Have you ever had a tear fall from closed eyes? Have you ever felt the bass pulse through your every fiber?Have you ever danced the night away, sweat covering you, clothes dripping,not damp no joke dripping?The floor an inch above three, liquid covers it.You cant sit you have to dance.Have you?Ever? Felt more through someone else song than from years of living?
Before my daughter music drove me.From my classic rock roots(yeah biker parents) to hip-hop I could find something in every style even if it was one song(or felt like one song haha)My true musical love was what we broadly called Techno, its since split into so many sub genres I have no clue whats what.But I loved to dance!I haven't danced in years but this! this guy makes me want to cray and dance again.I am amazed.
{never mind that}
if you want to shorten it up start it at 2 minutes. this song makes me want to go for it with balloons
Edit A teaser one of the Guys form Our home team.Any guesses who it is?Soon Ill have the whole team done.Uno mas!!
Edit2 added the balloon cause I think it might be expected lol.
Man so tired Just got home from a Balloon Decor job at 530 am booooo.But I did do 2 different string of pearl arches.About 15 clusters of balloons and 4 balloon columns.Fun fun.