I read a bit of it and most of the items/heroes you linked to each paragraph just screams pub bash :<
I havent read the replies so im not sure if this has been said/pointed out.
Bloodseeker wouldn't classify as a "ganker" in most cases, it will primarily be used as a carry (killing creep gives hp back giving it insane farming capabilities, then when there is a hero to kill icefrog kindly shows u where it is on the map).
And since u did mention gankers and roamers, i'd probably add in that the main difference between them is the laning phase. A good example of a ganker would be venge or sven, they will have a dedicated lane to sit in, but will move around the map to help get some kills early in the game. A roamer on the other hand would be someone like potm (if u plan on playing it as a roamer, obviously) or ES. Where they arent given a dedicated lane and just run around all game helping other lanes and get kills.
Im not sure if you pointed it out in your original post but a lot of heroes have over lapping roles. Initiators being gankers, roamers being semi carries etcetc.
On October 16 2011 19:06 Bumblebee wrote: Congratulations to ruXxar and Nalesnik! Thanks for some good posts, they were all enjoyable. But don't worry, I will do another giveaway in the not too far distant future. Follow me on Twitter to see when!
On October 16 2011 19:06 Bumblebee wrote: Congratulations to ruXxar and Nalesnik! Thanks for some good posts, they were all enjoyable. But don't worry, I will do another giveaway in the not too far distant future. Follow me on Twitter to see when!
Thanks you doing all of this :D And those posts are, indeed, epic. Hopefully I will get more lucky on the next one >.<
I'm playing dota since the last version of Eul in 2003(I think it was in 2003) and been waiting for an actual dota game since a year or so after icefrog replaced Guinsoo, so although it makes me sad that I didnt get the key I guess I can wait a bit longer. :/
I like to play pushing roles, if I roll SS, my mate will pick Lesh, and we will either have a Chen or some other fairly strong late game anchor to rely upon, depending on the structural damage we can do. My team always worked hard, and were fortunate enough to rise to B+ on the iccup ladder. I feel that the reason our strategy was so strong was because we would always have a strong ganking hero mid, along with a strong cc attack to clear creeps quickly. Once we saw a leak in their defense, we were able to push the towers, take at least two, if not all of the outers by the 17-20mark, giving our carry the ability to farm safely with the cushion that is the lack of the enemies' towers.
I really miss the activity that DotA had back in the day, and I would give anything to be able to compete at a high level in the game again, starting fresh in DotA2; I just can't deal with the inadequacies that are LoL and HoN... Here's to the memories.
On October 16 2011 19:06 Bumblebee wrote: Congratulations to ruXxar and Nalesnik! Thanks for some good posts, they were all enjoyable. But don't worry, I will do another giveaway in the not too far distant future. Follow me on Twitter to see when!
Same, I thought it was tomorrow been putting together a video answer. Ah well, maybe next time. Nalesnik definitely deserved it, I remember going "oooo, that's awesome" when I read it.
Well I already trawled through and located timestamps for the videos so I'll post this anyway. Enjoy.
Meepo, Meepo, Meepo, Meepo (and with Aghanim, Meepo again!) My favourite hero by far.
Meepo is undoubtedly one of the most fiddly heroes to play. At level 16 with aghanim and the correct items, you have 5 meepos to control with 2 abilities each, a blink dagger and a mechanism meaning 12 buttons to press. If any of the Meepos die, it’s all over and you’re a spectator for the next one and a half minutes.
However, as someone once said, with great fiddliness comes great power and to me, Meepo is one of the most versatile heroes in the game. There are certain heroes which hard counter him so he’s not a top tier pick in competitive games but when he has the chance to shine, boy can he shine!
As befitting a hero which is actually 4 (or 5) heroes, Meepo can play almost every role in the game. Let me introduce you to his many names:
Meepo the Carry: I notice you didn’t include Meepo in your venerable list of Carry heroes and he isn’t traditionally what you would consider a Hard Carry but he is definitely a Semi Carry that can end the game before the Hard Carry has a chance to get his required farm. His secret sauce: combined experience from every single Meepo. This feature means that from level 6 onwards, he can gain experience and farm from multiple sources, laning, ganking and jungling, all at the same time. If played correctly, he should be the highest level hero going into the midgame with his core items ready.
What makes a Semi Carry? I like to think of a Semi Carry as one which requires less farm and cheaper core items before he can fulfil his role. Mirana and Windrunner are good examples. They tend to have decent attack damage and strong spells. Meepo has all of those. With strength treads and mechanism, he’s almost ready for primetime. Throw in a Vladimir and he can solo Roshan. A blink dagger and no lanes are safe.
He has the attributes but can he really Carry? To me, the hallmark of the Carry hero is the ability to decimate a team. To be the source of most damage while not dieing. Let’s see how it’s done:
Meepo the Ganker What makes a Ganker? Usually, we think of heroes with good burst damage and some sort of disable or slow. They try to catch enemies out of position either in lane or in the jungle and take them out before their allies have time to react and assist. Meepo’s earthbind can be used to lock down a hero almost completely, poof is great burst and he even has passive slow! However, what makes Meepo scary is that he can be roaming and ganking while still farming away so he be a threat without sacrificing income or experience. A great example of this is the Meepo played by TakinBackMyLove of Malaysian team MUFC. Here he goes on an unsuspecting Syllabear:
Meepo the Initiator What makes an Initiator? Initiators dictate the terms of fights and can determine the outcome before they even begin. They force the enemy to engage on your terms. They usually have a strong aoe spell, stun or the ability to isolate heroes. Great initiators include the Batrider, Puck, Sandking and Earthshaker. Meepo can be played in this style. With a blink dagger, he has huge aoe damage, earthbind everywhere to lock enemies down and force them to fight. In some ways, he’s even better than these other heroes because with mechanism, he has decent survivability and can then proceed to hit for significant damage. TakinBackMyLove shows how it’s done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpZf-ypuq-k#t=19m50s
Meepo the Pusher Pushers need to be able to clear creep waves fast and two level 4 poofs are enough for every creep. Meepos core items are also great for pushing: mechanism and Vladimir. Most importantly though, he can have a presence in multiple lanes so he can be played almost like a Furion or Tinker, pressuring everywhere and poofing out if any danger materialises. Meepo the Fearsome Finally, I think Meepo has so much scope for ‘pimp plays’. I’ll leave you with one of the top Dota moments of 2010:
The aim is to use the least amount of effort(ie: mana/health) to do the most amount of damage to the enemy, if not kill them. Learning the absolutes of a tower's range, hero movespeed, cast time, attack speed, damage, creep AI and your reflex is what is required to perform an attack of opportunity.
A simple magic missile level 1 (125 damage, 1.1 second stun) may not seem much, but if used at the right opportunity it can potentially lead to over 400 damage in the early game. Example: the enemy deciding to last hit a creep just in tower range, but his last creep is being attacked by a tower and is about to die, casting a stun on the hero at that point will deal severe damage.
In Dota, especially the early game, treat it like martial arts. If you see your opponent drop in defense for that split second, thats when it will hurt them the most. It could be simply walking a step too far or catching their skill on cooldown.
I have to disagree on the concede button. Valve themselves iterated how Dota is known for those impossible comebacks. Putting a concede button just shows your commitment on giving up and starting over..because you felt you lost due to your teammates or your own ability.
My favorite roll is the carry. Don't mind shouldering some responsibilities for the team, and also enjoy the feeling of dominating when you're fed. Definitely a roll where if your team played well, you will see the rewards fast.