Katowice25012 Posts
Banner by AtriocFormat copied from p4ndemik
19th MBCGame Survivor Tournament Results and Standings
The Players
Terran - The Pride of War (18)
Bogus - 이신형 - Lee Shin Hyung
Canata - 고인규 - Ko In Kyu
fOrGG - 박지수 - Park Ji Soo
Iris - 변형태 - Byun Hyung Tae
RuBy - 민찬기 - Min Chan Ki
fantasy - 정명훈 - Jung Myung Hoon*
HiyA - 구성훈 - Ku Sung Hoon*
Leta - 신상문 - Shin Sang Moon*
Really - 박상우 - Park Sang Woo*
Sea - 염보성 - Yum Bo Sung*
Midas - 전상욱 - Jun Sang Wook
MVP - 정종현 - Jeong Jong Hyeon
Notice - 김경효 - Kim Kyung Hyo
sKyHigh - 조병세 - Jo Byung Se
UpMaGiC - 신희승 - Shin Hee Seung
BaBy - 전태양 - Jun Tae Yang
Mind - 박성균 - Park Sung Gyoon
PianO - 임진묵 - Lim Jin Mook
Zerg - Overcome All (20)
hero - 조일장 - Jo Il Jang
Hyuk - 박재혁 - Park Jae Hyuk
July - 박성준 - Park Sung Joon
FireFist - 김재춘 - Kim Jae Choon
Saint - 김동현 - Kim Dong Hyun
Shine - 이영한 - Lee Young Han
ZerO - 김명운 - Kim Myung Woon
Calm - 김윤환 - Kim Yoon Hwan*
EffOrt - 김정우 - Kim Jung Woo*
Luxury - 박찬수 - Park Chan Soo*
Modesty - 김현우 - Kim Hyun Woo
Hydra - 신동원 - Shin Dong Won
Crazy-Hydra - 임정현 - Lim Jung Hyun
YellOw[ArnC] - 박명수 - Park Myung Soo
Action - 김성대 - Kim Seong Dae
great - 차명환 - Cha Myung Hwan
Orion - 권수현 - Kwun Soo Hyun
HyuN - 고석현 - Ko Seok Hyun
Sacsri - 이예훈 - Lee Yah Hoon
Chavi - 이정현 - Lee Jung Hyun
Protoss - Victory After Victory (10)
Bisu - 김택용 - Kim Taek Yong
GuemChi - 김승현 - Kim Seung Hyun
JangBi - 허영무 - Hu Yung Moo
Movie - 진영화 - Jin Young Hwa
Anytime - 오영종 - Oh Yeong Jong*
free - 윤용태 - Yoon Yong Tae*
Pure - 박세정 - Park Sae Jung*
Stork - 송병구 - Song Byung Goo*
Snow - 김윤중 - Kim Yoon Joong
Shuttle - 장윤철 - Jang Yoon Chul
bold = Seeded from Nate MSL * = Top non-qualified KeSPA-ranked player on team, seeded into MST
The Maps
Fighting Spirit + Show Spoiler [Show Pic] + Match Point + Show Spoiler [Show Pic] + Odd-Eye 2 + Show Spoiler [Show Pic] +
The News Offline Prelims by p4NDemik Groups 1&2 by Atrioc Groups 3-5 by Arrian
The Live Reports Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11
The Interviews
Group 1 by Lyriene Group 2 by Lyriene Group 3 by Lyriene Group 4 by Lyriene Group 5 by Lyriene Group 6 by Lyriene Group 7 by Lyriene Group 8 by Lyriene Group 9 by Lyriene Group 10 by Lyriene (this dude is amazing) Group 11 by Lyriene
The Format
Finishers 9-24 from the previous MSL are seeded into the Survivor Tournament. The highest KeSPA-ranked players from each team that are not already qualified after the previous MSL are also given a spot. These 28 players are joined by the 20 players who advanced from the offline preliminaries, and then all players are split into 12 groups of four. Each group is played in double-elimination dual tournament format. Two players from each group advance to play in the next MSL.
The Results
Group 1
1. Sea 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. JangBi 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Crazy-Hydra 1-2 Eliminated 4. Orion 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: JangBi > Orion on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Crazy-Hydra < Sea on Fighting Spirit Winners: JangBi < Sea on Match Point Losers: Orion < Crazy-Hydra on Match Point Final: JangBi > Crazy-Hydra on Odd-Eye 2
Group 2
1. ZerO 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. Hyuk 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Snow 1-2 Eliminated 4. UpMaGiC 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: ZerO > Snow on Fighting Spirit Game 2: UpMaGiC < Hyuk on Fighting Spirit Winners: ZerO > Hyuk on Match Point Losers: Snow > UpMaGiC on Match Point Final: Hyuk > Snow on Odd-Eye 2
Group 3
1. great 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. July 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. GuemChi 1-2 Eliminated 4. Really 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: GuemChi < great on Fighting Spirit Game 2: July > Really on Fighting Spirit Winners: great > July on Match Point Losers: GuemChi > Really on Match Point Final: GuemChi < July on Odd-Eye 2
Group 4
1. Hydra 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. Midas 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Leta 1-2 Eliminated 4. hero 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: hero < Midas on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Hydra > Leta on Fighting Spirit Winners: Hydra > Midas on Match Point Losers: hero < Leta on Match Point Final: Leta < Midas on odd eye 2
Group 5
1. YellOw[ArnC] 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. MVP 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Bogus 1-2 Eliminated 4. EffOrt 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Bogus < YellOw[ArnC] on Fighting Spirit Game 2: MVP > EffOrt on Fighting Spirit Winners: MVP < YellOw[ArnC] on Match Point Losers: Bogus > EffOrt on Match Point Final: MVP > Bogus on Odd-Eye 2
Group 6
1. Pure 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. Action 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Canata 1-2 Eliminated 4. PianO 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Canata > PianO on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Action < Pure on Fighting Spirit Winners: Pure > Canata on Match Point Losers: PianO < Action on Match Point Final: Action > Canata on Odd-Eye 2
Group 7
1. Bisu 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. BaBy 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Modesty 1-2 Eliminated 4. Luxury 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Bisu > Modesty on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Luxury < BaBy on Fighting Spirit Winners: Bisu > BaBy on Match Point Losers: Modesty > Luxury on Match Point Final: Modesty < BaBy on Odd-Eye 2
Group 8
1. fantasy 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. free 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Saint 1-2 Eliminated 4. Notice 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Saint < free on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Notice < [b ] fantasy [/b] on Fighting Spirit Winners: free < fantasy on Match Point Losers: Saint > Notice on Match Point Final: free > Saint on Odd-Eye 2
Group 9
1. Movie 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. Mind 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. RuBy 1-2 Eliminated 4. Chavi 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Movie Chavi on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Mind > RuBy on fighting spiri Winners: Movie > mind on Match Point Losers: Chavi < RuBy on Match Point Final: mind > RuBy on Odd-Eye 2
Group 10
1. Stork 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. HyuN 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. Iris 1-2 Eliminated 4. Sacsri 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Iris > HyuN on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Sacsri < Stork on Fighting Spirit Winners: Stork > Iris on Match Point Losers: HyuN > Sacsri on Match Point Final: HyuN > Iris on Odd-Eye 2
Group 11
1. Shuttle 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. HiyA 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. fOrGG 1-2 Eliminated 4. Shine 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: Shuttle > Shine on Fighting Spirit Game 2: fOrGG < HiyA on Fighting Spirit Winners: Shuttle > HiyA on Match Point Losers: fOrGG > Shine on Match Point Final: fOrGG < HiyA on Odd-Eye 2
Group 12
1. Calm 2-0 ► Advances to MSL 2. FireFist 2-1 ► Advances to MSL 3. sKyHigh 1-2 Eliminated 4. Anytime 0-2 Eliminated
Game 1: FireFist < sKyHigh on Fighting Spirit Game 2: Calm > Anytime on Fighting Spirit Winners: Calm > sKyHigh on Match Point Losers: FireFist > Anytime on Match Point Final: FireFist > sKyHigh on Odd-Eye 2
Players Qualified for MSL (thanks to Shkaii)
Race(* MSL seed) Zerg(10) - * Jaedong, * Kwanro, ZerO, Hyuk, great, July , Hydra, Action, YellOw[ArnC], HyuN Terran(9) - * Flash, * Hwasin, * Light, Sea, Midas, BaBy, MVP, fantasy, Mind, HiyA Protoss(9) - * Kal, * BeSt, * Stats, JangBi, Pure, Bisu, Movie, Stork, Shuttle, free
+ Show Spoiler [Team Breakdown] +STX(4) - * Kal, * Hwasin, July, ShuttleWoongjin Stars (4) - * Kwanro, ZerO, MVP, freeWeMade FOX (4) - Midas, Pure, BaBy, MindSKT telecom t1 (4) - * BeSt, Hyuk, Bisu, fantasyKT(2) - * Flash, * StatsSamsung KHAN (3) - JangBi, great, StorkMBC(3) - * Light, Sea, HyuNHwaseung OZ (2) - * Jaedong, HiyACJ(2) - Hydra, MovieeSTRO (1) - Actionhite SPARKYZ (1) - YellOw[ArnC]
Katowice25012 Posts
As always, the first draft always has mistakes so point them out. I just noticed I forgot to add in who is currently qualified which is probably the only thing anyone will look at so I'll get that first.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Lyriene's a beast. Anyone with l10f related genes is a beast. =D
Anyways, as always, free bugs up while TLPDing, and there's an errant bold tag next to Fantasy in the same group. Mind in Group 9 didn't TLPD, and Sacsri in group 10 first entry didn't TLPD.
Great work as usual!
On March 04 2010 22:35 Shkaii wrote:Currently MSL ro32 entrants ◆ Race(* MSL seed) Zerg(10) - * Jaedong, * Kwanro, ZerO, Hyuk, great, July , Hydra, Action, YellOw[ArnC], HyuNTerran(9) - * Flash, * Hwasin, * Light, Sea, Midas, BaBy, MVP, fantasy, MindProtoss(9) - * Kal, * BeSt, * Stats, JangBi, Pure, Bisu, Movie, Stork◆ Team STX(3) - * Kal, * Hwasin, July Woongjin(4) - * Kwanro, ZerO, MVP, freeweMade(4) - Midas, Pure, BaBy, MindSKT1(4) - * BeSt, Hyuk, Bisu, fantasyKT(2) - * Flash, * StatsKhan(3) - JangBi, great, StorkMBC(3) - * Light, Sea, HyuNOZ(1) - * JaedongCJ(2) - Hydra, MovieEstro(1) - ActionHite(1) - YellOw[ArnC]
thank shkaii not me
Singapore66071 Posts
United States13896 Posts
He lost in the first round of the MST prelims to PuMa
Can this be [R&S] 2010 MBCGame Survivor Season 1
Mainly because there is gonna be I think 2-3 more Survivors and 3 same topic names makes me angry
Pitcairn19291 Posts
It's supposed to be [R&S] 2010 *Insert sponsor name here* MSL. However, there's no sponsor yet, so the Survivor tag is currently a placeholder.
Currently MSL ro32 entrants ◆ Race(* MSL seed) Zerg(10) - * Jaedong, * Kwanro, ZerO, Hyuk, great, July , Hydra, Action, YellOw[ArnC], HyuNTerran(10) - * Flash, * Hwasin, * Light, Sea, Midas, BaBy, MVP, fantasy, Mind, HiyAProtoss(10) - * Kal, * BeSt, * Stats, JangBi, Pure, Bisu, Movie, Stork, Shuttle, free◆ Team STX(4) - * Kal, * Hwasin, July, ShuttleWoongjin(4) - * Kwanro, ZerO, MVP, freeweMade(4) - Midas, Pure, BaBy, MindSKT1(4) - * BeSt, Hyuk, Bisu, fantasyKT(2) - * Flash, * StatsKhan(3) - JangBi, great, StorkMBC(3) - * Light, Sea, HyuNOZ(2) - * Jaedong, HiyACJ(2) - Hydra, MovieEstro(1) - ActionHite(1) - YellOw[ArnC]
updated missing free and added group 11 players.
Funny that each race is represented equally
On March 11 2010 04:00 Too_MuchZerg wrote:Show nested quote +Currently MSL ro32 entrants ◆ Race(* MSL seed) Zerg(10) - * Jaedong, * Kwanro, ZerO, Hyuk, great, July , Hydra, Action, YellOw[ArnC], HyuNTerran(10) - * Flash, * Hwasin, * Light, Sea, Midas, BaBy, MVP, fantasy, Mind, HiyAProtoss(10) - * Kal, * BeSt, * Stats, JangBi, Pure, Bisu, Movie, Stork, Shuttle, free◆ Team STX(4) - * Kal, * Hwasin, July, ShuttleWoongjin(4) - * Kwanro, ZerO, MVP, freeweMade(4) - Midas, Pure, BaBy, MindSKT1(4) - * BeSt, Hyuk, Bisu, fantasyKT(2) - * Flash, * StatsKhan(3) - JangBi, great, StorkMBC(3) - * Light, Sea, HyuNOZ(2) - * Jaedong, HiyACJ(2) - Hydra, MovieEstro(1) - ActionHite(1) - YellOw[ArnC] updated missing free and added group 11 players. Funny that each race is represented equally 
By funny I assume you mean awesome.
Katowice25012 Posts
Whoops, totally forgot to add in group 11 when I C&Ped that. Thanks for the update.
MST finishes soon!!
Almost time for MSL!! Has there been any word on a sponsor yet?
wait are msl and mst different?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On March 11 2010 06:22 BlackMesa wrote: wait are msl and mst different? MST is the qualification round after Offlines that lead up to the MSL Ro32. Everything from that point on is considered the actual MSL.
Yes, Flash+Jaedong+Bisu+Stork
This MSL should be very good, looking forward to good matches in semis and finals.
ooooooooooooo cant wait for the MSL group picks
The players are so frickin' awesome. Nearly none of the big names is missing (damn you Leta and EffOrt), with proper group selections, the Ro16 here could be legen+ Show Spoiler +dary.
Katowice25012 Posts
Thanks for that. I'll get the MSL thread out by the end of the week so when they announce they can't find a sponsor and have to push it back 3 weeks again we can all stare at and giggle.
Congrats on protosses guaranteeing us infinite TvT and ZvZs, great work dudes.