I don't think Phantom Dancer change affects Jax that much. Really, you don't need the extra 45% attack speed you really have trouble hitting people as it is, and the dodge is already hit hard by the diminishing returns and really only is good against melee DPS/carries which you rape hard anyway. The crit and movement speed were the best IMO. But in general, you couldn't go for a fast PD because it doesn't scale well with jax. First off he needs some hp to survive so any off items you do get should have AD or AP to scale with his passive, and they should help jax in general. Cutlass-->Gunblade is perfect. Gives good scaling, life steal/spell vamp (survivability) and a slow which you need really really badly as jax. Scales with his passive, abilities, and his problems. Rageblade is popular, its really good but the stacking isn't all that amazing. As i said, if you get 10 stacks of ultimate and 8 stacks of rageblade the guys in melee range die in 2-3 seconds. But the plus side is the stacks increase your hp by quite a lot, and it lasts like twice as long as the ultimate so you can maybe get a jump/stun/hit/empower off with the bonus AD/AP for some insane burst.
I usually get cutlass/rageblade/tabi before going defensive like veil or abyssal sceptre, or else get a gunblade first. I have however, played games where i got gunblade/PD/Rageblade and just killed the other team in lategame more or less instantlt with some crits, so I wonder if infinities edge is worth it. Seems like crit is some burst which jax really likes, his ultimate gives enough sustained to beat anyone in close range to bits if you survive more than 5 seconds.
On December 14 2010 16:50 IntoTheWow wrote: I like the CS change Amen to that. It required skill and training, sure, but it was bad for the game in HOW it rewarded you for doing this.
No more sunfire stacking D:
how does the new last whisper compare to the void staff now?
It kind of feels like they are trying to make matches longer... Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about though.
most of these changes suck
the only one i like is attack timer being rest with mace of spades now i can gib people even faster
right now since everybody else got buttfucked except like kennan/akali i have to deal with that annoying ass op no skill required electric rat every game. he's clearly god tier as it is.
its true my first game with him i was able to successfully brave build ezpz. he requires no skill at all to kill everybody. and hes also the biggest reason why katarina is fucking useless these days. free stun that doesn't even requiring clicking, whew.
yeah he apparently doesnt have enough energy to mash keyboard and quadra kill with. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
nice to see that malphite isn't as free harass now, but hes still annoying as shit.
im not terribly displeased with that mordekaiser nerf, as i usually hit level 15 super fast anyways, and they did basically just double his damage output with that buff (at least with super pro trinity force morde build)
am upset with garen nerf. building damage on him is so laughable because he has no damage mitigation now. Although new last whisper might help in his damage output, with randuins nerf and sunfire nerf he has like no way to farm super strong to catch up. And his judgement still does half damage to creeps.
i dont like the locket removal. a nerf was certainly warranted, but removal? and they make shurelia's a buff to compensate. great now sona will be even more uncatchable.
where are my irelia and lux buffs zzzzzzzzzzz
I'm gonna get fucked so many times tower diving when I forget Flash doesn't dodge the tower shot anymore, lol.
Ezreal and MF got mad buffed by the patch, btw.
United States37500 Posts
Pretty much sums the patch up.
On December 15 2010 00:13 Southlight wrote: Ezreal and MF got mad buffed by the patch, btw. As if she needed it...
holy shit this patch has a lot of changes.
No global exp from dragon!?
United States37500 Posts
On December 15 2010 00:24 Phrost wrote: holy shit this patch has a lot of changes.
No global exp from dragon!?
Feels like they're slowing down the pace of the game a lot. Level wise at least. Dragon exp nerf. Solo lane nerf. But hopefully flash nerf will make ganks more exciting.
i hate a few things: ward nerfs pot nerfs urgot early game nerfs dragon nerf solo lane nerf tower nerf locket removal (no more sona for me) most of the item changes sunfire stacking nerfs (i didnt do it, but it was so easy to counter i liked it) there is more to my hate list, i dont feel like typing everything
United States37500 Posts
Any predictions on what the new ban list is going to be? :O
My first guess is Sivir. She was pretty ridiculous at the end of the last patch (re: CLG vs OP @ Newegg). The LW nerf hurts a lot of carries (oh noes, we have to think about our item builds now) but doesn't seem to phase Sivir as much.
United States37500 Posts
On December 15 2010 00:33 Glasse wrote: i hate a few things: ward nerfs pot nerfs urgot early game nerfs dragon nerf solo lane nerf tower nerf locket removal (no more sona for me) most of the item changes sunfire stacking nerfs (i didnt do it, but it was so easy to counter i liked it) there is more to my hate list, i dont feel like typing everything
Build a Tear and Reverie. Sona's still going to be good imo.
On December 14 2010 22:09 Slayer91 wrote: I don't think Phantom Dancer change affects Jax that much. Really, you don't need the extra 45% attack speed you really have trouble hitting people as it is, and the dodge is already hit hard by the diminishing returns and really only is good against melee DPS/carries which you rape hard anyway. The crit and movement speed were the best IMO. But in general, you couldn't go for a fast PD because it doesn't scale well with jax. First off he needs some hp to survive so any off items you do get should have AD or AP to scale with his passive, and they should help jax in general. Cutlass-->Gunblade is perfect. Gives good scaling, life steal/spell vamp (survivability) and a slow which you need really really badly as jax. Scales with his passive, abilities, and his problems. Rageblade is popular, its really good but the stacking isn't all that amazing. As i said, if you get 10 stacks of ultimate and 8 stacks of rageblade the guys in melee range die in 2-3 seconds. But the plus side is the stacks increase your hp by quite a lot, and it lasts like twice as long as the ultimate so you can maybe get a jump/stun/hit/empower off with the bonus AD/AP for some insane burst.
I usually get cutlass/rageblade/tabi before going defensive like veil or abyssal sceptre, or else get a gunblade first. I have however, played games where i got gunblade/PD/Rageblade and just killed the other team in lategame more or less instantlt with some crits, so I wonder if infinities edge is worth it. Seems like crit is some burst which jax really likes, his ultimate gives enough sustained to beat anyone in close range to bits if you survive more than 5 seconds.
I agree that the phantom dancer change is largely irrelevant for Jax. I basically never got it for Jax because other items are more important.
If nothing else, I think that this patch is a huge indirect buff to Jax. Not only have several stupidly strong early game heroes gotten nerfed, but I think that the Last Whisper change hurts most every hard carry not named Jax. Now players have to choose between armor penetration and attack speed as opposed to doing cookie cutter IE/LW builds.
Spirit Visage: Still good IMOIMOIMO.
United States37500 Posts
IEdge + SotD incoming. Can probably delay LW to 3rd item thanks to Red and Quints.
Stark's got a huge indirect buff as a result too.
Edit: I also think Xin is going to be huge this patch as well. Can't flash out of his E anymore. If Xin has Ghostblade and Ghost, you're going nowhere son. Wonder what Chrispy will do now that LW doesn't have AS.