United States12546 Posts
so lame it's funny, thanks
wow. it's like a your mom joke. Cheesy, but still funny at the right moment
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
Physics revision is really getting to me, glad I read this
A man is enjoying a leisurely walk in an open field one fine day and along drifts a wayward balloon, its pilot seemingly finding himself in uncertain surroundings. The balloon approaches and a voice calls out :
"You down there, I seem to be lost - could you tell me where I am?"
The man in the field says "You sir, are in a balloon, hovering about eight metres above a field."
"You must be an engineer", says the man in the balloon.
"As chance would have it, I am an engineer", says the man in the field. "Tell me, how do you know?"
"Well", began the man in the balloon, "everything you've told me is technically correct, but it is of no use to anyone."
"I see.", says the man in the field. "I presume, then, that you, sir, must work in management."
"Well, fancy that - I am a manager", the man in the balloon calls down. "Tell me, how do you know?"
"Well... you don't know where you are or where you are going, but somehow you expect me to help. Furthermore, you're in the same situation you were in before we met, but now it has become my fault.".
I don't know if I should be proud or not that I got it and laughed.
that was a really bad joke. Usually I will laugh at that sort of joke but this one was just not well done imo.
United States24510 Posts
Did not enjoy this one sorry.
It's not my joke but found it a little funny, the part where they needed to do a "lengthy" proof or the punchline itself killed the joke...
LOL I haven't heard either before... they were quite funny to me. :D
'nerd' joke lol. only funny thing about this blog.
Singapore66064 Posts
Facepalm at this thread -.-'
ahaha... I prefered jgad's gag .. Gonna save it as it's a perfect joke for one of those pretentious office dinners......