It's pretty fun, but I'm stuck on this part in the first level where you have to short hop over bombs... I've done it by fluke once, and made it past the area, but then fucked myself over with a savestate during death...
I've been googling for like a damn half hour trying to find out how to short hop in Super Mario world... It's like this spin jump where you don't go very high at all. But there's nothing... Which is weird, cause there's like a million Mario ROM hacks that require it. And I know there must be a trick to it, cause there are some FP ROM hack videos where the guy does it really consistently.
YouTube Kaizo Mario World if you have no idea what I'm talking about... Help me if you know how to short spin jump
Super Mario world has a lot of strange mechanics that things like Kaizo abuses to hell and back. The super long jumps, yoshi hops, the short hopes, etc. etc. etc. Everything in Kaizo however can be repeated, there is little to no luck involved in it.
It's frustrating as all hell the first time around, I mean EXTREMELY frustrating. It makes IWBTG look like a joke.
I have seen the hacking speedruns of Kaizo. It's insane. I can't imagine anyone actually legitimately doing the whole thing without hours, probably days or weeks, worth of trial and error.
Pretty fun from what I've played of it. Although I guess I enjoy doing things like that and trying to get stuff perfect I never did make it past the first level though, guess I need to work on it some more
Not that long ago the guy was trying that. Looks frustrating as hell hahaha.
I am currently on the first boss, I'll make an update on that blog on how far I am with all the goals next week or so
At the area with the bombs, just press the spin jump as short as you possibly can. There is no trick to that, just press the button and immediately pull off.
Thank you! lol. I would have never been able to guess that on my own.. I kept thinking it had something to do with pressing the button then pressing down at some bizarre timing.
Actually... if you're having trouble short hopping, I would ask what kind of controller you're using. I was playing this with a dual shock through a USB adapter once, and I had to manually increase the polling rate of my USB ports because I was getting a very tiny amount of lag (something I would notice on almost any game except this one).