Yesterday on Scrap Station, obviously after the 1.3 patch has been in affect I played a PvZ.
I did the 3 gate stargate strat and rushed with my first 2 voidray. I kill a couple of his queens while my units mop up stuff on the front. His response was to the affect of such 'Fucking toss, can't wait till they are nerfed in next patch'
Then he left. I was like O_O
"If only nexus could lift fly."
Last Year in March,I played a PvT (me P) on Heartbreak Ridge. I gas stole while he was going for a 14cc with only one factory (he added another one later), while I went for 2 gate goon gas. After I saw that I just rushed in goons and slapped on a third gate. Then he said "u fucking protoss". I ignored him and kept up pressure. he decided to fly his buildings away. I slapped on some stargates, made scouts, and killed all his buildings. On the last one I said: "3..2..1..bye :D". Then after he game he called me a n00b. I just lmaoed
edit:heey look. the guy above me is also "eYe"
"" - Cruncher vs IdrA
Just played a guy, he started by saying "if you´re bronze or in placement just leave" I guessed he must be gold or higher so I just marine-scv rushed him and won ( I´m a sucky bronze). Funny thing is, he was bronze to...
"ZvP is completely and utterly balanced." I laughed so hard.
My opponent just graced me with a "overpowered noob units" followed by a swift ragequit as response to a phoenix opening.
On March 28 2011 04:09 clayn wrote:" " - Cruncher vs IdrA haha yes this :D
My opponent in a PvZ lost due to my very well timed zergling harass after he just moved out and later I crushed his whole push as well. (Bragging a bit here )
He said to me: "go watch another Idra replay" and left
(As my blue flame hellions rip through his mineral field and lings) HELLIONS CAN DO THAT?!
Scouted some blink stalkers moving into position to blink into my main, set up tanks with maurader support to shell the area he'd be blinking into.
Right after my opponent blinked in and lost everything he said, 'grats on camping.'
I destroyed a Protoss with mauraders and he said "fucking nigger using those niggers to beat me"
"zerg is such shit" *leave*
after i see he has ~20 slings and i have ~30 so i make 20ish more and go run him over on shattered temple close position 12 and 8 =)
This isn't exactly bm but pretty pathetic and funny at the same time. He was a terran and his name was You.
You: hi You: will you quit for me please? Chicknadobo: hey you You: I have to go Chiknadobo: sorry You: pweez Chiknadobo: you can quit You: please!!! Chiknadobo: lol You: lol You: I placed diomand You: im 5-0 Chiknadobo: Im diamond too You: you? You: I skipped practice league lol You: and placed diomand Chiknadobo: that’s good *he then 3 raxes me and send all marines, I scouted it so I threw up some spines then used my queens zerglings and some drones to hold it off* You: gg You: no workers Chiknadobo: gg You: lol You: gg You: has left the game! (this is the really funny part. If only I was stupid) Chiknadobo: lol. *he then flys away all his buildings and I tech up to mutas to kill em all* You: come on You: pleaseeeee Chiknadobo: ur so funny You: ill do anything you ask Chiknadobo: ur hilarious You: anything You: ill pay you You: paypal You: im in diamond league!!!!!!!!!!!! You: please quit You: please You: you like money/.’ You: ? Chiknadobo: yea You: you want some/ Chiknadobo: yea You: quit then You: please You: come on bro Chiknadobo: I cant trust you You: what can I do to make you quit You: anything You: ill give you a google dollars Chiknadobo: Ill just tech to mutas and kill your barracks He continues to offer me money in google dollars. while I say I cant trust him he offers to make a contract. My mutas come out and I find all his buildings and kill all his crap then he says gg and tries to do the You: has left the game! thing again. He even begs me to leave and then spams random letter while I kill his remaining buildings. I thought it was quite amusing. I guess it is technically bad mannered to fly away all your buildings and not leave a game.
Played against a zerg who lost by:
1. Attacking a position fortified with tanks and pfort with a hydra roach army. 2. Loading a doom drop where I had vision and then flying it through sensor tower. 3. Having less workers than me throughout most the game. 4. Never getting hive tech despite having 4 bases.
Replay: Replay link
After playing a 40min back and forth game (me terran, him zerg), finally managed to win the game with a tank push between his main and expo and sniped his 4th. This was with constant zergling counterattack, muta harass, baneling bombing my attack force, infestor killing couple of my rine drops.
Him: I hate Zerg! Damn Zerg! Damn Blizzard for making this stupid UP race. Me: Well you could play T, don't have to click as much. Him: And give up whining???? I can't blame my losses on my race if I play T or P. Nah, fuck this. Wanna go again on custom?
Love the pragmatic viewpoint
if purp woulda just rallied his units in his base when he was attacking blue..instead of rallying to his army you woulda lost.
just happened in CraftCup Lite :D