Haha, thank you. I admit I wanted to make one but was too lazy, so I hoped someone else was going to do it. Bad attitude, I know Anyway I love days like this, when I don't root for any team or player, so I can just watch without stress. My prediction is MVP 5-4. Coaching will be everything, if MVP can play DRG after killing 2 Slayers non T players, I think DRG can kill Taeja, Ryung and has a great chance against MMA. Slayers TvT is too good, so Keen will perhaps not play today, but if GuineaPig can score at least one kill, MVP will be in good shape. If not, they will lose imo.
Oh tastosis, why hast thou forsaken us?
damnit... thought tasteless + artosis would cast the finals
whaaaaaaa no tastosis? how disappointing
Tastosis.. why.. why...
In other news, Jaedong playing right now. Also, if Boxer plays I will ladder straight from gold to diamond in one session.
no tastosis in finals T_T whyyyyy GSL
I literally can't watch when it's these two dudes casting. goddamn
incontrol/idra! please come to the rescue!
Hmm..... SlayerS on stage left.
What's in the bags the coaches exchange?
Why are people still surprised when it's Doa and Moletrap? They said themselves they were going to cast semi and finals.
On May 19 2011 18:13 Glimred wrote: In other news, Jaedong playing right now. Also, if Boxer plays I will ladder straight from gold to diamond in one session. any clue if theres a stream up for it on jtv or something?
why the FUCK are these guys casting the finals, I thougt we would at least have the finals with Dan and Nick...
predicting BoxeR vs DRG in the acematch, it'll be so good that GOM crashes.
On May 19 2011 18:13 iyoume wrote: incontrol/idra! please come to the rescue!
are they doing it again? whose stream will (did) they use??