Ok here it comes:
Everyone watching Datoby play vs Brat_ok, Datoby lost 2-1 after three totally epic matches. It was really nice in the first game when it was really low econ and Datoby led one of Brats mines right into like 12 of his last scvs and everyone cheered and clapped for Datoby ^^
Ytech.Bischu playing
sD.Siege aka Zerg~Legend on Teamliquid
My computer place to the left
The backs of (from left) ToT)Naugrim(, Ytech.Bischu and NaW-Runa
ToT)Naugrim( and NaW-Runa
Watching Datoby play vs Brat_ok
I'll update with more pics later and with hopefully better quality! ^^