The queue stops, -now it is time to play
A PvZ on Roadkill? I guess this is today.
I can't pick my matchups, I guess it is okay
I have to endure this pain, I can't put it away
Forge at eleven supply, it is the way
Cannon on thirteen, that I cannot delay
My trusty probe scouts pool gas - oh yay
I have to be careful now, lings are on the way
I block with my probes, they shall be the lings pray
But now what? I cannot scout - I am at bay
I have to get a probe past, lead the lings astray
I tried to do that, - but there is no way
The lings have speed, - they just slay
Suddenly I see hydras, my tech that I have to delay
I add cannons, but its too late, I am in dismay
My probes are fighting hydras - a terrible affray
And my base becomes a zergs buffet
No worries, its just one game - we all lose to cheese
Losses happen to everyone, I must not be at unease
I queue again, the que pops - I am at displease
Another PvZ? Why do you do this to me? - Oh geez
This time the game is shorter, it passes by like a breeze
My opponent went for mass lings, through my wall they squeeze
I am really disappointed in myself, I'm such a sleaze
I feel sick inside, like I just drunk a bottle of antifreeze
Fast forward a bit, 11 PvZs in a row
I get cheesed by zergs, fun - wow
But I guess, It is what it is- you reap what you sow
Maybe this is punishment for cheesing in PvT, many moons ago
Yet I feel like this all shouldn't be happening, didn't Blizzard get the memo?
I just want to be able to racepick again, abandon this idiotic show
I don't want to play protoss versus zergs, I wish that I could veto
I'd just like to play Starcraft the same way I did, a long time ago
A PvZ on Roadkill? I guess this is today.
I can't pick my matchups, I guess it is okay
I have to endure this pain, I can't put it away
Forge at eleven supply, it is the way
Cannon on thirteen, that I cannot delay
My trusty probe scouts pool gas - oh yay
I have to be careful now, lings are on the way
I block with my probes, they shall be the lings pray
But now what? I cannot scout - I am at bay
I have to get a probe past, lead the lings astray
I tried to do that, - but there is no way
The lings have speed, - they just slay
Suddenly I see hydras, my tech that I have to delay
I add cannons, but its too late, I am in dismay
My probes are fighting hydras - a terrible affray
And my base becomes a zergs buffet
No worries, its just one game - we all lose to cheese
Losses happen to everyone, I must not be at unease
I queue again, the que pops - I am at displease
Another PvZ? Why do you do this to me? - Oh geez
This time the game is shorter, it passes by like a breeze
My opponent went for mass lings, through my wall they squeeze
I am really disappointed in myself, I'm such a sleaze
I feel sick inside, like I just drunk a bottle of antifreeze
Fast forward a bit, 11 PvZs in a row
I get cheesed by zergs, fun - wow
But I guess, It is what it is- you reap what you sow
Maybe this is punishment for cheesing in PvT, many moons ago
Yet I feel like this all shouldn't be happening, didn't Blizzard get the memo?
I just want to be able to racepick again, abandon this idiotic show
I don't want to play protoss versus zergs, I wish that I could veto
I'd just like to play Starcraft the same way I did, a long time ago