Well I played more games than I have in about a month, I feel like I played almost 30 games of SC2 today. Here are some thoughts:
- As I pretty much hadn't played a game in 3 weeks (except for my HG tour games 2 weeks ago) I got completely destroyed for awhile... pretty much lost my first 7-8 games (no joke).
I kept losing to really aggressive plays, and 4 times I got cheesed (proxy gates, proxy rax rine scv rush, cannon rush, 6 pool)
- I finally started winning games!
- I'm really fucking bad against early aggression.
- Every game I played today that went 10+ minutes I won (except ONE!)
- I'm having quite a bit of trouble against early aggression: Examples..
a) mass lings early game, they come with like 14-16 zerglings by the time I have 2 zealots and a sentry... and if I don't catch it JUST right to get the block thing up, I'm dead.
b) reaper + early mass marauder , if they time it right they're hitting me just before my immortal comes out and I simply don't have enough to defend it
c) protoss going 3 gate zeals or some other really early shit.
Here are my thoughts. I feel like Terran and Zerg both have an enormous ability to just mass a LOT of units in a short amount of time in the really early stages of the game, and Protoss does not have this option. I feel like Protoss is weak if they don't tech, but if you tech and they're powering you're fucked... and if you power and they tech they can usually defend (Zerg and Terran's ability to defend is much better than Protoss from my experience).
I played a PvZ today (only game past 10 minutes which I lost), where I was going stalker + immortal. I killed his expansion TWICE, but each time he just massed a fuckton of zerglings to fend off my attack, so even though I killed his expand twice, I kept losing my army and he eventually macro'd more than me. I realize that I played stupidly because I kept trying to push in after killing his hatches even though I knew he would have a lot of lings - but the point stands that zerg's ability to get a LOT of units really quickly allows them to not die in that situation. Protoss doesn't have a similar ability.
For Terran, they can wall off, have EMP, etc, so you can't really win quick unless you catch them out of their base / out of position.
So that is kinda my predicament. I suppose I need to develop some optimum builds for each MU that will allow me to tech up while JUST having enough units to stop early aggression. I feel like I made some progress today and I learned a lot.
Overall, I went something like 10-20 today, was like 18-11 now I'm 30-30... at least I finished today by ending .500.
But FUCK A GOAT! I haven't lost so many games in one day in years. I also haven't played 30 games in a day in years. So tired.
man that was just like my first day playing beta. i got to play on a friends acc and he was already in platinum so i was just getting smashed every game but i twas so fun i was hooked. I played about 35 games that first day and i lost almost all of the first 20 of them:O
If you scout that you need more units fast, chronoboost your gates. You're in my division btw.
i know I am. the styles and strategies in the beta change so damn fast, that's why I lost so many games early on, but I feel a lot more comfortable now. all I need to do is learn to deal with early pressure better and I'm in good shape O_O!~
i actually had a lot of fun, I missed gaming rararararar
guh i have trouble vs fast fe terrans and sneak expos
get so scared vs early aggression cause its so hard to see if its coming or not, and then they fake you out and expand QQ
At least you can wall with zeals now. Before the fix, I stopped 9pooling because I felt terrible about it haha.
Have you read White-Ra's guide for what he did in the TLI in PvZ? It will really help you deal with zerg.
Haha I have the same problem with early mass lings. It's so hard to scout so when they get ling speed you just have to guess or play safe =S
But glad to see you're making progress!
Netherlands15103 Posts
vs. mass lings early I love just playing similar to Orb and not walling in on most maps. Actually I like to do that vs. any zerg. like:
I don't get this thing with chronoboosting, how is that really gonna give you that much units faster? You are already macroing to ~50 minerals all the time right? It's not like you have cash to build more units faster, so it's just the 3-5 units you are currently building that comes out faster.
a) mass lings early game, they come with like 14-16 zerglings by the time I have 2 zealots and a sentry... and if I don't catch it JUST right to get the block thing up, I'm dead.
This one if you don't chrono boost your lots or have enough units...you have no choice but to use sentry. Take a scouting tower near your base (some makes have bad ones so might want just use probe out in middle or something. when you see nice amount of lings or suspect something is up just try to stay more aware so you can get it down quick enough. It's annoying but really good defense unless you do 2 or 3 and lot for a bit.
b) reaper + early mass marauder , if they time it right they're hitting me just before my immortal comes out and I simply don't have enough to defend it
This part is pretty obvious of course. You got to delay and work on getting your immortal asap but without cutting units dying to the early pressure / timing attack. Thing i have most trouble against when i try do this timing attack is like 3 - 4 lots with few stalkers and sentry. I keep having move back and forth and about time i get 2 lots or so they have immortal out and 2nd one on the way. i try snipe it but if i fail i try to back up and attempt to get expo going.
If you post some replays people can offer better advice and in more detail what your doing incorrectly.
On March 29 2010 22:26 3FFA wrote: Have you read White-Ra's guide for what he did in the TLI in PvZ? It will really help you deal with zerg.
ya I did, and I've been using that phoenix + warp ray build... but it doesn't really counter someone who goes mass ling ... right when my phoenix is out and I get to kill 1 ol or something, 9359 lings come to my base and i'm fucked
hahah doesnt kawaiirice play on ur account all the time too?
fck you guys i wanna play