I really like video editing and making nice movies and I've wanted to get good at it for a long time but for some reason I haven't tried learning the editing programs yet (like Adobe After Effects).
What did you think of my little movie? It has close to no effects, I just got some clips of a game with Camtasia and added some nice music lol.
Would be nice to get some advices! Was it hard learning Adobe After Effects (or any other program that you recommend)? Is there something special to think of?
Here is some other videos that I "made", just for fun:
Boxer Tribute
Small Savior Tribute
This one was made just before Savior started winning games
Looks a little hectic because of the replay speed. Unfortunately I have no experience with any sort of video editing, but I'm sure there are some people around who do :O
Generally (for highlight/frag videos) most people use Sony Vegas to sync all of their work, then use After Effects to add flashy effects on desired parts. Some people also prefer to add effects on the separate clips before syncing them together in Sony Vegas.
I'm not sure of the exact process, because I haven't made a full video using After Effects yet (only Vegas).
On March 10 2009 08:50 Realpenguin wrote: Generally (for highlight/frag videos) most people use Sony Vegas to sync all of their work, then use After Effects to add flashy effects on desired parts. Some people also prefer to add effects on the separate clips before syncing them together in Sony Vegas.
I'm not sure of the exact process, because I haven't made a full video using After Effects yet (only Vegas).
Adobe Photoshop or GIMP are also great programs to have with Sony Vegas. They can help you make nice titles or logos for intro/credits.
Yeah, I've heard of Vegas also. I know Photoshop pretty well so that's good. I think we'll learn Adobe After Effects in school later (we got it on our school laptops so...) so maybe I'll wait until then.
On March 10 2009 08:56 sixghost wrote: It woulda been awesome if you landed that factory next to the lurkers to draw fire, then ran in there and raped them
Haha awesome, I never even thought of that, gotta try it sometime
On March 10 2009 09:01 boesthius wrote: sabaton is <3
once i heard the drum fill i knew immediately what song it was, so goood <3.
In my opinion is what really makes a video that much better is good music. If you like the music, you will often look past the crappy or nonexistent editing and such. I'm not saying that editing is bad, editing is what separates videos like mine from the really gosu ones, like the ones made of Spitfire!
So as long as I have gosu music I'll keep making videos I guess, and maybe I'll throw in som effects as I get better ^^
Sony Vegas ftw! Windows Movie Maker saved my ass a few times too on my other computer before I had Vegas studio. It's good stuff. I like your work man keep it up. I also occasionally do highlight videos and other random starcraft stuff on youtube, it's really fun. I haven't done anything recently though because I've been playing so much.
On March 10 2009 09:18 Nytefish wrote: Nice ^^ You should make another pro highlight. Whatever your current well-performing favourite is!
Flash, Stork, Hwasin fighting! (Boxer is still the greatest tho)
edit: forgot Nada !
On March 10 2009 09:20 LuckyFool wrote: Sony Vegas ftw! Windows Movie Maker saved my ass a few times too on my other computer before I had Vegas studio. It's good stuff. I like your work man keep it up. I also occasionally do highlight videos and other random starcraft stuff on youtube, it's really fun. I haven't done anything recently though because I've been playing so much.
Same here, I play so much and have school during the days so I don't really have any time getting into movie making But I soo want to, I NEED MORE TIME