On December 25 2010 18:27 letian wrote: it was obvious from the very beginning, I dont understand why this game is entertaining, this is just waaay bad gg timing
this game was very entertaining!!! maybe not the best play from both parts but it was a great game
well yes we do rarely see Hydra in Zvz and lurks, but during the whole game I was just waiting SK to gg, where did he have an advantage? He was sitiing on 2 bases and Great just didn't want to risk, so he was just waiting for his economy kickin so that he could spare some loses and overwhelm SK, SO apart from lol ZvZ units there was nothing to look at
Yeah I think the same, but still had the hopes in Soulkey But I think hive ZvZ = auto-recommendation anyways.
On December 25 2010 18:34 seRapH wrote: guys after that i'm just too tired lol. plus i got a 4 hour drive ahead of me tm so i'm retiring early, GOOD LUCK FANTASY, GET THE SECOND SEED.
Same thing here but just need to get up early so I also hope Fantasy gets the second seed and good night/good morning/good afternoon to you all
yeah predictions are ok, but sc proscene is going crazy, what is it Oz winning KT, ACE winning anyone, Flash and JD, then some really amazing results, hell of the season, its reaaaally refreshing
Somehow I think that now we're going to see Leta > Fantasy, and then Soulkey > Leta, because Leta TvT > Fanta TvT, and Soulkey's ZvT, I think, will show itself at this stage, and also Leta always fails at individual leagues...
On December 25 2010 18:40 _Quasar_ wrote: Somehow I think that now we're going to see Leta > Fantasy, and then Soulkey > Leta, because Leta TvT > Fanta TvT, and Soulkey's ZvT, I think, will show itself at this stage, and also Leta always fails at individual leagues...
On December 25 2010 18:34 Xxio wrote: he had the advantage when great plagued his own units and when great was on half a base
ahh, yes, but it was barely a victory advantage imo
It was, but then he just let Great expand for free, instead of expanding on his own. Best decision would be probably expand ASAP, because he had nothing to kill these 1000000 spores and sunks in great's base. Then, if compare this game to ZvP, SK would be a Z, not great :D
worry for soulkey now, whoever wins this has been playing real well, think vs great was his best chance. Obv didn't see game 1 so maybe it's not as bad as it seems?