1: Just gave Samsung a call because of my monitor broken
It seems that the call 1 and a half weeks ago, the ticket number turned invalid, so im really disappointed that happened, now I have to freaking send my own monitor to get it repaired, and they're going to send it back, which is going to take 3 weeks or so, this monitor is a shitty one that im using with a different computer right now..
2: Talking to girls that have boyfriends is so fucking awkward, I dont know what to do with them, should I not talk to them? not notice their existance? or act as if nothing happens.
I'll furthur more the story if people are interested, there is a lot more to the story then that.
3: So much homework right now, because I was gone thursday on a trip.. friday and monday I got off, (Presidents day//Records day) can't believe im fucking blogging about this and not doing it.
4: These days i've been so depressed, because i've stayed home a lot of the time, and at the same time, i've hung out with a lot of people. Don't know why, but I guess its just a conscience thing going on there.
5: Continuing on number four, i've been so depressed because I really just have no person that I can (truly talk to?) someone that I really trust, give darkest secrets and all that nice flowery shit, but I guess I gotta grow a pair and deal with it. Hope that the future can get better than this
6: Helping onto number 5 and 6, Im getting my license on April 3rd! This really opens my possibilities of hanging out and actually connecting with a lot of other TLnetters in the thread : TL Location.. And also, I guess I get more opportunities of hanging out with other people other than the same people that I chill with. (+1 Happiness +1 Hope)
7: After a lot of discussion, I see how the world can be so stupid, arrogant, and just hopeless.. Although it seems like the most hypocritical thing to say, for ANYONE, I just want to point that out. People really need to know what they're talking about before they start to get overconfident with themselves.
8: Once I get my license, I am definently going to start something.. either (Work on sport activities, Work out, find a fucking job) I have to achieve at least two of those, just for the better of my life.. and so I don't get so hooked to TL
9: Thinking about it.. TL and Starcraft have drastically changed my life.. I find those two things, my escape, my way of running away from reality, just watching Starcraft games, and I guess it just makes me feel weaker inside, and thats why im trying to stay away more from the internet, porn, and all that nasty shit that just shouldnt be happening on an every day basis.. haha (I bet other people will freak out about what I just said about porn and internet )
10: Hope everyone makes life the best of it as it is...
Thanks for the read, good luck for life
(No this is not a suicidal note, seriously)
Replying to trains comment, I do believe that TL and SC are every day lives, but how I excessively use it, and play it, just don't seem right to me, im not baseing my standards by anyone elses, im baseing it on my own, Im just not living it up to it right now
I'll elaborate number two once I get ten replies telling me to talk about it, dont feel like writing it for just two people
I'll start another blog post about it tomarrow.. gotta finish a lot of my homework..