Well, as my first blog I'd like to introduce my self before the actual story. My name is Eric, I've been surfing this site since 2004 and I've never really taken the time to write my own thoughts on stuff.
Anyways, tonight was an interesting night which inspired me to write a blog. There's this event called "Jazz Fest" which happens every year in Toronto. It takes place in the area that I live in which is called the beaches.
Basically its the Mardi Gras of Toronto. A full mile of street is cut off from traffic to bring life to jazz music. People from all over the city come down to walk along the four lane street and sample each bit of music. Unfortunately the music, by law, is supposed to stop by 11:00PM in order to facilitate those that need to wake up in the morning.
Anyways on to the main story. We started drinking at my friend's place, which is really close to Queen, the main street of the Jazz fest. Upon arrival I said wussup to all my friends on the porch and noticed that my really good friend's younger (19 y/o) sister was there whom i;ve never met (I'm 21). She was staring at me on and off, kinda giggling at every intended joke that i made until her bf showed up, then she rolled inside and chilled with him.
Anyways, as the night rolled on, we got drunk and decided to go up to the Jazz festival and roam around to find ppl we know. We encountered a bunch of frineds and decided to go to a bar. This is where things got weird. The guy's sister came in and he was'nt anywhere to be seen. All of my friends were out for a smoke and this girl came up and grabbed my ass and ordered a shot. I was like oh hey wussup, where's your brother. She said "Oh he's gone for the night (apparently he had left to this other party)".
So she started getting real close to me and hitting on me, like grabbing my dick when i reached for a drink etc. She was making me real horny at this point. So I said hey, lets go out for a smoke. so we went out and saw my friends (discluding her brother) and I (to the side) asked them "fuck man what shoud i do" and they all replied "fuck that man, or You'll regret it." So I made an advance to go to the park and "smoke a joint" even though i didnt have weed and she replied "sure". But i was super sketchy about her brother, so I went and took a really long piss inside of the bar before coming back out and within that time, I decided that it was wrong to hit my friends younger sister.
So I came back out and said, "Fuck I lsot all my weed we can't do this, I have to go home" and, since the night was over (3AM) I went home.
I really regret it now, but I think i did the honorable thing, what do you guys think.
ive been dating one of my friends sisters for over 2 years, so
You did the right thing. Just wait for it.
We need more details ! I mean how long had she been with her bf ? If they were together for a long time and loved each other and that she did because she was very drunk, you did the right thing. If you had promised your friend you would never touch his sister, you did the right thing. Otherwise ... I don't see the problem.
I dated one of my best friends' sister when I was in college, everything was cool. As long as you don't take advantage of the girl because she's drunk, I can't see why his brother would hate you.
You did the right thing, wait until she sobers up then see what she thinks about you. Even then, just be careful about her boyfriend, think about how you would feel if you loved someone and they hooked up with some random other guy.
... you did the right thing
but then again who am i to pass judgement..
you know... god damn it sometimes the right things is the hardest thing to do.
It's really easy with good friend's sisters:
An actual relationship = it's ok , might be weird in the beginning but totally acceptable. When it ends it shouldn't end in a big fight tho.
An One-Night stand or something similiar = no way.
you definitely did the right thing. When it's really something that could get serious you will meet her again and will figure stuff out with time. But fucking her on the first day you've met her would have been a terrible idea.
Haha. You did the right thing but you'll still feel like shit. =P
Yeah u did the right thing, who knows what shed say u did to her while she was " intoxicated"
Sup Eric, you still into bw? You did definitely do the right thing btw.
i bet her brother is a TLNet member and reads this.
Immediate after I saw the title, before reading any of the content, I thought "Fuck her" would probably be appropriate lol
but you did the right thing, but w/e
Yes, you did the honorable thing. She was drunk, would have been cheating on her boyfriend, and is related to a good friend. Any one of those alone would count as honorable.
Still, I don't get while it's 'honorable' not to pursue siblings of a friend. I mean, it's not like you were coming on to her or anything. If anything ever DOES happen it's between you and her, not her brother.
The fact that she is your friend's brother wasn't that big of a deal. The fact that she had a b/f is though...