On January 22 2007 03:41 CoralReefer wrote: are you kidding me? "Surado / Austria VS CoralReefer / MrSpliffy 2-0"
after we played these games, x-men-loki told us that they were not "official" matches, and indeed surado and austria were not supposed to play with each other.
normally i wouldn't have minded, but i went into these games knowing it was auto loss.
Please dont misquote me. The ONLY time I said games would be "unofficial" was when players played multiple games for the 1;1 low series, because we had decided upon a bo1 for those. About the other matches I only said they were "friendly" games.
Surado and Austria WERE supposed to team up for the BGH games. The roster was put up on the front page of bghers.com about 5 days before the event, so I dont understand why you're disputing the team.
i did not misquote you. where the hell would i come up with this idea on my own? i played those games willingly thinking they were official matches.
and no, they were not listed on the roster as playing with each other. the 2v2 bgh team was different from the 2v2 low money team.
since everyone else is flaming... if i could have had my choice of partners we would have won the low money matches rather easily.
Are you kidding me? I NEVER said, to anyone, at any point that the 2;2 bo3 isnt official. Why the hell would I when it wasnt so????? Why would I mislead people about that? I see no benefit in it. I spoke to dozens of people and I said the same things over and over, that it was a friendly showmatch, and that only the games played after a completed bo1 for the 1;1 low (and bo3 for the rest) would not be included in the "official" score.
The roster + teams were up FIVE days before the event at bghers.com. Hundreds of people saw that, and of course the bgh players knew it too. So they're all lying now?
Yes, the 2;2 bgh teams were listed as different from the 2;2 low teams a full FIVE days before the event.
That was the team BEFORE protech_marine pulled out. The teams were shuffled a couple of times but the final teams WERE put up well before the event.
The other problem was that surado and austria expressed a strong desire to play with each other, being friends, koreans, and regular team mates, so I saw no reason to cut them apart.
Also, for a moment lets suppose the teams were changed during the event, in the channel. Whats your point? This was just a friendly showmatch. CaucasianAsian pulled out of his 1;1 games cuz he had to leave. Did we take a free win? No. I went immediately to tl-west, and asked everyone there for about 10 mins if they'd like to replace Cauc. Eventually Sacajewa volunteered, and he played, no one complained, and those games got included in the official score.
So, seriously, what IS your point? And why the "hahahahhahahha"? What is it thats making you so happy about starting a pointless shitty sad argument?
That post was made on Jan 16, five days before the event. If I remember correctly, Surado let me know protech_marine wouldnt be playing, and that he wanted to do the 2;2 BGH with austria. We listed the finalized team either on the 16th or the 17th.
We never even ASKED tl.net for their roster OR their team, because everyone knew it was irrelevant. Although Mani was kind enough to relay that information to us anyway.
On January 23 2007 13:14 CoralReefer wrote: maybe you got me mixed up then? i wasn't playing any 1on1s.
I knew exactly who was playing whom, and I was constantly conferring with my players. At one point I made a slight mistake, and they corrected me right away. I not only told players whom to play, I repeatedly confirmed the teams.
This is how you started this pointless, unfair, accusatory argument:
On January 22 2007 03:41 CoralReefer wrote: are you kidding me? "Surado / Austria VS CoralReefer / MrSpliffy 2-0"
after we played these games, x-men-loki told us that they were not "official" matches, and indeed surado and austria were not supposed to play with each other.
normally i wouldn't have minded, but i went into these games knowing it was auto loss.
Yeah, try to hide your lack of sportsmanship with jokes now.
ah let it go guys it's true, i'm not that great and my tvp gets laughed at a lot. i still think i should have taken the second game, i was too cautious after losing the first, but a loss is a loss and 0-2 is kind of embarrassing. remember, gandalf, that i wasn't playing because i'm sick at this game, it was because i'm a regular on tl.net. if you want to talk about experience, i've also only picked up formally recognized build orders and standard 1vs1 play within the last year. i had a friend i used to tvz with years and years ago, and so i intuitively know and have some experience in that matchup, but anything outside i'm still trying to pick up. i can't even do a proper push!
so i think this fact, which some people know, combined with my daily interaction with tl.net members made your innocently insulting comment come off really badly. i don't really take offense to it, but understandably haji (who i play and talk to a lot a lot) would be very annoyed, and rightfully so. his dark]n[exus association was just a slip in memory, but your comment still carries the same implications.
again, i don't mind, and i'm flattered by haji's defense, but i don't think it's really worth it to end this otherwise nice showmatch with hostility.
on a side note, x-men-pickle IS really well-mannered, i like him a lot and i'd like to play him again in the future. say hi to him for me! oh and my name is aellyn
On January 23 2007 14:44 intrigue wrote: ah let it go guys it's true, i'm not that great and my tvp gets laughed at a lot. i still think i should have taken the second game, i was too cautious after losing the first, but a loss is a loss and 0-2 is kind of embarrassing. remember, gandalf, that i wasn't playing because i'm sick at this game, it was because i'm a regular on tl.net. if you want to talk about experience, i've also only picked up formally recognized build orders and standard 1vs1 play within the last year. i had a friend i used to tvz with years and years ago, and so i intuitively know and have some experience in that matchup, but anything outside i'm still trying to pick up. i can't even do a proper push!
so i think this fact, which some people know, combined with my daily interaction with tl.net members made your innocently insulting comment come off really badly. i don't really take offense to it, but understandably haji (who i play and talk to a lot a lot) would be very annoyed, and rightfully so. his dark]n[exus association was just a slip in memory, but your comment still carries the same implications.
again, i don't mind, and i'm flattered by haji's defense, but i don't think it's really worth it to end this otherwise nice showmatch with hostility.
on a side note, x-men-pickle IS really well-mannered, i like him a lot and i'd like to play him again in the future. say hi to him for me! oh and my name is aellyn
Fair comment, I'll edit that part out. You have my apology as well as my reinforcement that that post was -NOT- made to insult or demean anyone in anyway, and that it was purely a retaliation to something I felt was offensive towards some people I know.
And it would have been pleasing if someone chided some of the outright offensive and uninformed posts directed towards bghers. Sigh.