Basically for 10 dollars You can watch all the game videos and extra videos of the season that you buy. Any of the VODs you can DL and watch for later views for offline. It seems they are also planning to stream with these Apps. or there is streaming.
It says All GOMTV GSL open purchasers can acccess all videos of this season.... not sure if this means if you bought a ticket that means this app is free somehow but thatd be cool!
I havent even bought a ticket for GomTV ( just stay up to watch it usually), so I wouldnt buy this especially since its 10 dollars but that doesnt mean the most hardcore enthusiasts shouldn't!
If I was able to use this for free because i bought the tickets for S2 and S3, sure, I'll test it. Otherwise no thanks.
Wow they want $10 for something you already paid for? Such a stupid move on their part.
probably in s4 id rather have it on my iphone, i mean im not always going to be free to watch these live.
If it was 10 dollars for all current then I could see its worth... dont know why you would have seperate apps too...
As someone who can't view the stream because he is at work this is awesome definitely bought
Cool! Let us know how it is because it seems like there could be some extra stuff lol.
would be great if I had iPhone
So if you didn't book the HQ stream, for 10$ you can view all VODs from that season on your iPhone basically ?
If they fix the GomTV Player instead I'd be most grateful.
awesome news, will definitely get this once the live service has been applied
Should be noted, they say the app is for the US region. They don't guarantee it will work/work well outside the US.
So us Japanese will have to wait a bit longer sigh.
10 dollars seems like a lot, but I guess if you didn't want to pay too much for stuff you wouldn't have an iPhone anyway.
Separate apps is dumb. It should all be 1 app and tied to your Gom account purchase history and season tickets.
Having paid for the gsl 2 and 3, I wont feel bad about pirating this
As a person who has to follow the GSL through the live report threads this is awesome for myself since I didn't get to see any of games previous seasons.
Did anyone buy this yet? I'd like to know how it is
10$ for an app that just allows me to access the games I've already purchased season tickets for is dumb
I've already got Season 2 and 3 tickets.
Boneheaded move not to make it free for those who already have tickets.
On November 26 2010 05:56 Mairu wrote:O_O 10$ for an app that just allows me to access the games I've already purchased season tickets for is dumb
I'm by no means an expert, but this would be more to do with Apple rather than Gom...
From my experiences, its relatively difficulty to get even a few free copies of your own apps to give away via the Itunes store (for example, to give away as prizes), so I imagine this would be especially difficult on the scale of the number of subscribers Gom would have.
Because apple control the store, and take a large portion of the revenue from app store purchases, theres no incentive for them to give away copies of an app they would be making money from otherwise.