Just got SC2 and did my placement matches the other day. I got into diamond league after winning all my placement matches but one thing sticks to me: the best player I beat was gold, how come I got into diamond...? The placement match system is so weird haha but I did play a game after my placement matches and beat another diamond. This entry was not written with an intention to offend and/or brag it's just to express a concern. Did this happen to you guys before? The placement algorithm is really weird.. I think I should've gotten into gold or plat or something but wow..haha one less obstacle to get into masters! anyway add me and I'm sure I'll lose to most of the guys here X_X !!!
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2859295/1/Milk/ Thanks.
P.S. : Tell me about your placement match/ SC2 1v1/2v2/3v3 experiences!!
As of late, it seems as if the placement system is kind of weird. I have a friend who only won 2 games on his guest pass and made Gold. Another friend only won 1 game and made silver. I remember previously it was something like: 3-silver 4-gold 5-platinum. I made gold on my 1v1 try. I definitely wasn't gold material when I first started though, and I leagued down to Silver. From there, I switched to zerg, and made it to high plat, where I am now. It was kind of discouraging at first, losing so many matches and dropping down a league, but in the end it was well worth it, as when I finally overcame that, I also overcame any ladder fear that so many of my friends have.
So in other words, don't be afraid to ladder ^^. Happy laddering.
I purposely lost all my placement matches during Season 1 because I like a healthy challenge. After diamond I just lost interest. In Season 2, I played my placement and got demoted to Platinum. Heh, figures after like 3 months of not playing lol.
I'm back at Diamond now currently, but I'm learning a new race so I might even get demoted again, but I like that challenge getting demoted gives you.
YES!! Never be discouraged, and not play because that's the only defeat you'll experience! I'm sure you're diamond material now and I certainly need a lot more experience to truly earn the diamond rank. Some of my friends are afraid to ladder that's why they're still in the same leagues as they started so you shouldn't be afraid of losing! Happy laddering too!
When I first got the game I knew almost nothing about it. I'm actually happy I only won one of my placement matches because when I got placed in the bronze league, I didn't know it at the time, but I completely deserved my rank. It also gave a HUGE amount of room for improvement. After going from not knowing you could set rally points to being a platinum league zerg, I can look back at where I was in the beginning and see how much I've improved.
in team games anyway, you can be placed in master even by losing a game out of the 5
it's definately debatable but i'm pretty sure the rating you have in your other placements, the players you play(and their ratings), and eventually even the time of the day that you do your matches, matter a lot
if someone can place in masters for team quickmatch, it makes sense to me to potentially be placed directly into masters-1v1. but lack of experience on my part : P
few times i placed in teammatch masters for all 3 kinds of teamplay and msot of the time they're a random mix of plat, diamond players that end up being on the other teams i don't remmeber actually seeing master players during placement
p.s congrads and i think you should also include character code for your post :D