- Players: 2 - 1v1 design, 9/3 starting.
- Size: 156x116
- Expansions: 14.
- 6x 8 minerals expansions. 2 gas.
- 2x 6 high yield mineral expansons. 2 normal gas.
- 4x 1 high yield gas expansions. 6/7 minerals.
- 6x 8 minerals expansions. 2 gas.
- Rush Distance: 163.
- XWTs: None.
- Destructible Rocks: Four - Two protect the naturals at the north and south, but can be opened for a safe third. Two in the centre tighten chokepoints. Have reduced armour so they're not a nightmare for Zerg wanting a fast third.
- LoSBs: Behind the gold and on the high ground nearby, to the side of the natural's ramp, and by the DRs in the centre.
- Servers: EU
Concept:The initial idea for this map actually spawned from broken bridge doodads. It's a valley where two forces once fought, which should be represented by the middle.
It has developed into a map with a range of options for expanding. Aside from the defensible third, you have additional options in a gold and a quick stepping stone. Space control should be a big deal on this map.
+ Show Spoiler +
Map Analysis and Rush Distances:
+ Show Spoiler +
Detail Shots:
+ Show Spoiler [Battlefield] +
+ Show Spoiler [Eye Candy] +
- 09/05/2011 - v1.0 - Initial map published!
- 14/06/2011 - v1.1 - Two small expansions added to make the expanding process more comfortable. Distant expansions placed on high ground to increase defensibility.
- Tanks, Colossi and PFs are going to have fun on this map. But I'm not actually convinced it's that tight. Will need some tests.
- v 1.0 [url blocked]
- v 1.1 [url blocked]
Other maps by me:
(4) Revolution to the Origin