 하지 못했다는 비난을 피하기 어렵다. 선수들이 불법 베팅 사이트로 부터 접촉할 수 있다는 가능성을 인지하지 못했고 그럴 리 없다는 추측으로 일관했다. 그러다 내부 실사를 거치면서 관련자가 드러나자 당혹스러움을 감추지 못했다.
연봉을 받는 선수부터 2군이나 온라인 연습생까지 연관되면서 선수들이 프로 정신을 갖추지 못한 것도 지적되고 있다. 프로게임단에 입단하는 선수들은 대부분 10대 후반이고 정규 고등 교육을 받지 못한 경우가 많다. 나이 어린 선수들을 활용하면서도 프로 마인드를 갖도록 교육하지 못한 책임은 기업과 게임단에 있다.
연봉을 받지 못하는 선수들의 열악한 처우도 도마 위에 올랐다. 1군 선수들에게만 연봉을 주고 2군에게는 연봉 계약을 하지 않는 현재 관행은 불법 베팅 사이트를 운영하는 브로커들의 검은 유혹을 뿌리치기 어려운 현실에 내놓은 것이나 다름 없다.
협회와 게임단은 뒤늦게 수사 기관을 통해 불법 베팅 사이트와 관련자들을 찾으려 나섰지만 한 발 늦었다는 지적은 면하기 어렵다.
On April 12 2010 00:25 Puosu wrote: I see this video so differently now.
I was thinking the exact same thing!
Back then, people were saying that Savior was reminiscing his good old days when winning wasn't a rare occurrence, and that's why he was wistfully sitting around after winning Proleague.
Now, it could be sooo many other things. Maybe he bet against himself super big but had to win for the team and was pissed he missed out on big money.
Or maybe he actually enjoyed winning for his team and legitimately felt happy, but knew deep inside that he had thrown games and can never return as a true player.
This news is so sad lol
Oh, wow. He probably saw how happy his teammates were, and then felt horrible for cheating them so many times before...and knew he could never redeem himself.