This PvT between me (CynanMachae) and a Flash-wannabe friend of mine (Rigel) takes place on Destination.
The Shrimp doesn't bite.
We might want to take a look at what the T is doing up there, opting for a supply in main.
Pro Terrans don't wall off.
Most Terrans will agree that gas-stealing is a very douchebag thing to do, so Protoss players out there, don't do it.
Terran: I thought we were friends .
Might as well continue with some zapping action, just make sure you don't look dumb and forget to macro while loosing your probe.
Surprisingly, this isn't as annoying as in SC2.
SCVs don't take probes 1on1, don't try this or else you'll just feel sorry for that poor little dude. Those probes certainly are badass.
I wish this would give +200 gold, too.
Got an assimilator, might as well use it.
Baller probe.
Rax CC as an answer to gas steal, works for Flash, right?
What's the little dot in the middle of the map?
Fucker, a zealot first. I hate to deal with those as T. But with some Flash micro this shouldn't be a problem.
This is a Russian Zealot. SUKA!
1 dead marine and 1 dead scv later, not looking good for Flash.
With a macro like this, those zealots better do a lot of damage.
Zealots and baller-probe get hungry for SCVs.
That probe should be careful with that gas.
Not looking good for the Terran, but some SCV drilling are keeping the zealots at bay.
Baller-probe got an idea.
Did he really just do that?
Baller-probe: That's how you do a manner pylon.
GG quickly follows.
SCV: Wanna hang out? View is beautiful out here.
And just because I felt like it:
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So there it is, I've reserved this blog for my 1,000th post. I wanted to use it for some kind of "baller quotes" thread or something, but someone got to do it before me : clicky
Speaking about baller:
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Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
Edit: Here's the replay as asked: