I don't know why or how but I guess it's finally happened, I've burned out on teamliquid.net. Prepare for disjointed and ultimately inconsequential rambling.
Even now I don't know exactly what it was that did it, is it the lack of interest in SC2 compared to BW? Is it personal dissatisfaction with the vocal community? Is it wash-over frustration with my personal life? Is it lack of a feeling of group comradery due to familiar faces also dropping out of the community? Is it finding that it's simply an inefficient allocation of my time? I honestly don't know.
I've been lurking around TL with out registering an account since the early 2000's, and only started posting initially in the BW section in 2010, contributing small articles / interview translations, hanging around BW LR threads, and occasionally posting in sensationalist general threads used to be one of my favorite past times when ever I'm online. Even now opening TL is one of the first things I do when I turn on my computer,
Some threads that I've made: + Show Spoiler +
Maybe I need a long break to reinvigorate my interest in esports (along with my tolerance for general threads), I really don't know, I would hate to leave projects unfinished, especially ones for the BW community now that we don't really have anyone to do updates for the Chinese community on TL, and especially when I've already done a couple of articles reminiscing about BW (which were one of the most fun I've had making threads). I was going to just request a perma ban but thought I would throw this blog up in case someone has a better idea.
I'm not a big name community figure or even a great contributor to TL, to where I'm not sure if my presence will even be missed. But I would definitely miss TL if I made the choice to leave it once and for all. It's quite sobering to think of all the hours that I've also invested on this site, seeing old faces either go inactive, get banned, or request perms, In any case I would appreciate it if anybody would like to specifically help take over making BW threads related to the Chinese community since that position seems largely unfilled right now and there is still some great community and tournaments going on.
Thanks for reading.
What do you mean by burn out exactly? It seems like you're referring to being tired of making the Chinese BW threads? You don't have to post, you don't have to browse, but it seems like you feel like you have to? Just take a break and lurk, maybe check out Reddit or something, browse those hidden depths of TL or something.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
There's no need to leave TL completely. If your activity dwindles then that's fine lots of people have a phase when they stop being super active on TL. Once day you may find a reason to post a lot here again.
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
I remember when I felt like I was going to burn out towards the end of December, but a lot of factors played in to me feeling motivated again. Maybe that's what you need, a new found motivation factor. But if nothing like that exists right now, then you should take a break. Just go off and enjoy real life and check out TL every now and then.
On January 07 2013 21:23 mizU wrote: What do you mean by burn out exactly? It seems like you're referring to being tired of making the Chinese BW threads? You don't have to post, you don't have to browse, but it seems like you feel like you have to? Just take a break and lurk, maybe check out Reddit or something, browse those hidden depths of TL or something.
I dunno, just a general lack of excitement and interest, it makes me the sads.
The moment I realized there will be no longer any professional broodwar it sucked out a lot of hype for team liquid . But I am still here although not that active as much as I want to be . Just glad there exist people like sonic and passionate fans for the game they love without them where would be right now.
Your BW reminiscence series was super good, thank you for those :O
you'll be back, they always come back.
My posting has slowed way down since professional BW ended. Nowadays I mostly post in the LoL Subforum.
Bisutopia19160 Posts
I have hit this road block several times since the Hyrbid PL began. Sometimes the only thing keeping me here is my loyalty to several player (FBB <3). But with less and less Bisu it becomes harder. That's why I did things like try and push for FPL by making threads in hopes it would help keep me addicted. The weirdest thing now is how little I use the smallVod sc2 thread. If I miss matches I just look at results because the games didn't matter much to me. I also feel like I have an obligation to stay because the BW forums are still around. As long as people are saying BW isn't dead I can't bring myself to leave that community. I don't interact with bw much but I do watch vods and keep up with the foreign community. I'm more of a BW lurker at the moment. HoTS will definitely be a deciding factor of my amount of participation here in the future. Not sure what I'll do if Bisu retires to the military, he's a year younger then me and I feel like we've grown up together >
I felt the same way at one point. I just lowered my standards on what to expect and it became a whole lot more fun again.
I get bored of this site too actually I have gotten bored of esports lately mainly because I watched so much that I got bored of the same story at tournaments. " Korean A beats Korean B in x tournament" it gets old. As for the site it's ok to not post it or even read it everyday. I don't check out to every day because you likely won't miss much. Besides our love of sc comes from playing, if you always watch you won't enjoy it as much. So play some sc and take a break from esports at the end of the day sc is a form of entertainment so look to have fun and a good time, no point in feeling bad if you get bored of the game,site,esports.
United States24584 Posts
I once burned out from TL also:
I know that feel man. I was hemorraging passion beginning in late summer of 2012, and for me the final straw was when Slayers disbanded. Took a month and a half off completely, only starting to get back. Still, after so many of favorite teams have disbanded, I'm nowhere as passionate as I was a year ago.
I can't say it's been all been bad. With less TL and SC2 in general, I've had more time for real life, and it's been pretty good for social life and career.
I only come back for the girl blogs.
Like most other BW fans here, my posts dropped significantly ever since the end of BW SPL - in hybrid SPL I tried to be interested but honestly couldn't keep up due to lack of interest. Now I still play FPL, but yeah...
Hopefully the girl blogs will pop up here and there to keep me interested.
On January 08 2013 00:43 micronesia wrote:I once burned out from TL also: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZYDpn.png)
250 posts in a week...
United States24584 Posts
On January 08 2013 02:44 MysteryMeat1 wrote:250 posts in a week... You think that's bad? + Show Spoiler +
Those highs look like Blindrawr's average.
On January 07 2013 23:00 endy wrote: Your BW reminiscence series was super good, thank you for those :O Seconded. Hope you're staying for a long time.