- Players: 4 - 1v1 design, 11/1/5/7 starting, fixed to be left vs right spawns.
- Size: 140x140
- Expansions: 17. Main and nats have 8 mins + 2 gas, backdoor expo has 6 mins + 1 gas, fourth has 7 mins + 1 gas. Centre is 8 rich mins + 2 rich gas.
- Rush Distance: See build distances.
- XWTs: Two, north and south - see detail image for explanation.
- Destructible Rocks: Six - One at the edge of each XWT's reach. Cover a route that shortens rush distance, widens combat area and allows you to pass by out of vision. One on top of each bridge.
- LoSBs: Near the destructible rocks, and the north-south passage.
- Servers: EU
'sup! This time I have a little dilemma I can't decide on. Whether or not the centre should be an island - or exist, for that matter. I'll explain more at the end
Concept: So. ProdiG's latest map, Ithaca's visuals reminded me of an old game some of you may recognise as Phantasy Star Online.
I then knew I wanted to make a tribute to the ruins region of the game and bring with it the feeling of being alone in the ancient remnants of an alien spaceship deep within the bowels of the earth. I may have been slightly sidetracked by the shiny Xel'naga doodads, but feel I've adequately captured the mood I wanted.
The map's name comes from the music of the area - Revolution to the Origin.
+ Show Spoiler +
(Map Analysis and Rush Distances:
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [With Rocks] +
Main/back expansion recognition is buggy, which is probably a sign I should move them away a little more. :|
Detail Shots: Low angle shots are a lot darker than the in-game view. That just makes it look cooler though. ♥
+ Show Spoiler [Battlefield] +
Centre expansion.
Natural expansion. Takes 5 3x3s and a 2x2 to wall it and the main.
Main and little baby back expansion.
East to West path. The rocks not only cut the distance slightly, but also provide more space that tower can't reach.
North to South path. the high up ramp is good for small ambushes to cut off reinforcements. Overall, it's a little tight though.
+ Show Spoiler [Pointless Eye Candy] +
- 09/05/2011 - v1.0 - Initial map frame published!
- 11/05/2011 - v1.1 - Natural expansions opened, mains made wider around the minerals.
- It uses that doodad. You know the one.
- The map was built on a visual theme, so it's not got a particularly engaging tactical idea to it.
- Horizontal spawns are still really close. I might have to make it cross positions only. ):
- v 1.0 [url blocked]
- v 1.1 [url blocked]
Other maps by me:
(2) Lunar Knot
(4) Into the Storm
(2) Cliffs of Tartarus
This will hopefully be my last map for a while - I need to refine what I have before I make any more.