Well, here goes my post ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
My favourite role in DotA = Ganker, by far.
My favourite hero to play in the ganking role is Queen of Pain. She isn't played too much (or at all, really) in high-level matches but in a ganking heavy line up she can be deadly. Her skills synergize perfectly she's a very tactical hero. The ideal situation involves starting as the solo mid hero, favouring scream of pain and blink as the initial skills. Solo mid lane and blink ensures you can have complete rune control, while scream of pain is deadly in the start of the game. I like to play her in a highly mobile/versatile build, which means I go for a fast bottle + boots of travel. This will allow me to quickly gank wherever I wish and secure as much farm as possible.
If everything goes well in terms of kills and creep score, I'll have a guinsoo's by the 25-30ish minute mark, and by this moment you can just nuke pretty much any solo hero you can find. If you have a good warder and good map awareness, no one can escape you.
In team battles, the usefulness of a skilled QoP is insane. You can control space with Blink and single out weaker enemies, and you can use your ulti either to initiate or to finish off a weakened enemy team. There's truly nothing better than walking in quickly with BoT for a quick scream, blink to the most convenient position and unleash a well placed sonic wave.
Overall, an extremely fun hero to play with, she's also incredibly versatile. I like to play her as a ganker but she can be an extremely solid semi-carry as well. She's also a very skill dependent hero, I remember thinking she was horrible 5 years ago, but then I found out just how great a hero she is.
I like to play support, an active agressive support to help out carry to get where it is needed. CM for example, play it right and its awesome (specially against defensive players).
i play lol nowadays and i like to play casters because they are fun and scale well into lategame too.... not in dota sadly ;( so i used to play carry panda a lot because he could do so many things, especially if his ulti was used well .
ah vengeful spirit the way she moves makes me go ooh, and to just right click with her in beta would make me go ooh ooh, hot damn its happening again. brb
As the game timer counted down and the heroes got ready to creep-block their fellow warriors, some "glhf"s were exchanged between team mates and enemies. Little did I know that it was truly going to be a great game.
The laning phase was absolutely terrifying the moment our solo mid called "miss". An enemy Witch Slayer, several levels higher than us, was on the loose. Luckily for us, the enemy heroes in our lane pushed the waves towards our bottom tower, meaning myself and my laning partner were safe under the protection of our massive magic blasting tower. My unsuspecting Magebane went out of the safety of the tower to last hit a creep, and then SWISH!!! Huge spikes zoomed out of the ground, summoned from an evil figure lurking in the woods. My figure was impaled as 3 grinning enemy heroes advanced. I watched helplessly as my hero was bombarded with nukes and a painful "FIRST BLOOD" reached my ears.
Determined to carry our team to victory, I tped back to my lane as quickly as I could. My heart sunk as our solo mid, Master of Arms, once again called "miss", but by then it was too late. The moment my Magebane teleported to the lane, a line of spikes ripped through the trees. My teammate bubbles tried his best to save me, but to no avail. We stood no chance against 3 enemy heroes higher levelled than we were. A loud "DOUBLE TAP" echoed through the room.
Several minutes into the game and my items were extremely poor for a carry. My good creep stats were negated by both my deaths. The enemy team started to build up in mid lane, preparing to push our weakened first tower. I blinked as many times as I could to get to mid lane to help my team mates, but the moment my hero arrived, the enemy team's carry, Nighthound, and my biggest rival in that game, casted a brilliant smoke screen, covering our supports and gankers. A ferocious but extremely one-sided battle erupted on the screen. Our team's hopes disappeared as the word GENOCIDE screamed to us. I was utterly disappointed, all other thoughts zoned out. 0-3 with a hero with an escape skill, 0-3 with a carry which should be leading the team to victory. Failed. That single word echoed all over my mind. Failed. One of our team members called concede, and all of us clicked the thumbs up button, except for the Master of Arms, our other potential carry. He was the only one on the team with a positive kd ratio. Yet his words amazed me. I still wonder how some words said in a video game, from some player I didn't know on the other side of the world, touched me.
"We can still win this. Magebane, you farm, while the rest of our team try to hold out. k?" I couldn't believe the Master of Arms, a ranged carry, was giving up his chance to carry because he believed I had a better chance. Even I thought the situation was hopeless. But those few words, gave me determination. Determination to win that game, not to let the team down. I moved efficiently between lanes, last hitting the best I could, playing as safe as I can, as battles roared between my team mates and the enemies. I finally built my core: Helm of the Black Legion, Steamboots and a Runed Cleaver. I blinked around the Forests of Caldavar, frantically swiping at all the neutrals as my team mates barely protect our towers from utter destruction. As my magebane zoomed back to base, I thought "Now or never". I didn't have time to farm more than the frostburn, my team mates couldn't hold out much longer.
The attack signal on the Lion started our charge. Spells blasted everywhere, a mess of creeps and heroes fighting, casting and escaping from the battle. "Double tap, HAT-TRICK!" My heart leapt as I saw my Magebane take heroes down 1 by one. Master of Arms pinged the enemy mid tower, and we all ran to it with our eyes set on our goal: The Sacrificial Shrine. Evil heroes seemed to pour out from all sides, but we fought valiantly, until "DOUBLE KILL". The farmed Nighthound gave me a look of pure evil before disappearing into the shadows.
As time progressed, my Magebane became more and more dominant, but so did the Nighthound. "CHAMPION OF NEWERTH!!! BLOODBATH!!!" Then, all of a sudden, a purple cloud appeared over my head and a painful stab penetrated my back. I turned around to face my rival: The dreaded Nighthound. We enganged in a furious but simple battle; whoever had more DPS would win. He soon realised he had no chance and tried to disappear, but a brilliantly placed Ward of Relevation by a support meant the end for the other team's carry, and my first ever immortal, a 15 kill-streak. We somehow managed to prevail against all the odds. That one game is why I love farming with carries so much, and is the sole reason why my favourite hero is, and will always be Magebane.
Thanks Bumblebee for the opportunity to win a key to an awesome game! :D Good luck to all other entries! :D
My favorite role has always been the carry.
Knowing that the success or failure of a team is completely reliant on the fact that you play perfectly throughout the length of the game and the hard work of last hitting every possible creep leads to the culmination of complete domination later in the game keeps me excited and motivated to play to my full potential at all times. For this reason i often choose Morphling because i love finding the perfect balance in subtly adjusting my strength and agility to be the fastest strongest hero on the map at any moment and then sensing danger escape with far higher life regeneration and health than any tank could dream of. The fact that adaptive strike is exactly as it sounds and adapts to every move i make in regards to my stats it is very important pick and choose whether to use the stun or the knockback and engage perfectly with waveform. Then the ultimate provides even more control over team engagements choosing an important hero to be able and switch places with the image is crucial to keeping squishy heroes alive. My favorite build is to stack strength with a quick heart and BKB and morph almost all of my strength to agility then go for an eye to ensure no hero will escape from me with waveform and a slow. This ensures domination throughout the game and the BKB keeps from being locked down in important team battles. The best part of morphling though is on the off chance that you are caught alone you can quickly move as much agility to strength as you can and have upwards of 6k life and insane health regeneration making you almost invulnerable.
I'm a support player, through and through. After the game, the team will fawn over the carry, giving him praise and thanks but I can sit there contently knowing that I won our team the game.
Warding, ganking, saving teammates. It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I look at the scoreboard and see my 20 assists, along with looking at the map and seeing everything warded. If I had to pick a favorite support, it would be Omniknight. To me he is the essence of the support role. Simply by being in a fight, you are tilting the odds of winning the fight into your team's favor. You make your carry nigh invincible with your Repel and Guardian Angel. Relying on your MS to escape from ganks? Not so fast now, are you?
His heal however is probably my favorite spell in all of DotA. It can be used to harass, to save lives, to turn the tides of teamfights, to bait enemies into attacking you. It's won me games, throwing down that heal and giving my carry an even larger damage as the opposing hero will be down health while he gains more.
So yes, while getting those 25 kills and 400 creeps is a beautiful thing and I will always appreciate my carries, I'm happy watching the enemy throne go down knowing that while I didn't kill a single hero by my own hand, I put my entire team in the position to do so.
Write a comment to this blog post and tell me what you're favorite role is to play and what your favorite hero is. Good posts will be awarded!
Alright! Finally made an account after over a year of just lurking because of how badly I want this. I've been playing DotA for a very long time, and some HoN.
I have to say, my favorite role is Utility. Basically, Utility heroes have a role combination of support and carry. Support in the sense that usually I get the Mekansm and keep my team alive, and carry because I also dish out some serious damage with some low cooldown nukes and short duration disables.
Windrunner is the most popular Utility right now, but my favorite hero to play is Puck the Faerie Dragon. Aside from being a gay dragon, Puck is a very mobile hero with very good AOE damage and disable spells. Illusory orb damages all enemy units in its path and gives me the ability to teleport to the orb any time I want, which is very good for chasing AND/OR running AND/OR surprise attacks. Phase shift makes Puck virtually unkillable, because with 3 seconds of invulnerability and a Dagger of Attack and Illusory orb I can be anywhere I want in no time at all and it makes for insane jukes and movie-worthy scenes. To top it all up, Waning Rift and Dream Coil - an AOE silence and AOE stun make for amazing crowd control and paves the road for the Initiators to clean up and wipe out the enemy team, like Tidehunter and Earthshaker.
Just my entry. Thanks for reading and keeping my fingers crossed for the DotA 2 Beta Key. Followed you on twitter (@bubbyski), and just for a good laugh I'm adding a short clip on a video I made of me with my favorite hero in action, PUCK! My scene starts at about 2:40. Thanks again!
I like to play ganking heroes, specifically Nerub Assassin, or his HoN counterpart Fayde. In both cases, these heroes have outstanding burst potential, even more so when coupled with a Dagon or a Necrominicon.
With their ulties, both also have a very assassiny feel to them and can to some extent pick their battles more strategically than most visible gankers. Positioning is key to deal as much damage and put as many heroes out of action with stuns etc. Manaburn is also great for completely shutting down the skills of agi carries and str heroes.
As for why I love the gameplay of these heroes is that it's so fast paced, you always gotta be on your feet, looking for un-pushed lanes where ganking will be most effective, and line it up with power-ups. And if you get a good start, get travel boots, and go to town. When you get to this point and you are able to effectively shutting down their carries you probably just won the game ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
What's more, you have quite a few item builds you can do, and all of them come with changes to your play style, which means when you get tired of one way, you can always chose the other way and still get to Rome. Customization for the win.
Fast paced and crazy amounts of burst damage, leaving little to be said for your opponents!
(Wonder how they will implement Nerub Assassin, seeing as most of this hero, save the Assassin part, is copyrighted by Blizzard ;_; )
Ganker's my favorite role, no question about it. So much more fast-paced and exciting to play than the other roles since you're constantly moving around on the map trying to make something happen, and it really allows you to set the pace of the game and make your opponents think twice about going too far away from their tower early on.
And my favorite hero would have to be Puck. He's just such a good hero (probably one of the best heroes in the entire game, imo) from start to finish in a game, starting out as a very strong solo mid, with excellent harassment and rune control, and he quickly turns into a fearsome ganker as his illusory orb starts to gain a few levels, and thanks to phase shift, you can be super mega aggressive without putting yourself at too much risk if you play it right.
Going into the midgame is where I think Puck really shines, you've just picked up your blink dagger, and you've gotten level 2 of your ult. With the ability to just blink on top of someone to silence, preventing any retaliation, and then the illusory orb follow up makes escaping a very hard thing to do, and that's just for solo ganking. In teamfights your ult can easily turn the tide of a battle and then some, especially if paired with other strong ults, heroes like lich and sand king come to mind.
And unlike a lot of other heroes, Puck never really fades off in the lategame, he actually turns into quite a strong support hero, just due to the sheer power of his ult, as well as his ability to stay alive with phase shift, and because of his very dominant midgame, he'll probably have a guinsoo, or be close to completing it as well, but even then, he's not item dependant in any regard, and can help your support heroes out with warding for a large portion of the game, which in turn leads to them having a much easier time being able to afford very important items like a force staff or an aghanim's.
My favourite role is support, favourite heroes are those from/trained in Winterspring. Of those heroes Rylai sticks out as the one I like the most. Its usefulness in support is so high since it needs so little.
As long as you position yourself properly and get off nova/bite you can then proceed into melee to soak stuns/silences with the ulti and promptly die. Since that is the role only farm worth ~5k would help to stop her from dying, since a carry could use it better there is no way to reach that tier of items. Which means I get to get boots and then wards all game long, maybe a bracer or two if it goes well.
Along the same idea of needing little is the level requirement. Level one of all her skills (except aura) is enough for most situations. Which means that at level 7 you have what you need for the mid game level wise and can ward/roam/screen/counter-gank or whatever else that causes the opponent to lose xp just as much as you do, while coming out ahead.
The downside with Rylai is that she is a semi poor babysitter due to no heal and being squishy (the carry can't protect her). This means Rylai is only really suited for tri lanes or offensive dual lanes instead of passive farming ones. Rylai + Spectre is an example of a lane that will fail since Rylai will get killed if she steps forward just a tad too much. While Rylai + Juggernaut is an example of an offensive lane where Yurnero can kill the enemies being agressive towards Rylai.
Then as mentioned above, mid game just use your spells and try to get them to kill you instead of somebody more useful in a team clash. Outside of team clashes, don't die, only die if that is what is needed to save a carry. In mid game reading the flow of the game is very important for rylai since most gankers/carries can solo kill her, forcing you to play passive or near allies. Or read it well enough that you don't die.
Downside with Rylai is that it is easy to feed, something to always avoid as any class of hero. Since a series of nerfs hit it it hasn't been as popular due to slow ms and lacklustre endgame.
My favorite role to play is support and I used to play Lion. Being support isn't easy but the team doesn't rely on the support as much in the late game which makes it easier for me just to ward and sacrifice myself.
My favorite hero is Techies, but for a real game, my favorite role is carry. I'm very meticulous in last hitting and enjoy building up into a powerhouse. I feel the greatest control over the game this way, knowing I cant win it in the end.
I have two favorite roles or rather the only roles that I play in games: support and carry.
Support - You don't need items. Let your skills do the talking.
Mostly I use int heroes like Rhasta, Warlock, Dazzle, WD, CM; heroes that babysit and ward to be more specific. When I getting to know more about DotA, I started with supports. Because I ward so much, I know the map in and out like blind spots, neutral camps and trees, and that's essential in DotA.
My favorite support hero is Rhasta. There's nothing prettier than trapping an enemy with serpent wards. (Be patient for a bit. Use your surroundings. Target your ulti on or near the hero and BOOM he's trapped.)
Carry Heroes like Balanar, BS, Lycan and Storm Spirit; what do they have in common? They have good mobility and excellent presence during the mid-late game. This is where your map knowledge really comes in to play because in the mid game you'll be farming, ganking and escaping ganks. I like playing carries because it contrasts the mundane play style of supports.
My favorite carry is Balanar. His mobility during night is excellent in forcing your enemy to be less aggressive.
Congratulations to ruXxar and Nalesnik! Thanks for some good posts, they were all enjoyable. But don't worry, I will do another giveaway in the not too far distant future. Follow me on Twitter to see when!
I fell in love with Lol a couplemonths back, after being forced to watch some games in IEM, it spiced up my interest. I have liked Vayne/Ashe/Miss Fortune, so I guess I like that carry aspect of the game, if the game went well the ammount of kills you get is absurd. But there is 1 character I have the MOST fun playing, that that is my beloved Gangplank in a jungler role. I simply get nerdchills anytime I use my e from a bush to jump on an unsuspecting victim that has overextended himself, I can imagine their "ohshit" face. And never to forget that playing GP makes my map awareness much better, always looking for victims for my ultimate. What you gonna do when GP comes for you! Also, critplank ftw, q in your face and you die!
Pretty sure it said last date was 17:th of October, did you change that?
On October 16 2011 19:22 monie wrote: Pretty sure it said last date was 17:th of October, did you change that? Yeah, because I'll keep doing other ones. I regret that I put it "so far" in the future. I just want people to get going and then do some more giveaways. :-) I'll announce the next one on Twitter.
i started out playing public APEM, so i played carry, but eventually i stopped playing dota and after a break i started playing hon "seriously" and i decide to play support, and my favorite hero by fra is Plague(Lich King) of course its not like the most difficult support hero but still i love to play him.