Well, compared to how I play as Terran, I have to say, getting into Zerg is a lot easier for me since I need to hotkey only one building for spawning units. Though I need to work on the Roach Opener a bit more because I felt that when I done it, I was one minute too late. Thankfully, my opponent did not counter-attack due to the fact that he was amassing the resources he needs to make a Carrier fleet which made me lost the game. I thought I was gonna make him go GG when I attempted to take down his pylons and his probes. But alas! I have failed.
What have I learned so far?
1. My opener needs a bit of work.
2. Need to make a habit out of making Queens puke more larva, especially now that I have expanded.
3. Be more familiar with hotkeys as it was the first match I attempted to make using Mutas.
4. Speaking of Mutas, I need to make more of them should my numbers thin out.
5. Spawn more Brood Lords
6. Work on my micro a bit since I could have used my air attacks as a distraction for me to break my enemies' defenses. This Protoss has a lot of cannons that walled in and I could have used this opportunity to take down the pylons that power those cannons.
7. Better judgement in what I should attack.
Despite these flaws, I must say, I thought I would never get the hang of Zerg. But after this match, I would have to say, it makes me enjoy playing as Zerg all the more and I plan on dedicating myself to refining my play-style as Zerg and hopefully surpass the Bronze League, if I am not feeling too lazy.