I haven't played since 2008, but my favorite role is roaming/initiating. The thrill of getting early kills and screwing up your opponent's solo lanes is just too fun to pass up, especially with my favorite hero.
Favorite hero has to be Earthshaker. Everything about this hero is just too good to pass up. Fissure by itself makes this possibly the most fun hero in DotA because of its high risk, high reward chances in some scenarios. Nothing can beat the feeling you get when you land the perfect fissure; that is, if your team can follow up.
His initiating would be a close second to landing perfect fissures. Blinking in at the perfect 1200 range, and chaining off your spells (echo/enchant/fissure) is just an awe. Catching their team and watching their HP drop as you initiate on them or observing them desperately try to push without getting caught just makes the Earthshaker player feel good about him/herself.
I love playing Kunnka simply because of the somewhat difficulty that lies within his skillshots i.e torrent and the amazing ult.And ye in general pushers,gankers or even hard carries like spectre are my favourite roles.
On October 16 2011 00:07 Sulla wrote: Love how everyone in this thread says their favorite role is support and how it's sad that no one else plays that role... lol.
its because most just think they do, but they play it with a horrible public style, most are no true supporters or just too bad at farming
My favorite role is the tank. I like to play a DPS Tankish style. My favorite hero is Slardar. I usually rush armlet on him then straight into heart so i can keep armlet on forever and start ganking people by themselves with my stride. The ult increases my damage a lot more. And my stomp works as a great aoe stun. Not to mention my bash with 25% chance of hitting.
My favorite role is carry; I just don't trust the role to be played by anyone else besides me. I currently am getting into playing Spectre; the hardcarry-ness of spectre and her late game dominance seems very interesting to me. In the past, my favorite hero was earthshaker because of his role in deciding teambattles.
Pretty solid guide. Wish I had this around when I started out.
It's great to have friends to play with because it can be really frustrating at the start. Also, (as in sc2 too) try to play with better players than yourself if you want to improve quicker. Dota is such a deep game that it really helps to have someone hold your hand and point out your mistakes.
There are bunch of similarities that transition from sc to dota. Couple of examples.
Timings: Just as you get a critical item, ultimate or some other skill it might be a good time to take advantage of it and push or gank. Also reversely, it is often a good timing to gank or push right before an enemy hero finishes his expensive item (radiance, blink dagger).
Expanding/farming: This might not be as obvious but farming = expanding. If the enemy team is turtling in their base, you usually shouldn't force an attack into their defense but rather farm (expand) and deny opponents' farm (expansion). If you win a big fight , you shouldn't try to end the game right there but rather take what you can get without risking and go back to farming (take an expansion).
Also, don't take hero kills as the truth about which team is ahead. Depending on hero lineups one team might start with a disadvantage and even if they get 5-0 kills they might still be merely even or at a disadvantage.
I really love support. It does suck not getting kills, but its always cool being the clutch heal from Chen or a clutch shallow grave from Dazzle is amazing. Dazzle has to be one of my favorites (although I don't like how he looks in Dota 2). His heal is hilarious, and this slow/stun is so good. I wish I saw him more in games!
my favorite type of heroes are semi-carries, but with early game ganking potential.
my favorite hero would be nerubian weaver, i get a tangoes and ring of basilius and i have no problem farming and counter harassing against annoying lanes, and dodging disables from heroes like skeleton king. When a hero with a slow or disable comes along to gank its fairly easy for me to use swarm and get a kill
I'm usually playing support/semi-support heroes, but my all time favourite is Storm Spirit. I just love the fact I can (in the noob games I play at least) escape pretty easily when things start to look grim. The farming capabilities are second to none and he has a built-in disable. What else can one look for? Also, his model is really cool. The Mexican look in dota2 isn't that bad either, lol.
I prefer carry because for me it's always fun to stay away from the enemy and farm up my core item. My favorite hero is mirana bacause she deals a lot of damages, you can always be aggressive with her and it's always a fun moment to kill your enemy with a blind arrow
I love playing some kinds of roles, support and roamer mainly.
One is support, be it Venge, CM or Earthshaker, however truth be spoken I do not take this role very often in pubs due to the fact that you are so reliant on your teammates to carry your way to victory. This is one of the things I dislike(or well I don't dislike) but I find less appealing is the fact that as a hardcarry you basically farm for about 30min before you can do anything in the game(granted you destroy everyone by then if done correctly) I just want to jump right in the action, so roamers, gankers and support are my hero's of choice.
My favorite heroes are Lich and Lion, one is very very aggressive in the lane while the other can CC and also oneshot stuff(always fun to do), all the while supporting or helping the team.
I also like playing semi-carries such as Mirana, basically you can do tons of damage yet still be very usefull to your team outside of the hardcore farming phase, and I like that.
Ow yeah my pubstomp hero of choice is either Anti-Mage or Spectre.
My favorite hero is Lanaya. Being able to succesfully gank nearly any hero after lvl 6 while at the same time maintaining vision and slow support for the other lanes and jungle feels very powerful and rewarding. I like to play the ganking role so I normally lane until the ultimate gets ready to start hunting down enemies fulltime afterwards.
The Ganking role is very fast paced and action heavy. You always fight directly, head to head with your enemies. Even after many years, I still love to rush out of the fog with them instantly thinking "Oh shit I'm so dead".
Lastly I like this style of play because I get to take a lot of responsibility for my team. If we lose, I would have to admit that it was mostly my fault but if we win i would get the awesome feeling of being the one that turned the tide.
Well I like to play Vengeful Spirit because a good support can really do a lot for a team especially one that has so much to offer throughout the entire game. Vengeful Spirit is one of my favorites because there are so many things you can do to drastically change any fight or gank.
First off I would like to say it was a good read. =)
I started with HoN never played DotA, since I was more into the console games like Halo at the time. So I got to say my favorite hero is basically Witch Slayer/Demon Witch. Now the main reason I love this hero is because of the simple fact that he is a very easy hero to play, especially for newer players.
I started playing with friends who were in the 1700-1800 range (idk why they let a noob like me in their games) so I played support most of the time, since I knew I could not carry or farm correctly. Now not only did I learn the simple stuff like ward spots, stacking/pulling, and baby sitting my carry. I also learned how to harass aggressively in lane to the point my carry gets free farm. I also learned that I do not have to stay in my lane the entire game, but roam to other lanes and help gank.
I hate the elitist players who think if you lost your lane it is your fault. Sure I can understand that sometimes, but the fact of the matter is sometimes people get lucky/unlucky or just get out-played, it happens. So now I always try to roam to any lane that is having trouble, and I always try to help gank.
I went from a sub 1500 noob, to a 1700+ player. It was really all because of Witch Slayer. He isn't a difficult hero to play, but the simplicity of the hero let me learn the more advance tactics of the game, and molded me into a better player.
I've been playing a ton of HoN recently in preparation for DotA 2 and I'm trying to experiment with all the different heroes. I've just been solo queuing (up to 1700 so far) since I'd rather not learn all the HoN drafting right before I switch games, but i've still improved quite a bit.
According to my stats, my top 5 most played are Plague(Lich), Tempest(Enigma), Empath, Slither(Venomancer), Hag(QoP). Support seems to be my most played, but thats also because its hard to get a balanced team in solo queue. I'm not sure I have a favorite role, I tend to fall in love with specific heroes, not their roles.
My all-time favorite hero is probably Slither though. Being able to play him so many ways really clicks with me. You can succeed solo, trilane, babysitter. You can be a pusher or a ganker, even a semi-carry if you do well early game.
Mirana is a close runner up as she is also a very versatile hero. The one thing I try to avoid in DotA/HoN is playing boring matches using the exact same strategies.
I really love playing as a Huskar (Sacred Warrior). Dont know why, but he really fits my style when playing on pub. And late game with tons of HP he is a truly unstoppable. Not so much in the team games, i usually go Rexxar or Earthshaker there, but Huskar is just my guilty pleasure.
I don't have a particular favorite role, I just love heroes with pets/summons. Enigma, PL, Warlock, Chen, Lycan, Furion, Veno, etc.. NOT MEEPO - I am so bad with meepo. I (try to) fill whatever role each of these heroes are best at.
However, my favorite hero has always been Clinkz. Run really fast. Shoot really fast. Buy manta style and orchid for more running and shooting really fast. Skip out on TP scrolls because you run so fast. Devour the souls of Furbolgs and Wildkin. *disclaimer: I am a terrible carry, which is why I usually stick to Enigma
The proper mindset for lane phase Clinkz Eastwood is to have this scene playing in your head:
You are the (Bone Fletcher) With No Name. Who will get the (first blood) gold? SO TENSE.
I love playing support/ganker initiation for a good team. One of my favorite roles has to be earthshaker just an all around well rounded fun hero that can do good ganks and initiate.