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vp- bunker FE vs standard
9 depo
11 rax
12 gas
13 scout (N search)
15 depo(with rax scv)
@88 gas -2 scv
17 factory
22 CC (low ground)+ add on + 1 gas (2 on gas)
23 bunker+1 gas (total 3)
24 depo
27 aca
32 armory @2nd tank
2nd gas @ 2 tanks
38 2x scan asap
2nd factory
+1 when armory done
siege mode after +1 is researching
scan @ first goliath
- 3 gate=not reaver
- 2 gate=cannot rule out reaver
3rd cc
starport @ 50% +1+ebay (~72)
After 4 goliaths->vultures
3rd fact as you start vultures
science facility @ 100% starport+ 2nd armory
Vulture speed after 3rd
save up gas for 9 factories as soon as gas allows
~~ begin building depo 3 at a time, produce 8 vulture, 1 tank constantly)
After 9 factory built->add on+vessel
After vessel->mine upgrade
In the past I have played broodwar with a midi keyboard, the parallels between playing piano and playing broodwar never eluded me. I found a TvP build order, and the regular notation always seemed so clunky, compared to the beauty that is sheet music.
Transcribing build orders into sheet music might only be appreciated by broodwar musicians, not many I suspect. I reuse a lot of concepts form music, as sheet music is also a recipe for actions in time. It concerns with orders of things, simultaneous, sequential. I'm still in the early phase of bending this notation to broodwar, but these are the ideas so far:
- cc, depot and scv are lower, middle and upper c
- buildings on the lower staff, a descending triad following the tech tree
- barracks: a
- factory: f
- starport: d
- barracks: a
- units on the upper staff, following their buildings
- marine (baracks): a
- vulture (factory): f,
- tank: e (i thought of making it f-flatto follow the addon?)
- goliath: g (similarly, f-sharp?)
- tank: e (i thought of making it f-flatto follow the addon?)
- dropship (starport): d
- marine (baracks): a
- addons are flat: b
- acadamy: b barracks
- fac addon: b factory
- port addon: b port
- acadamy: b barracks
- upgraders are sharp: #
- engineering bay: # barracks
- armory: # factory
- science facility: # port
- engineering bay: # barracks
- upgrades are staccato: . (dot)
- siege (factory addon upgrade): b f-dot
- +1 attack (factory upgrader (armory) upgrade): # f-dot
- siege (factory addon upgrade): b f-dot
- expression:
- prerequisites: when "b" is done immediately upon completion of "a", they are connected with slurs: a~~~~b
- timings are noted where applicable: supply, mineral and gas timings. When timings are let go, they are denoted with a fermata, the little umbrella.
- domino cascade: things happening almost at the same time, depending on each other, are noted with an arpeggio: the squiggly vertical line.
- unit timings are a bit off, as it is not prescribed in the original build order.
- prerequisites: when "b" is done immediately upon completion of "a", they are connected with slurs: a~~~~b
All these concepts are explained in the partiture the first time they are encountered. Later releases with build orders for professionals will omit these explainers, resulting in a cleaner sheet. Multiple openers can be printed on a single sheet, and the concept can be expanded to all matchups and races.
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% lilypond code to generate the sheet above
upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 2 c8^scv c c c |
c c c c c c c c |
c-> c c ces^88 <ces a>-marine ces <ces a> ces |
<c a> c <c! a>^100 c <c e,>-tank( c c c |
<c e,> c c c) c c c c |
c c c c <c g>-goliath c <c g> c |
<c g> c <c g> c <c f,>-"vulture"\arpeggio <c f,> <c f,> <c f,>\fermata \bar "||"
<e, f> f f f f f f f
lower = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 2 c2-cc |
r^5 c'4^9-depot a8^11-rax( bes^12-gas |
r4^13 c4^15) f,2^17-fac |
r8 c16^22 fes-"addon" b8^23-bunker c^24 r4 aes^27-"academy"( |
r4 r8 <fis bes>^32-"armory" r2 |
r8 cis16-"scanner"^38) cis f4\fermata \slurHalfSolid fis8-.-"+1"( fes-.-"siege" r4 |
c4 d8-"port")\( ais'-ebay f4\arpeggio dis8-"scifa"\) fis16 fes16-.-"speed"
\tuplet 3/2 {f4^4 f^5 f^6}
\tuplet 3/2 {f4^7 f^8 f^9}
\score {
%\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "TvP" }
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower
\layout { }
\midi { }
Let me know what you think. Keep in mind that this is not a serious effort, but it's also a very serious effort.