I started playing Starcraft when I was around 9~10 (I guess this would be in '01 - '02 then). My neighbor got it from somewhere, and I borrowed his CD and installed it one of the various computers we have. My parents wouldn't let me play it at all at first, but settled on not letting me get on Bnet because I was too young. So I just played the missions using cheat codes and whatnot, having fun doing stupid stuff like killing a computer with one worker. Anyway, time passed, and the missions got boring. I started sneaking on Bnet and discovered these wonderful, new fastest map things. I decided to play as Zerg, because it had the coolest name and looked the coolest. I did the whole mass guardians or hydras or whatever, I just played a ton of fastest. Probably a month or two later I quit. I had made no friends because I typed so slowly, and fastest was just getting so boring.
I don't know exactly when I started playing again, but I remember quitting right after I started because Spawning Pools cost 200 instead of 150. I couldn't stay away though, and transitioned into UMS. The only ones I liked were bounds, and there were a ton of them back then. I was just doing the regular noob thing, playing mass UMS with a couple of fastests. I knew about Boxer somehow, and he was god. I remember watching a Youtube video titled "Boxers 4pool", and so up until a couple of months ago (when I started getting interested in the pro scene) I thought Boxer played Zerg. I was fully hooked at this point, but my parents made me quit because of school reasons. I was still addicted, and snuck on time to time, but only for a bound every once in awhile. Time passed and I forgot about Starcraft. Then we were cleaning out our old CDs and stuff, and I found the game (this was about 2 years ago). Unfortunately the Brood War CD was lost, so I was confined to Original. At this point I started getting interested in BGH and LT, but I reverted back to fastest after trying them out. Then I quit again because I was starting high school and needed to focus on grades.
So now we're up to my current stage. In around August/September I started playing again, after uncovering the CD once more. But I wanted BW back, so I downloaded uTorrent and acquired it in a sneaky fashion. I started playing fastests again, but since I could type at more than 10 WPM at that point, I started making friends. These friends recommended that I start trying low money. So I started joining obs games, watching quietly and trying to get a general idea of how they were played. I attempted to play every once in awhile, but failed. Eventually some guy mentioned APM during a game, I asked what it was and what mine was. It was 56, my opponents was 70-something. I thought I was godly for managing nearly an action every second, until the guy said progamers have 250-300 APM. I called BS on that, and he referred me to gg.net, which lead me to TL. I explored around here for a while, and eventually found some BO's, and learned more about the pro scene. From here on out I started watching VODs, learning BO's such as 12 hatch and 9 pool, and discovered that Boxer actually played Terran ( ). I started improving, but it was damn hard to play Zerg. I found the multitasking too difficult, and I tended to almost never expand. So yes, I switched to Protoss. I DT rushed, proxied and cannon rushed, until one game I got utterly crushed by a Zerg player. I started yearning for Zerg again, and set my mind to playing it no matter what. So I've stuck with Zerg, and have improved pretty quickly. I got D+ my first season of ICCup ( last season ) and have gotten lucky to make some friends who helped me out alot. Been gaming more and more lately, and am permanently hooked on SC.
Just started playing a couple of years ago. I've mained all 3 races at one point. I started with Protoss due to the high tech units and the aesthetics of the race. I moved on to Zerg thanks to being completely obliterated by them on Bnet.
Now I'm Terran because of:
1) how the units physically move (like mnm walking across a map, or science vessels flying across). I like it; it's art.
2) I liked the Terran BG music, though I never listen to it now.
3) My APM increases by 40 when I play terran =x.
At first I played whatever race I felt like at that moment. However, I got into SC seriously after the GOM Star Invitational. It was through that tournament that I fell in love with zerg. I watched sAviOr's game against FlaSh on Blue Storm and was just so impressed with savior...even though he eventually lost that game.
After that, I watched Jaedong play with an intense fascination. I was just totally blown away.
That, and Terran seemed disgustingly overpowered against zerg that tournament, and toss seemed boring (the impression Anytime and Much gave me bugged the hell out of me). Zerg just seemed heroic and awesome.
Now that I know more about the game and have been following the pro scene for quite some time, I still feel similarly, strangely enough. Zerg gets shafted quite a bit, and you find very few good top zergs around.
I've played zerg so much now that it feels too natural for me to switch to anything else, though I do really want to learn terran properly as well.
I didn't have a comp when SC came out so I played a lot at my neighbor/friend's house on and off for like 2 years. Mostly bgh/fastest/comp stomps and shit.
Then in like 2002? I got it for n64 (lol) and since that obviously has no online I'd play 1vX comp games or 1v1/2v2 (4 way split screen is super gay not to mention you can see exactly what everyone is doing...) with friends. At this time I was a Z player most of the time and did 1 hatch lurker rushes like every game iirc.
Stopped playing for a long time but in like march? 06 a bunch of highschool friends started playing for fun so we'd do some 3v3 or 4v4 or sometimes fastest/bgh. Anyway we were all like 50 apm noobs so I thought there must be some kind of guide or something to give me some tips on the web. Ended up finding some tasteless interview with Ra from blizzcon 05 I believe. I didn't think a lot of people still played let alone for money or professionally. Somehow found TL and I remember just reading the strategy section for a few days and being really confused with all the new terms I didn't fully understand.
Then started playing pub games and a couple on pgt getting my ass raped. Started reading other parts of tl and eventually started watching live games/vods in like summer 06. At this time I was still a random/protoss player and after watching WCG 2006 I fell in love with oov's play and that lead me to becoming a full terran player. Played some of the smaller ladders after pgt went down and still played with P a little since I was still better with them but that stopped pretty quickly. Now just play the odd iccup game or some fun/practice games with friends.
I just remember loving tanks as a kid and when I played fastest years ago and then came back for low money recently I played Terran. They're just the coolest.
Started out as Zerg because who doesn't like Zerg?
Then switched to Terran to get a feel for a new race.
Switched to Protoss because its gameplay is just so damn fun.
Back to Terran, because I want to build up on a "harder" race
My story I only discovered sc early last year. I used to be an avid css player and was actually quite good, i started playing cs in year 6 which was about 5 years ago and had been playing till around early 2008, i stopped playing cs due to my pc dying and not being able to play so i didn’t have anything to play for a while until i discovered gomtv invitational through pure pwnage. I watched that whole tournament and although i had no idea what was going on terran just stood out as the cool race, and seeing flash rip through stork was sweet, after discovering tl and iccup I’ve just been playing terran and watching flash's career unfold so ever since I’ve been trying to play like flash because hes gosu :D
Played Vanilla campaign a few months after it came out, failed miserably, had to cheat.
Got BW as gift the year it came out, had to cheat to beat campaign.
Started UMS when i was 11, quit for AoE2.
Came back 14ish played fastest as Z, realized storm drops were king here. Switched to P, tried VGT, didnt like it.
Eventually transitioned into regular maps as T after being inspired by boxer micro videos.
Realized TvT as the worst possible MU known to man.
Back to my original Zerg. Started iccup about year ago. Still going strong
Oh right, I also picked zerg because I had a crush on Kerrigan. Seriously coolest character ever. Then I played WC3 The Frozen Throne and had another crush on Sylvanas Windrunner. Actually I've been in love with videogame characters more often than real women. Maybe I should... No lets not acknowledge that.
I started about 7 years ago. I often went to a friend's who had a cracked copy on his laptop. It was the first year I didn't live with my parents so I had no limit to how long I could play and loved that. I played the campaign and as Terran against computer since battle.net wouldn't accept me. I enjoyed massing tank lines surrounded by bunches of MnM and watching ennemy come suicide into it =D
About a year later I got my own computer and bought my own legit copy at the beginning of a 1 week holiday. I spent literally all week getting owned on B.net I don't really know why but I played Protoss at that time. I got tired of getting pummeled by Terran slow-push so I switched to Terran. I got tired of getting owned by carriers so I figured I might as well build some myself and switched back. I played mostly Protoss and a bit with other races sometimes though. Never really became solid or really had an idea of what I was doing with any.
I then quit for War3. I liked the fact that I could actually win more than half of my games and reach high ranks. I wasn't under the impression that 2/3 of the people I played against were just to good for me =D That was a motivation to setting guidelines to my own play, build orders that would make me feel comfortable. TSL made me switch back and got me on ICCup. I tried to apply the same principles to BW and concentrated on playing Toss only since that's the race I'd played most all in all.
Ypang why are you so sexy? I mean I play random for a reason. So I can get raped.
On March 05 2009 13:11 YPang wrote: SWBK always had a secret meaning to it, until the host of the bot had to go inactive and gave it to some other peeps, and the meaning was "South west burger king" ROFL
omfg i always pestered ixi about but he'd never tell me thanks!
Allow me to add something to your story Suppy:
On March 05 2009 13:37 Superiorwolf wrote: I played in one of the WCG USA regional qualifiers and progressed all the way through the first brackets and; unfortunately for everyone I talk to on ventrilo, I beat Louder[Light] 2-1 and iCafe.Moto 2-0, which boosted my confidence a lot.
Your ego has soared to new heights!
On March 05 2009 23:13 Kennelie wrote: Ypang why are you so sexy? I mean I play random for a reason. So I can get raped.
u must like rapes... I can be the rapist...
I can't tell exactly the time I played Starcraft for the first time. Must have been somewhere around 2000 on a lan. Were some FFA games, where I would just turtle as a Terran with a lot of siege tanks and then proceed to get a battle cruiser fleet. Other than those few matches, I never touched the game, and it didn't interest me further.
Fast forward to about spring 2007. I had quit WoW from endgame raiding a few month ago and I was browsing the WCG site, being curious of how those games (apart from CS and WC3, where I knew it) look on a competitive level. I did not watch more than one vod from those games. Fifa, yeah... Dead or Alive 4, well I don't really like fighting games, AoE3&C&C3 seemed rather dull too.
However, I came across one game. I remembered playing it a long time ago. I barely remembered what unit does what, but I could clearly see what is going on. It had a caster, whose dedication to the game immersed me too. There were action packed segments alternating with more calm moments. There were 3 players from Korea raping everyone else, leaving me asking why they were so good. Weaker opponents seemed chanceless. The one whos play I liked the most, was a player playing my race. He eventually went on to win the whole thing. Yes, iloveoov got me into Starcraft. Well, a part of it was the game itself, a part was the casting and the last part was contributed by the players.
+ Show Spoiler +I swear, they told me to play this game
After watching basically every vod of Starcraft the WCG site had to offer, I ordered the game in a neat Blizzard oldschool pack, containing SC+BW, Diablo and WC2. I played the campaign, then played against a few computer opponents, trying to copy the builds I saw online. Then proceeded to go onto Battle.net and so on.
I played starcraft very casually, just playing ums maps and stuff and 3v3 bgh and some LT/ luna. It didn't take a genius to know that fastest was for the complete noobys while bgh was for the lazy, nooby like me. I played terran and protoss, terran for my love of mech units and 3 factorying every single game and protoss for sheer easiness of gaying out a win against people who i knew were better than me.
It's funny how I managed to beat people way better than me with Protoss in Luna when they are Terran by doing a 3 gateway zealot rush every game. Thanks Battle.net lag
I looked up starcraft in youtube, found some Violetak vids. I saw boxer/nada microing stuff and I gave up my Dt dropping/ 3 gateway rushing ways and switched to Terran for life.
I then saw Klazart vids and it was his first, Savior vs Firebathero. Even though Savior lost he became my favorite player after that series and seeing Firebathero dance that gay way after he CHEESED his way out of the 5th game got me even more hooked into korean starcraft. Even though I used and still play Terran, Zerg became my favorite race.
Klazart, despite being completely wrong sometimes in his knowledge is a very entertaining commentator and like most of the commentators on youtube nowadays, isn't boring/ homo. An Irish Indian who speaks 500 WPM and his funny random comments, at that time, it was too good.
I got into ICCUP, hover around D+ barely C- now. I'm at the level of raping friends but getting raped by actual starcraft players. Sometimes, I enjoy bming people for no reason when I lose, saying stuff like "U dam korean" even though I have no rage
It's too bad I watched Korean starcraft too late , people are just so damn good now