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Patch 9.16: Live on Aug. 14, 2019
Team Fight Tactics Patch 9.16: Live on Aug 14, 2019
The rework for Pantheon "The Unbreakable Spear" will be released in this patch. Find out more here.
+ Show Spoiler [Previous GD Threads & Patch Notes] +
Eternals costs an inordinate amount for what amounts to achievements.
Cost for every single champ according to reddit is around 2k. It's a crazy amount of money. Even if it's for the 5 champs you play the most, it's still the price of a brand new title.
That's more money than I've spent on skins and such, and I crossed the 200 skins mark earlier this year. It's crazy.
I'm purely f2p in dota because I don't want to get roped in all over again on a secondary game but I think you need to maintain a subscription for stat tracking in that game, so in a way this is maybe better? that being said their implementation of "battle passes" is so incredibly bad where you pay as much as a legendary skin to get the ability to choose between a legendary skin or the other rewards after 120 games , I wouldn't be surprised if my lack of knowlege on how dota+ works is the only reason I don't see how much of a scam this is
as far as the patch notes I just want to say I don't find syndra to be a particularly interesting champion so I'm dissapointed to see that she will most likely be meta both in my games and at worlds
On August 14 2019 10:35 Slusher wrote: as far as the patch notes I just want to say I don't find syndra to be a particularly interesting champion so I'm dissapointed to see that she will most likely be meta both in my games and at worlds
Now we get to see Perkz Syndra bot again thO!
It's already risen to 42.32% jungle, but fallen to 41.7% top.
He's omega OP(!!!!) in mid with an insane 16% winrate.... isn't that the lowest winrate in history?
But I think we need to give him a few days before we can use the stats for anything. It is pretty interesting considering the 16% mid that he has been completely manhandling Trist, Irelia and Azir mid according to the (very small sized) data so far.
Triforce into Shojin has the highest winrate on lolanalytics?? I have absolutely no idea what to think of him.
Irelia and azir are just bad win rate champions independent of their strength
Winrates mean nothing, especially early on. Yuumi had a sub 40% winrate (I think it was like 35%?) on release and was the most broken champion in the game.
That’s not 100% true, she was way better than her win rate for sure but she got giga buffed within 24 hours so we’ll never know the true strength of launch Yuumi
(But win rates are a very poor indicator to be sure)
I'm only mildly sympathetic to people who discount winrates early on. Its valid only sometimes, typically when some new thing is being added or some new combination. Pantheon's rework is just pantheon with skillshots.
importance of winrate I think is somewhere in the middle depending on the similarity to other(not necessarily existing) champs and the complexity of the champ.
Anything in the 45-48% range is probably fine for a new champ. If it's 50% and above there's going to be a huge problem.
The winrate of pantheon currently I would say warrants looking at, but not hotfixing buffs yet either.
He's old pantheon with less damage and counterplay. Of course he's bad.
He gets pooped on by like all the real top laners. Like, by soloqueue pickrate its: Aatrox, Akali, Renekton, Fiora, Darius, Riven, Irelia, Jax, Kled, and then Vladimir. Aside from Vlad, the best winrate he has vs that group is Riven at 46% per my perusal, and like he just gets pooped on all game. Its not even like he wins CS/m early or something.
His best jungle matchup he only wins 47.6% of the time vs warwick. Idk, thats like... super low. Considering he loses to some champs 70% of the time.
Thing is he is just so bad at dueling its kinda gross.
I think it's way too early to say anything about him.
With data from lolanalytics he has a 46% against Irelia in top but 57% against her in mid. Beat Akali in top but lose in mid. His winning item builds are all over the place and have changed literally since my last post earlier today.
Earlier it was Trifoce into Shojin now it's Cleaver into Titanic with the highest third item being offtank like GA, Sterak and DD. Both seem to suggest he's not a lethality user anymore despite it stacking it early still being the most popular.
I'm probably wrong but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's sleeper OP like Aatrox was on rework where everyone also called him horrible.
Riot's in a difficult position in terms of balancing new champs. They can leave them for a patch or two to get balanced by the player base figuring out the best way to play them OR they can just buff them to relevance instantly and get the play rate numbers up for the champ.
If they go down the first route they risk the chance of the champ becoming a troll pick and its pick rate plummeting and probably never recovering. If they go down the second route they might have to deal with balancing the champ for several patches.
They've clearly leaned on the second route for the most part tho.
Seems like they are hotfixing him for jungle, so I suppose they are going to bruteforce him into it.
EDIT: I've been following his stats closely since release because I found his 60+% winrate on release vs Trist and Azir mid unbelievable surprising.
Bulky Cleaver first into damage items with secondary defensive builds is starting to sit consistent as the superior item builds. His winrate appear to has been slowly improving as data rolls in against everything non-juggernauts and tanks where it appear to keeps falling. I suppose since he cannot touch tanks/juggernauts and he need to build bulky he completely falls off as he's a far inferior frontline compared to them?
His stun shouldn't be dashable, I'm fine with being able to flash it.
wtf at the new login client? why change the login client only and leave the actual client the way it is....
It's all the small indie company can afford.
That's good to hear.
Point and click stuns are good for the health of the game tbh, with how much mobility there is.