In different cultures, different people identify with every one of their unique backgrounds. Each claiming that their founding is unique and is responsible for all that has been created. Present day, every culture is trying their best to cope with the other. Some struggling harder than others. Why is this so hard for everyone to accept each other for their beliefs? I believe that the problem lies in the fact that these people met on different grounds. Instead of discovering each others' similarities first, they discovered each others' differences.
Think of your friends. How did you guys meet? More often than not, you met doing something you liked together or you were at an event that you both enjoyed. On common grounds, friendship is much easier than in an environment where each one has a different view. How much of a chance do you think employees on strike will make friends with their employer? Or even people who are not associated with the employers such as the security/police?
Now, this brings into question what single thing that the peoples on Earth can everyone relate with? It obviously can't be theology as every culture will meet at different fronts there. It probably can't be economic either because everyone is inherently greedy. Other countries will always be richer than others. The only solution to solving this is space exploration.
What other thing can the entire population of earth can agree on? Everyone can look at the night sky and agree, hey, the stars are out tonight or the it's a full moon this evening. Everyone can experience the sun's rays and play with the shadows that they make. The next step, is for everyone of every culture to make their first step into space, feeling safe that they are with their fellow human beings. I argue that space exploration and the eventual commonality for people to venture into space will unify people.
No one can deny that there is a space. It's right in front of them. Every night they sleep, they can take a glance at it, the vastness of space. Unlike religion, politics, and ethics, there are just too many points of views. Sure, I suppose you can pull ethics into the topic of space or politics as every corporation will try to monopolize on the travels into space. However, the point of space is not for the money. The purpose of space exploration is to set a universal common ground for all people. Through this common ground, true peace can finally be attained.
I'm not saying that space exploration is the only way to have worldwide peace, but it can certainly contribute to what we envision a utopia to be.
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
It's difficult to say. Humans, I believe, work in their own self-interest or the self-interest of their group ( in this case, nation). We've already seen the competition between the different countries in regards to space exploration.
If there is something to be had, obtained, acquired out in space, then it will be labeled as property. But whose property? This then stems back to the philosophy of property and government, property being what man mixes his labor with and government being the organization to protect property interests.
I think, even with space exploration, people will always be in competition over such property. That, I believe, is human nature. I believe that the unification of Earth can only happen if there was a common goal which caused humans to need to come together in order to overcome it. Space exploration can possibly lead to this goal, but I don't believe space exploration itself will cause people to unite. On the contrary, from it, only more competition will arise.
This really reminds be of the recurring plot in the Gundam franchise. Earthlings vs Spacenoids. Haha.
Dear Tossup, I agree that is only inevitable that mankind binds together and travels out into the stars. However, there are many problems that may await us in this future world.
First, I fear that the unification of the earth's peoples into a spacefaring race will not be easy. Despite the establishment of a centralized dominant government, we will surely have many tribulations in developing space travel technology, forcing the use of criminals and lower classes to man these dangerous exploratory missions. In time, these factions may present a rival power or confederacy if you will that may threaten mankind with civil war.
Second, humanity's foolish tendency to play god may prove our undoing as we genetically alter and mutate new forms of life. Despite our efforts to control them, this new race may one day rise against us.
Third, who knows what dangerous beings may lurk on the far edges of space? If we push too far, we may unwittingly trigger the interest of powerful psionic beings, who obliterate our complex strategies and units with their easy to use abilities.
too much sci fi, man .. that might be possible but in a far distant future ..
On February 23 2011 18:19 aimaimaim wrote: too much sci fi, man .. that might be possible but in a far distant future ..
This is why we must push for space exploration as hard as we can! The faster we can get to this point, the better our race will be.
It's easy to enjoy the stars when you have enough to eat.
We need an alien invasion, there's nothing that unites people more than a common threat.
On February 23 2011 18:22 Saechiis wrote: We need an alien invasion, there's nothing that unites people more than a common threat.
Exactly, I am thinking the same thing! What we need is Zerg, then hell yea, we will stand united!
On February 23 2011 17:39 Trap wrote: Dear Tossup, I agree that is only inevitable that mankind binds together and travels out into the stars. However, there are many problems that may await us in this future world.
First, I fear that the unification of the earth's peoples into a spacefaring race will not be easy. Despite the establishment of a centralized dominant government, we will surely have many tribulations in developing space travel technology, forcing the use of criminals and lower classes to man these dangerous exploratory missions. In time, these factions may present a rival power or confederacy if you will that may threaten mankind with civil war.
Second, humanity's foolish tendency to play god may prove our undoing as we genetically alter and mutate new forms of life. Despite our efforts to control them, this new race may one day rise against us.
Third, who knows what dangerous beings may lurk on the far edges of space? If we push too far, we may unwittingly trigger the interest of powerful psionic beings, who obliterate our complex strategies and units with their easy to use abilities.
its ok because terran is imba
I think global governance has a chance of existing
but not for at least 100 years
On February 23 2011 21:18 SpiritoftheTunA wrote: I think global governance has a chance of existing
but not for at least 100 years I think the world is already moving in that direction. Maybe by next 20 years...
On February 23 2011 21:18 SpiritoftheTunA wrote: I think global governance has a chance of existing
but not for at least 100 years I hope not , it would be a disaster. My opinion is we should fix up earth before we go messing around with other planets.
On February 23 2011 21:57 iPlaY.NettleS wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2011 21:18 SpiritoftheTunA wrote: I think global governance has a chance of existing
but not for at least 100 years I hope not , it would be a disaster. My opinion is we should fix up earth before we go messing around with other planets.
o_O global governance implies earth only.
How can you dismiss the many areas that space exploration can be about money so swiftly like that? Just because you believe it?
It wouldn't unify people anymore than anything else. The space race, people were unified because we wanted to kick Commy ass, and getting to the moon was the arena this competition took place in
Tribalism is built into the human psyche. Space colonies will become space nations, interstellar ships city-states.
The more things change...
LOL yeah probably got this idea from Gundam. Oh noes. It won't happen in our lifetime. Unless we live forever.
On February 24 2011 05:45 Blisse wrote: LOL yeah probably got this idea from Gundam. Oh noes. It won't happen in our lifetime. Unless we live forever.
live forever? who said that was impossible in our life times? ^^
Space exploration would be a rather expensive method to unify the population of our globe, and so far it's been used more for nationalistic gain than global I think (I'm mainly thinking about "space race here").
Also, there are more important factors going againt globalizing, like unequally distributed resources and tribalism for example (examples that might overlap slightly). I do think that nationalism/tribalism works against global unification. To be fair, the size of a "tribe" has a growing trend, as human civilizations has grown more organized over time. People have been talking of a globalization happening right now for quite some time, and that's probably more or less true. Anyway, as much as I'd like to see a unified human civilization, I don't personally believe that space travel would contribute much towards that.
In the interest of full disclosure, I need to say that I would hate to see a unified global government. In fact, I like to think that I would die in the conflict immediately precipitating its final ascendance.
That being said, I don't understand why you think space exploration would facilitate the unification of the Earth under such a government. I just don't get it. We won't leave behind our politics or our history or our frankly tremendous propensity for violence and self-interest just because we start exiting the atmosphere more frequently.
Humankind has had shared interests and enterprises (exploration one of them) for as long as anyone has been keeping track. My--admittedly inexpert--familiarity with history suggests that these shared activities have lead to violence and fragmentation just as often as they've lead to harmony and unity.
This blog sounds a little starry-eyed if you ask me.