Translator's notes:
1) I found it unclear what the author meant by 3 gas Hive during Ma Jae Yoon's era that ended with Kim Jun Yeong's Starleague win, because the 3 gas muta to Hive build is still being used today. It might be either a 3 gas Hive rush, which Ma Jae Yoon was fond of doing, or simply the same build as today used on less favorable maps (Longi+ReTem era).
1) I found it unclear what the author meant by 3 gas Hive during Ma Jae Yoon's era that ended with Kim Jun Yeong's Starleague win, because the 3 gas muta to Hive build is still being used today. It might be either a 3 gas Hive rush, which Ma Jae Yoon was fond of doing, or simply the same build as today used on less favorable maps (Longi+ReTem era).
I'm not sure if I'm qualified to explain, but I'll try anyways. It's because the battle between "standard" three hatchery opening and "standard" single barrack into fast expansion resulted in a complete and utter defeat for the zergs. After terrans readjusted the fast expansion build to incorporate fast +1 attack to minimize the effect of the relatively late 3 hatchery mutalisk harass - and learned how to deal with zerg hive play by keeping the main army alive (therefore keeping control of the centre) and delaying the 4th gas for zergs (which keeps ultralisks out of the picture) while constantly getting the better end of the deal with well upgraded marines and mass vessels - zergs were basically done for.
The 3 hatchery opening, with flexible larva count and high drone count, gave zergs a head start against terrans who were unable to counter it successfully at the time. Mutalisk harass and hive play were secondary at the time when the build was in its infancy. Like it is explained by the author of the article, the 3 hatchery play has evolved a lot, and so did the standard FE play by the terrans. The 3 hatchery play of Savior (the progamer central to this story) in 2005, 2006 and 2007 are all different. He constantly had to change his style in order to stay ahead of terrans who were coping with his style better and better.
But with terrans no longer spazzing out to defiler play, and with zergs unable to get map control even after defiler usage, 3 hatchery play popularized by Savior met its demise. GGPlay was the last zerg to profit from the 3 hatchery management (in fact, there is almost no difference in GGPlay's 3 hatchery play in Daum OSL and standard 3 hatchery play now almost two years on). Even though 3 hatchery management is still used today, it has lost a lot of value as the mainstream play in ZvT. The 2 hatchery play didn't get popularized without a reason - 3 hatchery evolution came to a dead end sometime around Daum OSL. With terrans knowing the exact counter to it by the very second, zergs were forced to find another way.