So today, I've decided to start contributing to liquipedia. I'm a pretty bad player, and I cant really add to it much in terms of strategy and such, but thanks to Liquipedia my previously D- PvT is now at least low D+ So I'd like to give back. unfortunately, I dont watch PL all too often, so I dont know whcih VOD to refer to for particular strategies. However I know theres a bunch of people who watch and have good memories, so this blog is a request to you. I will try to use this blog as basically a "could you please refer me to a VOD where X happened, or where Y was countered" kinda thing. I dont know if people would wanna help but hey worth a shot right? So heres the first request! i'm currently editing the pages 'Protoss Counter to Two Factory and 2 base Arbiter So can anyone please point me to a VOD where a terran used 2fac and the protoss deflected it using proper goon micro? Also any VODs of a well executed 2 base arbiter would be great. Thanks to anyone who contributes!
On November 17 2009 11:01 caldo149 wrote: If you want to see 2 base Arbiter consult TLPD for PvT games with BeSt, he does it a lot.
Thanks! :D Does anyone remember a game, any game on any recent map where a Protoss stopped a terran 2 factory rush? With DTs, Reavers, Goon Micro, whatever. I'm sure some of you remember one, just post the player names from that match and thats enough
hey guys, another update. So I didnt find a single video on youtube on how to micro goons against a 2 fact push to kill off the rines/SCVs, so I decided to make one with a friend. I know my micro is bad, but I think the point still gets across. If anyone has any replays I can use which get the point across better, or even better if someone who doesnt suck could make an FPVOD of this goon micro, that'd be appreciated ^^
this is great, and it needs to be done on most of liquipedias strategy-pages, so if you feel like you want to contribute pick a strategy and edit in 3-4 recent VODs of the strat. I'm still having a hard time finding a 2hatch that transitioned normally into 3base lurkers :/