This thread is a fucking EPIC READ however there is one thing...5-7 years ago when I was a kid playing the shit out of comps on BB. I found something out by just mindlessly clicking on a Bengalass and wondered at that time how few people in the world knew about this. (Even today people who have played SC for 10 years might still not know about it even thou it's just a cute trick and fireworks.)
If you start a game up in single player melee say Jungle Siege (no idea if campaign works) but basically if you click on a CRITTER and it's not how many times u click but you have to hear the audio speech play exactly 14 times and then the critter will die and in it's place a "NUKE" animation will play out but won't do any type of damage. (I think it works on any critter even Kakaru's)
I just tried it and it still works! Go try it for yourself!!! *clickity click*
Fun read ... I hope you keep on adding more info.
This was an awesome read. I can't believe I missed out on it the first time. I played it when Starcraft when it first came out, but I'm surprised at how much I've forgotten. My phone bill took terrible, terrible damage...
Very nice writeup. Thanks.
omgomgomg EPIC thread. Love it. thx.
I felt how my heart got all warm and fuzzy inside while reading this.
This is AWESOME.
Bumping for all the new comers 2 see
Too bad he was banned and can't add to the OP... making it the longest post on TL. Thanks for the bump
i always laugh when i see the progaming team section
I will just bump this because i think that some newer people will enjoy reading this. I know i did.
Thanks for the bump! Awesome thread!! :o
wow I didn't even know this thread existed.
oh nevermind I recall reading these.
wow operation cwal is amazing
Whoa this is awesome! Theres also a pretty good history of SC on the collectors edition (SC2) "making of" disk.
Thanks for the epic bump. Had a lot of laughs reading it ^^
sweet bump good read, its gonna need an update before all too long