로스트 사가 MSL 조지명식때 선수들이 나눈 얘기입니다~
This is a conversation amongst players on Lost Saga MSL Grp Selection day.
마재윤선수가 이영호선수랑 사설서버에서 서로 비밀 아이디로 만났다네요~ 안드로메다,콜로세움에서 무지 싸웠다는데........
Savior and Flash met in a private server, both with fake nicks. They played some EPIC games in Andromeda and Colliseum.
마재윤선수가 이영호선수를 놀라운 경기력으로 제압했답니다;;
Savior overwhelmed Flash with surprising performance.
마재윤선수는 염보성선수나 이영호선수인걸 알았다는데 이영호선수는 이제동선수라고 알았다는군요.......
Savior thought he was playing either Sea[Shield] or Flash. Flash thought he was playing Jaedong.
마재윤선수가 그만큼 연습때는 잘한다는 소리 같은데........
So this says something about Savior in his practice games.
근데 현실은 ㅠㅠ
아아 ㅠㅠ 제발 연습본좌만 되지 말고 방송본좌좀 되어주세요 ㅠㅠ
But the reality is TT
Ah.. TT please be a real Bonjwa not practice Bonjwa Savior TT
P.S:이영호선수랑 마재윤선수랑 안친한듯...... 마재윤선수가 존댓말을 쓰는군요
P.S: Seems like Flash and Savior not so close... Savior uses respectful version of Korean.
Some Comments on this post translated...
검은별 (2009-01-11 19:42:45)
감독님이 하시는 말이 거짓이 아니나 보네요.
그런데 정말 왜 마재윤 선수 어째서 방송에서는... ㅠㅠ
Coach wasn't lying.
But Savior in broadcasted matches.. TT
아리온 (2009-01-11 19:53:08)
제윤아 어지럽다 ㅠ
Savior you make me dizzy TT
이재열 (2009-01-11 20:05:48)
가만히좀 있어라...
Stay put...
이성은이망극 (2009-01-11 20:06:33)
프로게이머들은 iccup 잘 안하는줄 알았는데 A정도면 프로게이머군요.
빨리 올려야지!
I thought progamers dont play iccup a lot. So A lvl is probably progamers.
I gota rank up fast!
Epicurean (2009-01-11 20:09:16)
이성은이망극님// 저런 현역 최고 레벨 프로게이머들은 조금해서 그런걸로 아는데요?
김성제 선수 A+ 3개 가지고 있는데, 이유가 연습할 상대가 없어서(ㅡㅡ);;;랍니다.
I think its because current top progamers only play it occasionally.
IntotheRainbow has three A+, the reason being he has no one to scrim with (ㅡㅡ);;;
hide (2009-01-11 20:38:37)
원래 피지 초중반이랑 후반기 실력차이는 엄청 납니다. 시즌 초기엔 올리기 정말 어렵죠.
그러고 이번 피지가 1.15.3 버전만 지원해서인지 할사람만 하기 때문에..좀 더 쌘것 같더군요.
점쟁이님// 저번시즌 그 저그분은 이름은 말씀드리기 좀 그래서 이름은 안밝히지만...
어뷰저로 리셋된겁니다 -_-a
iCCup season skill lvl is significantly different from early season to late season. It is difficult to raise rank in early season.
++ OP only says "private server" but comments kinda confirm its iCCup.
*** i couldn't translate the convo in vid cuz im at work so no speakers. I'll add vid trans when get home prly.
VIDEO TRANS by: dasanivan (thanks!)
Video translation, as I heard it (feel free to point out discrepancies):
The conversation begins with the topic of how Flash's secret ID on ICCUP was compromised.
Flash: They say I was discovered because I hotkey all of my Command Centers.
Jaedong: Yeah, that's right. You were uncovered because of that.
Flash: How did they know that? That I hotkey all of my Commands?
Jaedong: That news just spread that way.
Flash: That's too much, how do they know that?
In the circle:
Hwasin: What's your rank?
Savior: Right now, A - A-
Jaedong: Is your ID a secret?
Savior: It's (Censored)
Flash: I thought I was playing someone else.
Savior: He played like, 3 games with me. But we played a 40 minute match on Andromeda and another 30 minute game on Colosseum.
Flash: Ah! I think I know what you're talking about. I lost, didn't I? We didn't play again because we were tired.
Savior: Yeah, doing just 2 games we played for 70 minutes.
Jaedong: The other day I played a 50 minute game with Flash.
Savior: I thought I was about to die from exhaustion.
Hwasin: I was playing some games, and I was around A-, right? So I was playing, and I was playing Toss, and we both reached a draw match. So the Terran lifted his building and went to the corner. And we had that for a day and a half. The game just played for a day and half. Went to sleep too and...
Savior: I know, one day that we were getting MSL photos taken, I was playing with some Zerg, and we reached a draw. So I just left it on and I went to get my photo taken, and when I got back he left. Was he RorO? or hyvaa or someone.
Savior: I mean, the first time we just played a normal game, but then the second one on Andromeda we played 40 minutes. I was really tired so I rested a bit, and a little bit later we played again, this time on Colosseum. And we played for over 30 minutes! We were so tired we didn't play again.
Flash: And I was like, it must be Jaedong hyung. So I really wanted to find out if it was Jaedong hyung.
Savior: I went to find out too. So I went to Memory and told him about it, and said, "hey, who's this Terran? I think it's Sea." I thought it was either Sea or Flash.
Savior: I was like, I think that's the style, it's either one of those two.
Savior: You asked if I was a progamer, didn't you.
Flash: Yeah. You said I was right.
Jaedong: Yeah, so I guess you played enough to know that.
Savior: Yeah, right. Progamers just know when they play each other.
***Added vd trans by dasanivan.