(D/C rank) man vs machine TeamLeague Wiki: D/C man vs machine Teamleague Defiler.ru page: http://defiler.ru/tourney/?t=443 (used by the team captain to register the team and submit replays)
Organizer(s): Martin Rooijackers (LetaBot) Caster(s): nepeta (man vs machine matches)
Registration possible till Tuesday 5 April 23:59 CET. Don't forget to also press "check-in" when registering on defiler.ru
Hello everyone,
Zachtronics industries expressed interest in sponsoring a man vs machine TeamLeague. To attract more low level players, and give the bots a chance to win, it is going to be a tournament for D/C level players ( anyone with a max rank lower than C+ level ).
The tournament style is going to be an All-Kill Format , double elimination bracket with 4-player teams . You can sign up with a team that has less than 4 players, it just means that the opposing team has less players it needs to take down to win.
Signing up as a human player:
Before signing up, check the maximum rank you achieved on all your ICCUP accounts. If the maximum rank is C+ or higher on at least one of these accounts, your rank is to high for this tournament. Exception can be made on a case by case basis ( for example if you got the high rank quite a while ago).
To sign up as a human player, you either create a team or join an existing team.
To create a team, the team captain registers and checks-in on the defiler.ru tournament manager here. The team captain also posts the following information in this TeamLiquid thread:
(It is not compulsory for a Team captain to play in the actual tournament)
Team name: Team name here Team Captain: TeamLiquid account/ICCUP account/defiler.ru account Players: 1. TeamLiquid account/ICCUP account/Race 2. Just like above, or empty if playing alone 3. Just like above, or empty if playing with only 2 players 4. Just like above, or empty if playing with only 3 players
Race can be: Protoss,Zerg,Terran,Random You play as the race you registered with for the entire tournament. Race-picking is not allowed
You can always change the player roster until 5 April when the registration closes.
To join an existing team, the team captain has to add you to his/her team.
You can sign up without a team. In that case you post your TeamLiquid account and ICCUP account (also mention that you are looking for a team). Then you will be added to a list of team-less players, which will make it easy for team captains to contact you.
Signing up a bot:
You can sign up a bot the same way as a human player by creating your own team or joining an existing bot team (keep in mind that a bot team isn't allowed to sign on human players an vice-verse).
The (easier) alternative is that you give me the DLL, JAR or EXE file of your bot. Then I will add it to a bot team automatically and run the bot for you the entire tournament.
Tournament information:
The tournament is going to be played in the All-Kill Format . Each team selects one member to play first. When one player gets defeated, his/her team selects another player that hasn't played yet. This process continues until a team no longer has players that never played in the match (in which case that team loses).
The loser picks the next map (that hasnt been played yet) as well.
The bracket system is the double elimination format. So if your team loses, it gets send to the loser bracket. If it loses there as well, it is out of the tournament.
Map pool:
Map pool can be found here . "Latin Quarter" can be found in the ICCUP map pack here . You are allowed to choose between the ICCUP and defiler.ru version of the map. If there is disagreement with your opponent over the map version, then you should use the ICCUP version of the map
First map to play on is determined by the defiler.ru system (or both players can agree on a different map). After that, loser picks.
Each member of the team that wins the grand finals can select one game made by Zachtronics industries and receive it for free. The list of games by Zachtronics industries can be found here.
This prize is sponsored by Zachtronics industries.
Livestream/casting Everyone is allowed to cast the replays on defiler.ru . Streaming your games is also allowed.
Other information: - Everyone is allowed to use the observer version of a map, but I would advise bot operators to only play FFA or melee, because some UMS map triggers can crash a bot. - Bot developers are allowed to let someone other than their-self or me operate their bot. Bot developers are eligible for prize money even if they are not operating their own bot. - BWAPI bots should have the "complete map information" flag set to disabled (by default it is). They are allowed to put the "user input" flag to true for chat purposes, unless their opponent doesn't want the "user input" flag set to true. - Bot operator should not use Anti-hack as it conflicts with the BWAPI. When human players are playing against a bot, they can turn AH off and use LatencyChanger for LAN latency. - Human players should have AH on when playing against other human players, unless this causes problems with the game not starting ( apparently some problems with the new maps maybe ). In that case, both players should live-stream their games and post the VODs in this thread.
There is no fixed date for the matches of the tournament. Instead the teams should contact the opponent to schedule the matches. If the matches still aren't played before the deadline given below, then the organizer(s) will set a specific time at which all (remaining) games take place. If still not played, the team that didn't showed up gets a W.O loss.
6 April: Making sure that everyone is successfully registered, then generate the bracket
23 April: I will be online 21:00 - 23:00 CEST to play bot matches and as an admin if teams want their matches to be supervised by one. Unless I am in a game with a bot you can find me in the channel "BWAPI"
Bot Teams registered:
LetaBot's team: Captain: LetaBot players:
Bots operated by LetaBot: Captain: LetaBot players:
Iron bot
Bots operated by LetaBot #2: Captain: LetaBot players:
Human Teams registered:
mpasteven (solo team): Captain/player: mpasteven D
pebble444(solo team): Captain/player: pebble444 C-
MrTea (solo team): Captain/player: MrTea D
Ami tetszik : Captain/player: Matepp92 Matepp92 PMate players: Matepp92 PMate D+ Katjakean Katjakean C- lnatruk lnatruk D kumbwol kumbwol C-
(bandit): Captain: DarkNetHunter players: DarkNetHunter ins.dnh C-
Sauerbraten: Captain: Cele Aop)Cele( Cele players: Cele Aop)Cele( C RedW4rr10r RedW4rr10r C- Artanis[Xp] Artanis[Xp] C chrisolo BaD]Seed C
Team Wurstwasser Captain: fischei fischei fischei players: fischei fischei C neustadt neustadt C- trooper[xdt] trooper[xdt] C- 1400 1400 D+
North America Captain: LightningStrike Stardom[eMg] Blackbeard1718 (Blackbeard1718 reports results to defiler.ru) players: Blackbeard1718 Blackbeard1718 D Dazed_Spy Dazed C- LightningStrike Stardom[eMg] C- FlaShFTW FlaShFTW D+
Intercontinental Brood Masters Captain: Jealous sGs.BaBo JealousTL players: Jealous sGs.BaBo C evanchristo1 evanchristo D
ICCUP ID: Stardom[eMg] Max Rank: C- in old system Proof Race: Terran I looking for a team.
On March 23 2016 08:49 LightningStrike wrote: ICCUP ID: Stardom[eMg] Max Rank: C- in old system Proof: Sent to you on Skype Race: Terran I looking for a team.
proof link . Added you to people looking for a team.
What are the restrictions on the bots? Are they allowed money cheats or what?
On March 23 2016 08:55 Dazed_Spy wrote: What are the restrictions on the bots? Are they allowed money cheats or what?
All bots have to use the BWAPI. The BWAPI allows computer to send Starcraft Brood War commands just like humans do. They can only do what humans can do, but being computers, they can do it very fast (which is allowed in this tournament).
edit: So no money cheats. Those are from the Scripted Bots from the BW AI project used before the BWAPI existed.
Sweet idea, be interesting to see where these BW AIs are and what approaches/abuses they are using.
ICCup ID: Blackbeard1718 Max Rank: D (Proof) Race: Protoss Looking for a team.
On March 23 2016 09:02 LetaBot wrote:Show nested quote +On March 23 2016 08:55 Dazed_Spy wrote: What are the restrictions on the bots? Are they allowed money cheats or what? All bots have to use the BWAPI. The BWAPI allows computer to send Starcraft Brood War commands just like humans do. They can only do what humans can do, but being computers, they can do it very fast (which is allowed in this tournament). edit: So no money cheats. Those are from the Scripted Bots from the BW AI project used before the BWAPI existed. Alright, sounds cool then.
ICCUP ID: Dazed. Max Rank: C- in old system Proof (my old acct i got c- on was ages ago and has since been deleted from inactivity) Race: Zerg Need a team.
ICCUP: mpasteven Rank: D iccup.com, last time I played StarCraft somewhat seriously was in 2004. Only very recently have I gotten back into it. Race: Zerg
I play alone.
I have old hardware so I cannot use Anti-Hack, so I will either record my screen with a video camera or dig out an old capture card.
On March 23 2016 10:16 mpasteven wrote:ICCUP: mpasteven Rank: D iccup.com, last time I played StarCraft somewhat seriously was in 2004. Only very recently have I gotten back into it. Race: Zerg I play alone. I have old hardware so I cannot use Anti-Hack, so I will either record my screen with a video camera or dig out an old capture card.
Like I mentioned in the rules, there are apparently problems with the new maps and anti-hack ( http://iccup.com/en/starcraft/community/thread/833550.html ) so there might be more people who will get problems with AH. So as long as you capture the screen with you playing this is fine.
ICCup: sGs.BaBo Rank: C (currently ~D+/C-) Race: Protoss
Don't have a team, looking for some fun games vs AI! Been very interesting read about + discussing BW AI these past few months, time to get some first-hand experience ^^
Added Tyr (Simon Prins) to letabot's team
Your rank is to high to be considered an amateur C level player unfortunately. So you will have to wait for the next man vs machine tournament without a rank requirement.
Bumping this to say thank you to Zachtronics for offering a prize for this! After reading the the thread more thoroughly and looking at the games on the site, I am hard-pressed to decide which one I would want.
On March 26 2016 01:08 Jealous wrote: Bumping this to say thank you to Zachtronics for offering a prize for this! After reading the the thread more thoroughly and looking at the games on the site, I am hard-pressed to decide which one I would want.
There is a Demo for SpaceChem. So you can try that out before you make your choice: http://www.gamershell.com/download_69740.shtml
Use a link shorter like tinyurl.com . Anyway, added you
iccup ID: evanchristo max rank: D (http://tinyurl.com/jse33vb) Race: Zerg no team Atm
i mainly play on fish server so my iccup rank is not too high, i am also form Australia so i have not so good internet but i can always hop down top the internet cafe depending on time