My favourite role definitely is support. Somehow I came to realise overtime, that support is really an integral and important role. They are the one that make or breaks the game especially because they pave the way for the carries to be effective mid/late game. If they fail to play their role accordingly, their carries might suffer a lot early game thus become very ineffective later on in the game. Without a really good support player, your team can really falter easily, especially more apparent when you are fighting stronger/higher level teams.
Even in other sports, it is the same case. In soccer, you can have all the superstar, top scorer strikers in the world, but without proper players who can pass/feed them the ball nicely, they won't ever get to score. And if your defenders/goalkeeper are crappy, you will bring your team morale down very easily once you start conceding a lot of goals. Similarly in basketball, without nice passes from the guards, your center and forwards won't be able to easily score. And to achieve all of these, the players have to have certain qualities - able to read the game from a different perspective, possesses extraordinary vision and also must be very unselfish (having high teamwork/always thinking about his team, instead of himself).
So, I willingly sacrificed myself to adopt this role within my team and find that it really suits me, because I always read a DotA game in a much larger, longer-termed perspective than most others. I may not be that good, but I'm always trying my best to learn from every mistake that I can each game, and being a support, you will really learn A LOT about the game itself - how to gank, how to save your carry from dying easily, where to ward, how to initiate, how to not die so much, to TP or not to TP, when to TP to help your friend in need, etc. etc. - and all of these things, a support have to willingly learn to improve upon in order to achieve the main goal for a team, which is to WIN!
Basically, it is my favourite role because of the diversity/potential of learning that I can get compared to any other roles...
... it really is either that, or that I am just NOT THAT GOOD AT PLAYING CARRY lol lol ! ![](/mirror/smilies/puh2.gif)
My favourite hero changes from version to version, and for the current version I am really fond of Invoker because of how much diversity he can bring into a team - he can lay destruction as well as support the team quite well with his variety of spells. If used correctly, he really can become gamebreaking. But my all-time favourite usually is Juggernaught. Why? I just looooove slicing and dicing people to death. He's just too awesome at doing that.
In order to pick a hero and role, I require the following: 1 dota 2 beta key. Upon receiving it, a reply will be sent to you via private message thus closing our transaction.
Serious Answer: My favorite role is the ganker/picker role. It is essential in most games to pick off 1-2 heroes before a push because of the chance of losing a team fight. This is why Beastmaster, is my favorite hero in dota. His skills scale from beginning to late game without fail. In the beginning stages of the game, his axes do great damage as well as change the terrain of the map by cutting down trees. This allows easy picks and tower dives to kill the enemy heroes without being juked around trees while getting hit by enemy creeps and towers. His minions allow him to easily catch up to his enemies with the quill minion or easily find his prey in FoW. His axes while allow early ganks is also useful during mid/end game situations where you can push lanes and kill most creep waves with 2 nukes. His minions are useful throughout the game for easy ganks and picks on people farming in the jungle. Beastmasters third skill, increases his dps late game which allow for him to play the role as a carry as he pleases. His ulti is self explanatory and great for either ganking a hero or locking down that carry or aoer that is bkb'd. tl;dr Beastmaster is imba.
Hey Bumblebee,
Thanks for this opportunity of obtaining a beta Key. My favorite role is solo middle since it is the most influential role in the game. It gives one the opportunity to work and improve on every aspects that is in Dota. One needs to have good last hitting skill, map awareness, and full knowledge of all heroes in the game to be successful at middle. The solo mid has the ability to control the flow of the game by controlling runes, ganking other lanes with level advantage, or even just winning mid to get the fast tower. It is full of action since level 1 to be in middle and your presence is pervasive throughout the remainder of the game unlike late game carry role or early support.
My favorite hero both in Dota and Hon is Queen of Pain (Wretched Hag). There are several reasons why she makes an extremely effective solo mid hero. Her skills: 1/ Blink - Rune control as well as good ganking and good positioning skill 2/ Slow - ganking 3/ Scream - amazing farming ability as well as spammable nuke during a fight if you position correctly. 4/ Ult - Aoe nuke for team battle (also aoe slow in Hon) Her utilities: Due to her amazing farming ability and escaping mechanism, she is able to perform any role successfully. 1/ Sacrifice lane - with blink she can survive a sacrificial lane to win other lanes. 2/ Gank - Blink is such an amazing skills and she has nukes and slows 3/ Carry - with her farming ability, she is capable of farming effective items such as guinsoo or even damaging items to be strong late game.
She is a very rewarding and high skill cap hero to play due to her versatility as a hero.
Thanks for reading.
I like to play support heroes because I never feel like I get good support when I go carry. Plus with support you are not a high priority target so you aren't getting stun locked the whole time.
Probably my favorite hero is Lion because he is ezpz. Two disables, a mana drain for early game, and a high burst damage ult. Me gusta Lion was one of the first heroes I played when I was a noob so I have an emotional connection with him as well. I remember I got lifesteal for him one game and people were bashing me as a nub. I was really confused because lifesteal sounded like such a great item to me.
Hey! Unlike my friends, I'm not good with ALL heroes, but quite decent for my friends to let me play with them if I pick certain heroes, which are my favorites anyways.
These are, but not necessarily in order of preference, batrider, silencer, tuskar.
I don't know anyone who doesn't like to play silencer. Seriously, I feel so evil and it's so rewarding when I see the little blue orb fly to you with a +1/+2 int!
My favorite hero in general, but necessarily for playing is drow. Drow is the first hero I played because when i started playing 3-4 years ago, my friends told me she was noob-friendly. So I probably played my first 10-15 games with her only. Like the poster above me, I have a little spot in my heart for her.
I've never played DOTA so I can't really tell you what I like to play...
But I play LoL, and my favorite roll is AP carry and my favorite champ is Cassiopeia. She owns on Dominion.
Well, I haven't actually played DotA, though I have spent a fair bit of time on HoN.
My favourite role would have to be ganker. I quite enjoy HoN heroes Thunderbringer and Parasite. If I have to pick 1, I would have to say TB, though.
I like to play support and initator heroes. I like to take care of my beloved mates, and if i can't then i prefer just go die first initiating fights like a kamikaze.
edit : my favorite heroes are dazzle and puck.
I definitely enjoy the initiator role. I played some dota, but have played a lot more HON, so I'll use my experience there to answer. By far my favorite hero is amun-ra because of his ability to jump in a fight and just throw down. I would say he is very similar to tidehunter in that aspect. He has a meteor that stuns heroes and then just runs around beating down people. I also definitely enjoy being sneaky as an initiator and nailing every single opponent with a stun. There is nothing more rewarding than stunning their entire team and then having your carries and nukers just clean up without a single loss on your side.
I used to only play carries/gankers, but the last month before I quit I played pure support and initiators, which is what re-invigorated my interest in the game for the month. Rhasta would be my fav support, but Lion comes a close second. As for initiators, I spent a good chunk of my time playing with sandking, particularly after watching really gosu sandking youtube vids (hey, what can I say, gosu dota youtube clips got me pumped to play certain heroes). Can't wait for this game seriously.
Hey Bumblebee!
If I would choose a role, I would be an initiator. My favorite hero is Enigma, easy to farm through jungling not so stressful to play. His clones will help you farm easy without last hitting which I find it wonderful, even though I can last hit very well. You can help ganking on lanes too as well. So it serves both roles well. But my playstyle is to get the dagger ASAP. When going to midgame you can initiate some clashes, by creating eidolons before landing your black hole for extra DPS. While the hero escape cast malifice for finishing blow with autoattack, I really love that sequence of skills. On late game clashes your team will rely on your perfect initiation to defeat the opposing team. Speaking of that nothing feels good landing a perfect midnight pulse and black hole on top of 5 heroes while watching them slaughtered by your teammates. Yeah enigma FTW!
Seen you online plenty of times on the Teamliquid chat channel on dota2 but you never actually wrote there. hfhf :D
Suggestion to you Bumblebee: Make it so there is a join date slash post requirement to enter this contest, as once a place like playdota or reddit or something hear word of this contest there'll be a million dummy accounts made.
To answer your question though, I've always enjoyed playing a semi-carry/ganker, support ganker, or initiator. I know this may sound fairly braod but one hero I don't think has been mentioned yet in this whole thread, which is my favorite, is Necrolyte. I enjoy his versatility with arcane boots, non stop mana and healing, can get good farm in jungles mid game but can fare well in lanes early game. The ultimate solidly shuts down an opponent and with Mekanism you can provide a lot in team fights.
I wish I were better at early game farming so that I could play a hard carry for my team but that never works out too well.
My other favorite hero is Sand King, fantastic initiate and very strong melee hits to farm up a dagger and BKB once you get a level 2 caustic especially. Early game his initiate is situationally better than ES's since he immediately gets in with the stun and then can provide 2-3 melee strikes which REALLY helps the babysitted carry get in even more dps for first blood.
I really like playing bat rider as a ganker and initiator, mostly because I like to go on power trips and love watching people be helpless.
Blink dagger in and Eul scepter someone that can stop me (or bkb but that's boring) from lassoing and watch them float above me helplessly watching their ally suffer a fate they will soon face in mere seconds is very satisfying.
Dragging someone behind me and flying through trees or cliffs (whether towards my team or not it doesn't really matter, when you're literally leaving a trial of fire behind you it's all about showing off) makes me giddy and laugh for no reason.
If/when I get that full stacked tar bomb on 2 heroes and watch them waddle around like ducks coming out of an oil spill (a terrible scenario irl ofc) I can't help taking my hands off the keyboard and mouse (it's not like they're going anywhere), moving a little bit back away from my screen and admiring my handy work as if I just painted the mona lisa... before I go back in to set them on fire and blow them up with rockets.
Everyone has a bat rider in them, and letting it loose in games is far better than going crazy in real life. Everyone should try bat rider at least once, it's a great way to destress and lower blood pressure.
This is a difficult one....
I generally enjoy heroes that are effective without items. So heroes that either are extremely effective with exp, or don't need levels. Roamers, gankers, and support heroes are my gist.
Out of that group, I'd have to say Crystal Maiden is my most familiar support hero. Great mana generation passive for the whole team, and a really offensive spells that are useful for roaming and lane domination. I also enjoy the warding/counterwarding aspect of the game and value positioning and clutch ultimates in foggy areas.
I find that the majority of people aren't well suited to support roles, and only play support simply because they're expected to. I see the support role as something fun. People don't optimize their time in game enough as a support in terms of stacking creeps, warding/counterwarding and tp-ing into counter gank/gank. Too often do you see support heroes go carry items and it's really frustrating seeing it played improperly.
My favorite hero is Kunkka, because no one knows how to handle me on a good day. I've come to the conclusion that I can play any role as this hero, but it fits usually in the role of semi carry. I don't need to tell you anything else, really. However, I am willing to show you what I'm made of, so PM me and we'll have a good time
There is little doubt about which type of hero I both like to play and play well: support. Whether babysitting a Medusa (or another carry) or harassing the other team's carry (especially melee heroes), supporters have an enjoyable, albeit difficult job. Supporters have to spend their money for the greater good of their team, often sacrificing their stats for the only stat that matters: wins. Whether that means buying the chicken, crow, wards, and dust, being "bait," or blocking an enemy hero, allowing your carry to escape while dying in the process, the goal behind each sacrifice is to improve your team's chance of winning.
Due to the limited amount of farm available in any given game, not every hero is capable of farming to victory. At most, 4 heroes can get decent farm, with 3 to each lane and 1 "jungler" taking some. That leaves 1-2 heroes who must survive on very little. Often, I finish games with little more than treads/arcane boots, jangoes, and maybe one middle tier item (e.g. a force staff). The rest of my money goes into TPs, often used to save my carry during a gank, and wards, giving sight of the other team and helping my carry avoid ganks.
As much as I wish I could farm well enough to carry a team to victory, I do not last hit as well as I want to. Therefore, I make it my job to ensure that the other team's heroes have just as hard a time last hitting. There is nothing better than sitting in a lane, protecting your hard carry while denying the enemy heroes both gold and experience. It is the support's version of last hitting: deny every creep you can. It is easily my favorite part of playing support. When I come to a lane and find dual melee heroes on the other team, I instantly become overjoyed. When I leave that lane ~10 mins later with nearly 30 denies, I am filled with euphoria. The way I look at it, I just ruined that PA's (or Void's or any other melee or even ranged carries) day. The job is even more enjoyable with something like a Doom in the lane. With his 0 (or negative) armor, Doom simply cannot take harassment. Therefore, when I'm not denying, I'm busily forcing the enemy hero to use his consumables (if he has any) or sending him back to the fountain to heal. As a result, my carry essentially gets to free farm. On top of the gold bonus from last-hitting virtually unopposed, we also receive a level bonus since the enemy hero has to spend time both traveling to and from the fountain as well as healing.
Beyond the laning phase, supporters also have to know when and where to place the correct ward. For instance, when laning with a harder carry in the bottom lane as the Sentinel, I like to place a ward that gives vision of the bottom rune (thus helping my team's hero mid, especially if he has a bottle) as well as vision of any incoming ganks (a good ward is the difference between a successful and failed gank). Furthermore, wards are especially important in terms of Roshan. Roshan's pit is a notoriously dangerous place to fight, especially if the other team happens to be an AoE team. A ward grants the knowledge that the enemies are walking into the Rosh pit, allowing your team to swoop in, team wipe, and take the Roshan, an obviously game-changing set of events. All because I was willing to spend 200 of my precious gold to purchase sight of two 1600 AoE areas of the map.
In terms of my favorite hero to play, I'm not sure I can decide. I play quite a few supports, and they all have their pro and cons. I originally started playing DotA as Witch Doctor, whose high early game damage, stun, and nasty damage over time spell (maledict) combine to make him a fearsome laner. He can deny, harass, and even kill very early on. In a more passive lane, voodoo allows him to heal his carry, letting him stay in the lane longer to farm and gain EXP. My two favorite moments as WD are: (1) going beyond godlike in one of my first games and (2) solo killing a spiritbreaker (who was admittedly very bad).
Next, I learned to play Lich. Lich has a very annoying nuke on short cooldown, a spell that grants him mana for an allied creep while denying enemy heroes any EXP or gold, and a painful AoE ultimate. His frost armor skill allows him to be useful if for no other reason than keeping his carries alive. A personal favorite moment of mine as Lich came while playing a game with a Dark Seer. I casted chain frost just as the DS vaccuumed three enemy heroes, who instantaneously exploded.
The final supporter with whom I consistantly play is Vengeful Spirit. Although I am probably least skilled with her, she is almost certainly my favorite. Wave of terror not only gives cheap sight, but it also allows her to wipe out waves of enemy creeps very easily, and combined with command aura, she can become a pretty strong pusher. Laned with a Drow Ranger and her own trueshot aura, the two create a very strong buff in damage. She also has a stun which does decent damage. Swap, however, is one of the most useful skills in the game. Whether used to destroy an enemy team's positioning or to save one of your teammates, a well-timed swap can be game-changing. Combined with an Aghanim's Sceptar (if you're ever lucky enough to farm that much), VS becomes quite vengeful, swapping all over the place.
In the end, I support other players not only because I am not yet good enough to carry a team, but also due to the fact that I like to be a jackass to the other team, taking first their gold and EXP, then their life, and eventually their ancient.
I'm a supporter!
Like in every sports I ever played the defensive dutys are my favourites. They are often underappreciated and yet they can make the biggest differences. When I play soccer I play defender or defensive midfield. From there you have a good overview and can help your teammates with positioning and give orders. That also transfers to the world of Dota. As a support, I am defending my carries farm and his live with my own. My biggest role is positioning: positioning myself so the lane is not that easy gankable and i can harass the other heroes if they try to get near the creeps. Also one of my biggest pleasures in game is managing the creep waves through pulling, denying, blocking. The creeps decide where the game takes place, especially in the farming and laneing stages of the game. It's kind of a hidden art of playing dota for me´. Warding is more like a duty to me, like folding cloth, taking out the trash. You don't do it, because you like it, you have to do it, otherwise your quality of life/gaming would suffer. In Jon Snows words: "I know where to put it." ![](/mirror/smilies/wink.gif)
I mostly played dota in pubs or lower ranked levels on Dotalicious. No one wants to play support, because as soon as the 25-30 minute mark passes, you're dead in 4 hits from the other carry. You never get any farm, spend a lot of time only running around or reviving. Not exactly what you are looking for, if you want to have fun in a game. Often times you dont even get recognition if you are playing good, but on the other side it's so much more rewarding to juke the big carry for 20 seconds in the fog with your little measely support hero than just 5 hit anybody with a big carry.
My favourite hero to paly would be Dazzle. He is the ultimate support hero. He has a heal, which can also damage the enemy and destroys waves quickly if needed. He can save you from death for 5 seconds. Shallow Grave alone can bring the enemy team down to their knees. But beware if you ever fail with it, your team will flame you to hell, and when you succesfully pull it off a short 'ty' has to be enough for your ego to nurture from. The posion is a neat little stun ad harass skill to keep enemy heroes on their toes. It can also be good in a gank to slow the target. The ultimate of Dazzle is ready for every team fight and at the same time has the power to change the outcome of it without risking his life every time like CM. With his high base damage harassing enemy heroes or last hitting is better managable, even for more unexperienced players.
My favourite player is Puppy. He takes support play to a new level. It's common that the captain/picker plays support. Oftentimes they are the ones with the biggest game knowledge and senses. And like in modern soccer, it is the easiest to give orders from behind for the captain, because he has the best overview.
I hope I can earn some respect for good support play in the Dota2 Beta.