Grrrr 70Games 45W 25L (64.29%)
GARIMTO 64Games 43W 21L (67.19%)
HOT 88Games 54W34 (61.36%)
Byun 78Games 49W 29L (62.82%)
SKELTON 76Games 43W 33L (56.58%)
ChRh 66Games 41W 25L (62.12%)
BoxeR 71Games 40W 31L (56.34%)
TheMarine 57Games 36W 21L (63.16%)
TheBoy 56Games 29W 27L (51.79%)
Eagle 44Games 24W 20L (54.55%)
Best player of 2000: Grrrr...
-Hanaro OSL 1st
-2000 king of king 1st
-Freechal OSL RO8
BoxeR 179Games 138W41L (77.09%)
TheMarine 135Games 93W 42L (68.89%)
YellOw 91Games 59W 32L (64.84%)
Rain 111Games 61W 50L (54.95%)
ChRh 103Games 60W 43L (58.25%)
HOT 105Games 59W 46L (56.19%)
GARIMTO 78Games 44W 34L (56.41%)
JinNam 83Games 42W 41L (50.6%)
NaDa 53Games 35W 18L (66.04%)
Side 67Games 43W 24L (64.18%)
Best player of 2001: BoxeR
-Hanbitsoft OSL 1st
-Coca Cola OSL 1st
-SKY2001 OSL 2nd
NaDa 239Games 169W 70L (70.71%)
YellOw 200Games 135W 65L (67.5%)
Reach 182Games 106W 76L (58.24%)
BoxeR 169Games 102W 67L (60.36%)
JinNam 188Games 98W 90L (52.13%)
Junwi 151Games 94W 57L (62.25%)
Sync 146Games 88W 58L (60.27%)
HOT 147Games 88W 59L (59.86%)
Zeus 138Games 77W 61L (55.8%)
ArtOfHan 127Games 77W 47L (62.1%)
Best player of 2002: NaDa
-KPGA 1st
-panasonic OSL 1st
-iTV 1st
NaDa 179Games 117W 62L (65.36%)
iloveoov 81Games 64W 17L (79.01%)
rA 96Games 62W 34L (64.58%)
YellOw 164Games 99W 65L (60.37%)
XellOs 121Games 77W 44L (63.64%)
ChoJJa 159Games 97W 62L (61.01%)
BoxeR 133Games 73W 60L (54.89%)
Sync 136Games 85W 51L (62.5%)
Reach 126Games 68W 58L (53.97%)
Junwi 120Games 63W 57L (52.5%)
Best player of 2003: NaDa
-4 times in MSL Final, in row!
iloveoov 133Games 85W 48L (63.91%)
NaDa 142Games 92W 50L (64.79%)
July 138Games 90W 48L (65.22%)
XellOs 111Games 73W 38L (65.77%)
BoxeR 113Games 61W 52L (53.98%)
Reach 101Games 60W 41L (59.41%)
Kingdom 105Games 59W 46L (56.19%)
GoRush 85Games 55W 30L (64.71%)
Goodfriend 99Games 55W 44L (55.56%)
Midas 96Games 66W 30L (68.75%)
Best player of 2004: iloveoov
-he got nicks like, Cheat terran, Monster Terran, Machine
-he beat YellOw、NaDa、Kingdom、BoxeR
-MSL 1st, 3 times in row
iloveoov 92Games 59W 33L (64.13%)
NaDa 127Games 71W 56L (55.91%)
July 126Games 69W 57L (54.76%)
XellOs 102Games 60W 42L (58.82%)
BoxeR 96Games 58W 38L (60.42%)
IPXZerg (sAviOr) 84Games 53W 31L (63.1%)
Anytime 83Games 44W 39L (53.01%)
Pusan 86Games 53W 33L (61.63%)
Goodfriend 77Games 47W 30L (61.04%)
YellOw 90Games 47W 43L (52.22%)
Best player of 2005: iloveoov
- iloveoov was still best player, but other players like: NaDa、BoxeR、XellOs、July、IPXZerg (sAviOr)、GoRush、rA、Reach、Anytime were also showing good shape.
IPXZerg (sAviOr) 109Games 79W 30L (72.48%)
NaDa 118Games 72W 46L (61.02%)
iloveoov 95Games 59W 36L (62.11%)
Midas 91Games 58W 33L (63.74%)
Casy 70Games 40W 30L (57.14%)
July 85Games 54W 31L (63.53%)
rA 82Games 48W 34L (58.54%)
Jaedong 71Games 46W 25L (64.79%)
JJu 72Games 39W 33L (54.17%)
Best player of 2006: IPXZerg (sAviOr)
-5 times in MSL Final, in row!(he won 3 of them)
Jaedong 112Games 73W 39L (65.18%)
Stork 140Games 99W 41L (70.71%)
Bisu 130Games 83W 47L (63.85%)
IPXZerg (sAviOr) 151Games 94W 57L (62.25%)
Hwasin 130Games 83W 47L (63.85%)
Sea 107Games 71W 36L (66.36%)
free 102Games 60W 42L (58.82%)
Iris 99Games 58W 41L (58.59%)
Anytime 82Games 49W 33L (59.76%)
GGPlay 89Games 47W 42L (52.81%)
Best player of 2007: Jaedong
-Stork got good Stats, but always lose in the final
-Bisu was good, but not very stable (he might lose to a bad player sometimes, and the loss to InteR.Mind was a shock to many ppl)
-Jaedong, the new revolution of zerg
Flash 90Games 65W 25L
Jaedong 67Games 45W 22L
Best 39Games 29W 10L
Sea 62Games 39W 23L
Stork 65Games 35W 30L
JangBi 52Games 33W 19L
Kal 52Games 30W 22L
Luxury 47Games 29W 18L
Hwasin 51Games 29W 22L
Mind 58Games 29W 29L
Best player of 2008: to be continued
Credit: LinYu)CoBeT