AFAIK Wfbrood automatically rehosts every single image for their articles, and in the process it just slaps a logo on them.
Maybe Liquipedia should have something similar as well? The only problem is that those images aren't owned by Liquipedia per se, but a Liquipedia/Teamliquid user.
On July 19 2010 00:51 tree.hugger wrote: At any rate, fantasy was fooled, and pulled a few scvs specifically to plug that hole. And that was not the reason EffOrt lost that game. Fantasy's vulture micro over EffOrt's lurker thrust was what gave fanta the huge advantage, because EffOrt wasn't able to do enough damage to make up for his dead third.
Oh come on, you can't say that wasn't the reason Effort lost the game. Since when do zergs come back vs terran after failed zergling allins? He also wouldn't have lost his third if he hadn't thrown away multiple control groups of zerglings.
The lurker thing was just free units and Fantasy was like thanks ^^ goliaths > lurkers.
This is the only possible ling proof wall for Terran. A Barracks on top of a Depot isn't Ling proof and as already mentioned the Barracks on that other picture is too far on the right.
Of course with this wall you have the disadvantage with the Comsat in a not so great place.
I think the extractor let the zerglings passed, but Fantasy sent SCVs to block and defended well. I watch the vod, and I can swear I saw a few zerglings go through before the SCVs arrive.
It can be seen that fantasy's wall was no where close to ling proof as it was open from 2 spots (where he put his SCV's and where the medic blocked) so I don't think the article is right in stating that Effort falsely created lings to break the wall, instead he just wasted the drone.
Also the 2nd time around he still got through even with the refinery there proving that fantasy's defenses we're ling tight at all...
Starting from about 05:25, none of the lings actually went through between the extractor and the depot (he only attacked the bottommost depot and the SCV repairing it.
I tested the wall yesterday (though without the VOD, I'm not sure if I recreated it perfectly), and the lings only fit between a refinery / depot, but not geyser / depot and extractor / depot.
I had thought about it last night, and after watching the replay again, I really think Effort could have won the game if he went about his strategy a bit differently. Had he held back his lings and faked a gas steal, he'd have all of his lings versus two smaller waves that were unable to overwhelm Fantasy.
Of course, Effort didn't know that the Extractor still created a ling tight area (excluding the hole near the Rax), so the point is definitely moot. But if you watch the VOD, one of Fantasy's three SCVs is rushing for the gas while the other two are there to block, and is attacking Effort's mutating drone. Immediately after the drone was removed, he started his gas, which allowed Effort to break through that spot rather easily. My newbie level analysis thinks that if he had held his lings back, faked a gas steal forcing Fantasy to take his gas, and then charged in with his stronger force, he definitely could have overwhelmed Fantasy going through the two holes in the wall with superior numbers.
Oh man I never knew about this trick. When I was watching the game I was wondering if he built that extractor because if Fantasy had built his refinery, I was assuming it would create some sort of wall, and turns out I was right! But damn, that was such a huge loss, throwing away so many zerglings I really wanted Effort to win, and I was thinking to myself when Fantasy basically contained him, "how the fuck is he going to break that?"
The funny part is, I don't think ANYONE knew about the specifics of the gaps
1. Effort Obviously, or else he would not have attempted it. Even though, I don't think it would have succeeded anyway because Fantasy's SCVs would've blocked off the lings.
2. Fantasy He tried to stop the drone from getting the gas by getting the gas himself (?????). Also, Fantasy tried to block the lings with the SCVs, which was supposedly unnecessary. Basically, what fantasy did made no sense to me. Later, after Effort cancelled his Extractor, Fantasy immediately took the gas, and it could mean three things (much more likely i and/or ii) i. he thought Refinery would be ling-tight too after seeing how the lings were blocked off ii. he needed gas iii. he did it to lure Effort's lings (which means he knows the difference b/w Refinery and Extractor, and he's a genius)
3. The commentators I don't understand Korean, but from their tone of voice, it seems to me that they thought it was a viable option. Could someone translate that segment?
This really comes as a shock to me because as many people have already stated, being progamers, how could they not know all the relevant facts of the game, or more specifically, the match up? How could you not test out taking the Geyser with a drone with a practice partner before the real game (to both Fantasy and Effort)?